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Everything posted by ChickenWyngz

  1. Just proves the apology meant nothing and he is doing every ploy he can think of to shorten the suspension in my opinion.
  2. Burger King is being sued by a vegan man who is doing so because his Impossible Whopper was contaminated by being cooked on the same grill as real beef. We will sue for anything now a days. The man acknowledges that he did not ask for the beef to be prepared in any special way away from beef, but says he should not have to. Sadly in 2019, the man may walk with some cash as a settlement, but if I'm BK I fight it to the end.
  3. What do you make of it? I can't figure out how much I hate it vs how much I realize part of the game is trying to gain an edge and get signs. The use of a camera is what makes this so troubling.
  4. Pumpkin Pie with an entire (ok maybe less) container of cool whip.
  5. **Do not make this political** It's not a specific event, but I go back to the fact that many American's had no idea Franklin Roosevelt was bound to a wheel chair and stood behind a podium with the assistance of leg braces and canes. It was hidden due to the fact that it would symbolize weakness in our country's strongest figure. In today's world this would be photographed by now and well known by many. Makes me also wonder, if it was known a candidate was bound to a wheelchair, would they have a real chance of winning? Social media could have changed history.
  6. The bottom line is that as boring as this playoff system is in the first 2 rounds (and it is) it solved exactly what they wanted to. Your first couple of rounds (usual blowout games) were played in a closer driving distance to have a chance to up gates and cut down on the cost to the schools that drive 2 hours knowing a spanking is coming (buses aren't free), and their fans are much more likely to show up 25 minutes away. Many schools actually lost money in the playoffs. You're now into the 3rd round and having to travel a bit, but the reality is that if you win enough you're going to travel at some point.
  7. The other threads took off and gave some valuable information. It's time to discuss ribs. Where you goin?
  8. Being up on the #10 team in the nation, who was considered a favorite to make the playoffs, with a guy calling plays considered one of the best to be doing so, and a QB who was a heisman favorite is a lot different than being up on a team who is 4 and 5 including 2 and 4 in your conference which includes a loss to an abysmal Tennessee team.
  9. I think the QB should get something as well. Yes, he definitely tried to rip the helmet off. Also, yes, he was trying to fight him, but you can't clock a dude with a helmet. It's all about appropriate force there. You can carry a weapon to protect yourself when you go out to dinner, but you can't use said weapon on a guy wanting to fight you in the parking lot if it hasn't escalated past that.
  10. I agree completely. Sometimes I just want a Wendy's burger. It's probably 1a and 1b with a Whopper as far as fast food burgers for me.
  11. Winning has nothing to do with some of the other stuff... BUT taking care of the other things can generally help in winning.
  12. One thing I'll miss if I ever move on from the crockpot is that feeling of being at work and knowing you have something tender and and delicious waiting in the crockpot at home. Then you get into that smell when you walk into the house after a long day.... Instapot can't recreate that for me.
  13. I think we're looking at this all wrong if we're looking from a HS perspective. All I see is wins and losses. Is the coach turning out quality young men? Are the kids passing classes? Are kids competing to the final whistle and learning to battle adversity? Are the kids being taught the importance of knowing where you're from and giving back? There's so much more to it than the wins and losses.
  14. IMO lower levels success rarely correlates with varsity success, but I am not well versed in what is going on at Ryle enough to speak more specifically about it in this situation.
  15. @theguru, what direction did you go?
  16. The burger thread took off. Where am I going if I wan't the best pizza in Greater Cincinnati?
  17. I've tried all of the others except Gordo's. None of them shocked me.... Then here you come, blowing my mind. I don't know that I've ever looked at Peecox and decided I wanted to eat there! Now I'll stop just driving by.
  18. Where you going in Greater Cincinnati if you want the best burger you can find?
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