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Everything posted by ChickenWyngz

  1. I hated the thought of this signing at the start of the offseason, but you're getting to the point of this being the best option to help the offense.
  2. What is Lynn Bowden's future in the NFL? No doubt he had to go as his stock is never getting higher. I keep thinking a Belicheck, Pete Carroll, or Sean Payton could make him a superstar!
  3. Pats coming off two losses, I love it.. one less week to worry about the Red Rifle screwing up the drafting of his successor.
  4. Kinda off topic, any of y'all know what happened to the old thread we had dedicated to crockpot/slow cooker recipes?
  5. So why would you not forgo a varsity season and either play freshmen only, or figure out a way to be JV only (would be harder to find games that way) and start from the bottom up on developing a program. I think of how Walton Verona started their football program from the bottom up and allowed success and meaningful reps against appropriate competition to facilitate in a successful launch of varsity football.
  6. I'm 11,291 days old! Crazy to think of it that way.
  7. I kinda wish Jarron Cumberland would have tried going pro last year. Not for any negative reason in regards to the team, but because now he is beginning to raise questions about health/effort. I have no doubt a healthy Jarron is great for the Bearcats, but it's been a rough few weeks for the man!
  8. In an arena, stadium or car, those are seats not chairs. I'm not sure why there is a difference in my mind, but there is.
  9. I want to know what in the world y'all are doing on smoke breaks for this discussion to even come up.
  10. Ah, I thought you meant going forward. They made several moves in the minor leagues, but on the big league club they fire Turner Ward.
  11. Where is the football in this still frame? Also, at what point in the video is the still frame taken? That's the problem with still frames and our society today, we can make it whatever we need it to be. I could have an entire video of a man catching a falling baby, but if I manipulate it and still frame it correctly I have footage of a man throwing an innocent baby in the air. I'll also point out this is all from a NKY resident who has never even seen either team play, so no dog in the fight.
  12. Hard to tell anything conclusive in that video, but I would lean toward him getting in. One thing people have to remember is the nose of the football has to barely cross only the FRONT of that goal line. It does not have to go all the way over the goal line, or even stay across the goal line. I will say the official was on it (hard not to be given the play starting at the 3) and without absolutely clear evidence I would have to go with what he saw.
  13. NFL Countdown recently did a very cool feature story about Anthony Lynn building a school for children in Tanzania that would not otherwise have the luxury of an education. The feature concluded with Rex Ryan breaking down into tears while trying to discuss just how genuine of a person Anthony Lynn is. We don't see enough of this in today's sports. Click the link before to watch the feature.
  14. This is the kind of guy Saban will pick up to coach at Bama.
  15. If that was going to happen it would have been immediately after the season.
  16. The worker has been found. May he Rest In Peace.
  17. Story This is the story explaining the event. There were 5 total workers unaccounted for initially, but it is now down to just the one.
  18. I was surprised not to see this be a topic of conversation. As of right now, they're bringing in heavy machines to chip away at the now hardened concrete that fell from the floor above. They're doing this in hope of finding a worker who is still unaccounted for. It's been a incredible (although an awful event) effort to watch from afar. At the height of the operation yesterday, CFD had over 100 firefighters working in unison to try to rescue the worker. I am hoping and praying they are able to find the worker and bring closure for the family before the holiday, but it will still be an awful holiday for them. Someones relative went to work to provide for those they care about and never made it home... gut wrenching.
  19. I agree. Not worth the risk of injury in a contract year at this point, and every day that he is a thorn in the side of the Bengals (by keeping the media asking questions) increases the chance they don't franchise him. I do think they will franchise him though.
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