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Everything posted by Asher2012

  1. one dimensional. 2 long touchdown passes and converted a 3rd and 13 to set up 3rd score.
  2. No way Cooper misses the playoffs. Grant is very bad again, watched them against LLoyd and Walton. They might be able to compete in Class A. Their low numbers and failure to get all the athletes to play has hurt their program. With that said: Conner is favorite because of QB, however, the district is wide open which makes the Cooper and Scott game very important. I believe Scott wins because Cooper wont stop them. Their QB and WR (Morgan) are very good and could keep them in the game. If Scott wins this game they will get on a roll. This game sets the momentum for the rest of the year.
  3. Scott staff tried to keep it from getting ugly. But when you have a pick 6, a fumble recovered to 8 yd line, a punt snap over the Punter's head about 8 yds, and a punt return it is hard. They took knees to end drives. Aiken's staff is first class and their kids played so hard and and with class.
  4. Coach Dan Ridder is now the Curriculum Director and Assistant Superintendent at Bellevue (his Alma mater). He was a finalist for the Superintendent job last year at Dayton and the hiring committee dropped the ball and chose a good leader, but Coach would of been an injection of hope and love that the City and School system needed.
  5. I was on the losing team and this was the first time I watched it. Tears running down my face. However, what this game meant to the players on both sides and to the fans was even greater. This loss became great motivation for many to become good people today. This game and Dan Ridder lead me to the path I am now on. I coach varsity sports, work with special needs children, and I raise my son how Coach Ridder raised us, Devils; play hard, play emotional, be respectful. My home life as a kid was hell and if not for him and my team mates things my be different, for the worse. On a lighter note, I thought I could never befriend a Beechwood kid because of what the took from me. As life progresses you realize that it was a competition and there is a winner and a loser. I believe that is what is lost in youth sports today, that there is a winner/loser, and how we handle that and what lesson learned from the outcome molds us into people. They were they better team that night. My hatred became respect and fondness. I can honestly say a good friend of mine is a Beechwood grad and my boss on the gridiron. It is a bond we can share; he says they won and I say we were the better team/ and put the fear of death into a Dynasty. Much respect to Beechwood and Coach Yeagle and love to my Coach and team mates. Please watch when game ends Coach Yeagle sprints across field to embrace Coach Ridder. Great respect there and two of the best in Class A football.
  6. Brody puts a smile on everyone's face. Love you Brody and Congrats; you have earned it!!
  7. What does it say about a program when someone boasts about beating your freshmen team. In the end it is not bragging, it is a Big time deal. Being form a small school in NKY, anytime we beat Beechwood, NCC, or a bigger school at any level/sport it was a BIG deal. Those schools are striving to be what Highlands/Beechwood/NCC are and that is perennial powers in their division (statewide). It is major respect as long as they don't take it too far! Congrats to SK and best of luck to all teams and may GOD Bless all the athletes and protect them from injury!
  8. Twenhofel and its Head Coach, Steve Funke, play a HUGE role in the "feeder" system as well. The school had 900 kids in it and never had a football team until a great staff was put together and within 2 years developed kids like Jordan Hansel who had never played football before and were Top 2 teams in the NKY Middle School league and then in 3rd year they dominated everyone in NKY and won the title. Hats off to Jerry Cline (original H.C. at Twenhofel), Steve Funke (SK grad., teacher at Twenhofel, and current coach, Mike Walls (was O.C. & D.C. at Dayton and now at Scott), and Jason Steffen (current HC at Ludlow M.S.). So I believe, with two major and successful feeder programs working together, SK should be top 2 in NKY 6A and among Top 10 in State every year for near future.
  9. Consider that 90% of Scott's varsity team from last year were Juniors. The JV team that played Walton last year was the same JV team this year. Scott had 9 starters on offense that were Jr's and 8 on Defense were JR's. Those kids didn't play JV.
  10. Top Ten: 1. Highlands 2A.Conner 2B. SK 4. Cov Cath (injury bug is killing them) 5. Scott 6. Ryle 7. Cooper 8. NCC 9. Dixie 10A. Beechwood 10B. Campbell Co. Lloyd and Walton getting some recognition.
  11. Scott's starters played 3 series and scored on 2 of the 3. Then they subbed their juniors who play zero varsity in to the game and that is when Walton had success on offense. Scott also kept in very vanilla on both sides of the ball. Base on defense (3-4) and power/counter on offense. Walton is a VERY GOOD 2A team. LLoyd and Walton are closing the distance on NCC, but it still is a rather large gap.
  12. i have not heard anything nor am I speculating. The QB play was not good last year and with the Air Raid Offense I believed this was what best suited UK and Towles. Also, with Barker coming in next year, this adds more competition.
  13. With Towles not listed as either the Starter or #2, does this mean he transfers?
  14. This game will be a very good game. I have to think Scott is better upfront and deeper and will wear Holmes down.
  15. ukfan, please! Both are much better!! However, I could see Mr. Powell being better when he is a senior. Castleman, Scruggs, and Harris from Highlands are top 3. Jaylean Beal and Mitchell Thomas are better than Powell, as of right now.
  16. The Scott QB got his off of scrambles and counters from defense spying RB's. Great game. O-Line was most deserving of MVP's.
  17. Dayton wins 20-14. Logan Brewer with 2 yard TD run for game winner with 2 minutes to go. Brossart drives the ball to 48 of Dayton and then Casey Pelgian is picked off by Senior CB, Ryan Meier.
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