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Everything posted by Pi

  1. Brooksville quiet. Not a word. Hoping they can get someone in before dead period.
  2. One source told me that no way has any particular coach already residing in the county applied for this job. Another source told me that same coach is trying to return to the orange and black, has interviewed, and is “begging” to come to Augusta.
  3. Been awful quiet in George Clooney’s hometown. Anyone heard anything??
  4. Concur. Preston went 1AA and OToole May have as well. Neither had the pedigree/hype of Pike. But I’d take either of them.
  5. Awfully quiet in Brooksville. Has anyone heard anything?
  6. I can’t help but wonder if this job is why Dave Brausch left Bracken co?
  7. Anyone know anything? I’ve heard 10,000 names but they all mean diddly.
  8. Rumors in Falmouth that there is an announcement coming tomorrow.
  9. Coach Brausch is no longer the head football coach for the Polar Bears. Job posted on KHSAA this week. Where do the Bears go from here?
  10. What’s the latest from Falmouth? Hearing interviews just happened??
  11. Interesting article. As far as the issue with the buyout that is likely code for if Xavier ever hires you to be their head coach then they will owe us a bunch of money.
  12. I still maintain the program was in good hands. And everything will be fine.
  13. Boosters tweeted today that there’s a meeting 4/25 to meet the new coach.
  14. I'm curious about your thoughts. I recently observed a twitter "beef" amongst some fans of a small school, about records, and them being broken. The issue: according to the best records the current coach has, a player is about to break the school record for hits. Others insist that since a decade or so of stats went "missing" that the record shouldn't count, or at best have an asterisk because those who protest say there is no way this record is correct. I call malarkey. The record is the record, you can't never give a kid a record again just because a generation is missing from the books. What do you think?
  15. Just announced the other day Brock Roberts an assistant at ML Collins is the new HC.
  16. Exactly. This isn’t the NCAA. This hire has to be a realistic fit into the school, the educational programming and the district of Kenton county. I think the pool is better now that people will know it can come with a teaching job, vs, hoping that one opens up after they’ve announced their departure. Woolley and the staff are still there, running weights and conditioning. Everything is fine. The AD is a former head and assistant coach and bleeds Eagle Blue. It’ll be fine.
  17. Is the PCHS administration going to have an influence in this hire? Or the AD? I’ve heard from reliable sources that this principal is not a major fan of athletics. Just a tolerater of them.
  18. I guess something went over my head here.
  19. It is safe to say that this man has a problem with alcohol.
  20. LOL. Exactly! May had never been in the fieldhouse before last night. And no doubt, he spent hours yesterday practicing that exact shot in the corner, just for that situation... :laugh:
  21. I’m assuming Western has a home game Tuesday night?
  22. The State of the Black Devils seems... precarious...
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