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Everything posted by ChickenWyngz

  1. This I agree with. It would be ugly initially, but coaches and players would adapt with time.
  2. I disagree on this. I have experience with one of the bigger schools in the state and it is is still an issue to find people to cover the scoreboard, scorebook, etc, already. It would be one more thing you have to fill. Maybe it could be something assigners organize, and be a job for older/retired officials to work for 15-20 bucks a game. Of course then you add to the financial burden.
  3. That's the most concerning part! This is exactly what Cincinnati sports are AWFUL at!
  4. I could never get mine down to a small enough file, so I just stopped trying :lol2:
  5. You forgot the last stat. He threw an extraordinary number of pick 6's in all 3 locations.
  6. Love it. Give them the opportunity, but do not make it an absolute right. They have to earn it with behavior (and I would imagine academics once in school).
  7. I'm sorry sir, I'll be sure to stay off your lawn. Things are a lot different than they were years ago. Cost of tuition is much higher among other things. I can't imagine, ever, feeling like tax dollars paying for education as a bad thing. It will have a direct benefit on the communities and the area to have more educated adults.
  8. Not his best look. Also, in post game, struck me as that miserable ego driven person who absolutely will not apologize even while admitting they were in the wrong.
  9. But he was 33% from 50 or more, ranking him 30th in the NFL for the year from that distance. He is 45% in his career. 11 NFL kickers did not miss from 50 plus last year (granted Randy had more chances than some of them). In the NFL the kicker can be an extra weapon, in Cincinnati it isn't.
  10. Move it to the 35 so the team is at the 50 if they convert. It'll make things more interesting to be 1 first down away from field goal range, unless you're the Bengals... Randy B would miss that kick.
  11. Coach Carr has the Dawgs going in the right direction, but the Camels were also without at least one starter and one other that was playing sick. Unfortunately it sounds like sickness is making its run through the locker room right now. Better now than at district/region Tourney time though.
  12. Probably, always stings more to lose to a rival. Or worse, see them have great success.
  13. I appreciate your opinion and know you're not the only one that thinks this way. What do you believe a QB should do to be in the hall? Or what do you not believe he has done?
  14. Officially announced his retirement today. Now for the sports talk argument. Is he a Hall of Famer?
  15. This kicks off 3 Saturday's from now. The Bengals have been done long enough that I'm officially interested!
  16. Only 20 more years for this guy.... you lucky dog! I will have my time in at my current job at 49 years old. I have always told my wife I will retire at that age as long as we can make it work financially. My opinion is that I can always go back to work, volunteer, etc, if I get bored but I've earned my time and I'm going to see how long it takes to make fishing and golf boring. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
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