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Everything posted by kyyank

  1. No attitude. Incredulous? Bewildered? Flummoxed? Yes, I said flummoxed.
  2. Obviously. The fix is in and the pro's know how to game the system. Congrats Boone County.
  3. For 30 days I'd leave Gilligan in charge! If none of these guys are capable for that amount of time, I'd be worried.
  4. I never get the whole run for sherriff, judge, etc. It's got a Boss Hogg/Roscoe P Coltrane feel to it. And I'm not so sure on the duplicate County Sherriff vs County Police vs local police.
  5. They will print money there. It's McDonald's for Godssakes!On way home for a lot of folks. Close to the church. Close to the turnoff to Pendery Park. Close to NKU.
  6. Hit the Senate for first time. Sampled 2 orders of fries, roasted bone marrow, special hot dog (Mac and cheese, onion straws, chunks of steak), pulled pork and belly. Thumbs up. Was told 2 hour wait. Hit up Fountain Square. At 1 hour mark walked back to car and was texted had 10 minutes to get there. Made it.
  7. Some of this article is being debunked by the victims themselves. I'm sure there are issues but am reading that RS author took some liberties.
  8. I meant I hope your optimism/positivity translates into W's for the Cru.
  9. Hey, I hope you're right. Obviously Kunstek has stepped up his game, anyone else to surprise us?
  10. Problem with movie adaptations is the writer has to put his "spin" on the book. Why change the story if the book was, you know, a best seller?? The Sum of All Fears was a perfect train wreck of bad re-writing and casting, Affleck was a light weight.
  11. This is the BGP equivalent of "Is Richie Gonna Start"?
  12. This is why the more government gets involved the more chance for someone to profit, either side. Wish the government spent more time investigating the monopoly St E's has on NKY. This is where intervention is needed in healthcare. Alas, regulation (Certificate of need) prevents many providers from competing, limiting our options and driving up medical costs.
  13. "Yet Gruber joined the HHS payroll right after Obama took office, in March 2009. He was paid $392,600 to consult on ObamaCare. Some might call this kind of arrangement “corruption.” Minnesota paid him $400,000 of ObamaCare money to attend one meeting, print a copy of a report and participate in an e-mail list, The Washington Times reported. Wisconsin and Vermont each paid Gruber $400,000 for similar “work.” West Virginia, Maine, Colorado and Oregon also hired him, though the Times didn’t say how much they paid him. So Gruber has made more than $1.5 million from ObamaCare — that we know of. Nice gig if you can get it.
  14. Facts, numbers, and the truth are not on his side. Let him keep digging.
  15. One of the symptoms! There is a thing called a rear-view mirror. Use it. A recent phenomenon is a lot of folks not having a rear-view mirror. Is this a fad?
  16. Just another reason to question why Silver Grove is not absorbed into the Campbell County school system or is it just a matter of when? Are they down to a one room schoolhouse yet?
  17. Great song to play on a Sunday morning, coffee in hand, great instrumental in middle of song.
  18. Because contrary to what the flawed polls were telling you, she was never going to win. Polls that had no news bias associated with them had her losing the whole way.
  19. Anyone know the final varsity roster? Getting updates on the frosh is great and all but misleading. Other programs, as does CCH, have kids playing up on JV and varsity. Really meaningless unless the classes above are truly loaded preventing kids from playing up. With what CCH lost at varsity level, it's interesting to see who gets a shot from the underclassmen.
  20. Yep. Go to KHSAA site. In all it's glory.
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