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Everything posted by greendevil

  1. I heard that Dayton's Coach will not return for 08-09....Any info or candidates?
  2. I can see that... I wasn't saying who I think is the best junior player in DIII but just don't think it can be determined yet. I will say this, I saw both of them last year and think they both showed that they had some trouble handling adversity. As long as they stay away from being the type that lose it at teammates etc. it could be fun watching them the next couple years in DIII because they both can play. For whomever said that Bryan could've taken any defensive player in the region to the basket last year, JMO, but I think that is mistaken. While not many players had the footspeed and quickness to play 1 on 1 with him, quick guards that could match those attributes could slow him. I think this is why St. Henry had success, because they had a lot of speed. And just throwing this out because there was talk of "any defensive player in the region" etc.... No way Bryan would own Henderson to the basket. Maybe 2 guys did that all last season, McGraw and depending on who you are talking Miller... Bryan, while a really good player, isn't near that level...
  3. On the Weathers issue, I don't think he would still be around if he wasn' t of some value to the team, but like I posted earlier, don't think he is deserving of the pressure situations at this point... I thought they would run Bray back out for the ninth.... Seems he has been pitching really well since being recalled...
  4. Ours held its own. I just don't think Weathers is the guy for pressure situations...
  5. Well there goes the win streak... That is a game you should have won... When you get 5-2 leads you are supposed to win that one... Actually looks like it would have been better for the Reds for Penny to stay in...
  6. I love your optimism... The focus was Love... Its not in question... Bryan got a lot of attention too, beacause that was 90% of their offense. And of those 30 to 40 shots a game opening up how many of them are you going to give Bryan? 20? That would give him usually around 35 to 45 shots a game if you keep the number of shots he took last year. He's a good player, but he isn't going to win the games by himself... I don't see him dropping 60 on anybody...
  7. This arguement is getting confusing...
  8. :lol::lol:Wow... Thats all I can say...:laugh::laugh::laugh:
  9. Here is the roster page... http://www.usabasketball.com/men_team.php?page=msnt_roster
  10. He's not on the US senior national team roster... Got that right from team USA basketball's page... I was wondering the same thing. I know he played in 2000...
  11. Coach K has already stated that the "locks" and focus of the team will be Kobe, Lebron, and Dwight Howard. Everyone else will be the guys that play their role the best. After the season he had, I don't see how they could leave out Paul. It's hard to find your "pure shooter" on that list but I could see Joe Johnson doing something like that. Tayshaun Prince would draw the oppositions best perimeter player, while Chandler could do a lot of garbage damage inside. If you are going to take another PG with the last spot, take Chauncey Billups over Jason Kidd... So I think that gives me Kobe Lebron D.Howard Tyson Chandler Joe Johnson Chris Paul Tayshaun Prince Chauncey Billups/Deron Williams Undecided on the other 3 or 4...
  12. Coach K says that they should have the 12 selected by the end of June... Who will it be? Carmelo Anthony Gilbert Arenas Shane Battier Chauncey Billups Carlos Boozer Chris Bosh Bruce Bowen Elton Brand Kobe Bryant Tyson Chandler Nick Collison Kevin Durant Kirk Hinrich Dwight Howard LeBron James Antawn Jamison Joe Johnson Jason Kidd Shawn Marion Brad Miller Mike Miller Adam Morrison Greg Oden Lamar Odom Chris Paul Paul Pierce Tayshaun Prince Michael Redd J.J. Redick Luke Ridnour Amare Stoudemire Dwyane Wade Deron Williams
  13. So did you not like the song because you didn't like the song or because you don't define it as country music?
  14. Watching the Preakness was amazingly impressive... If you heard Desourmeaux in his post race analysis it really was something to see... Coming around the last turn before the stretch he had his horse running third and he was holding him back. And it was easy to see that once he hit the stretch and he let him loose... Amazing how much of an extra gear he has comparative to the other horses...
  15. What exactly were you all looking to see with their performances. I don't think any of them were bad...
  16. If it was the school that I had grown up playing for and watching their higher level teams then I would do what they asked of me, and feel a responsibility to better the program. I don't know these kids stories, so if they were the kind that were bouncin' around from school to school in grade school and just decided that VMA was a nice middle school then I completely understand. However, if they decided that once they got into middle school that it might be a little harder to compete and then decided to switch schools, I don't agree with it and I wouldn't do it. Not saying that it is wrong or illegal. But I personally don't like it and wouldn't do it... JMO...
  17. No way Villa was the favorite last year... Beechwood was... Bellevue had a strong underrated senior class, no one expected Kessen to be as good as he ended up being for them after being primarily a spot shooter in years past... Not doubting Bryan, but just off the top of my head... There was a lot said about the Pohlgeers kid from Beechwood last year, Young from Bellevue really contributed last season, and the other sophomore to make the DIII all conference team was Eastin from Dayton, who in their head to head matchup last season outscored Bryan... Villa and Bellevue will both be young with some talent but not much experience next season. I like Ludlow because while they lost a lot, they have Williamson coming back and they had one of if not the best JV team in the conference. I agree with you about Dayton because their sophomore class was so big and senior/junior classes so small last year that a lot of their talented younger guys got a lot of game experience.... Oh I don't know... Just taking a shot in the dark with this one but maybe because you can't send multiple defenders at a guy when he can pass the ball to the conference player of the year...
  18. Whoa.... I would take KG, then Billups, Sheed, Pierce, Rip, then Tay. JMO... On a side note, maybe Ray Allen will decide to show up for this series?
  19. Oh I read what you said... I don't think that is the kind of line Villa should be drawing with one player coming back from their rotation last year no matter how good he is... Bryan may be the best player in the conference, but he might not even be the best player in his class in the conference. Villa has a lot more developing to do with their "role players" than the schools I mentioned...
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