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Everything posted by kyyank

  1. Hebron's no hotbed of originality. Don't see a non-national chain making it out there.
  2. Not that simple. Beechwood is one of the top academic schools in the state. Whether they are transferring for sports is one thing, but you can't argue they are not going to get a good education at BW. Sometimes transferring for sports is the right thing. Some kids get lost when ed.they don't make the team. (Not the case here). Transferring to a school where they can play keeps the kids interested and motivated.
  3. While BP may have been overpaid, you are proposing to get rid of a decent bat on a team that can't hit. Where will the hits come from??
  4. Curious if this due to a roster with less depth? Less speculation that one should be playing over another?
  5. The only opinion that matters is Bob Rowe's. Not sure he gets swayed by anyone's opinion. The fact he hired outside the family in hoops should tell us he is not keen on hiring a crony of the PHM. I would assume his criteria may be more along the lines of whether the Coach can coach and fosters a positive environment for the kids and the school. Seems simple but harder to find these days as people (parents) get into coaching for the wrong reasons.
  6. Our long national nightmare is over...I assumed he guaranteed St Henry he would only stay one year? Gotta keep the streak intact right?
  7. Try the Senate or The Eagle, both in Over the Rhine.
  8. [video=youtube;aq3T9IYSu-A]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aq3T9IYSu-A Sleepwalk led me to all the Ventures hits.
  9. Speed is all you need to know. CCH backers have been touting the large numbers they have, the size they have, and the success they had at lower levels, but it means nothing when you cannot match Highlands speed. Not sure how you teach it but it's more than just playing in the GCL prep league. Highlands has proven that.
  10. Just couldn't find an album chock full of hits. Live at Fillmore is the definitive record but a compilation album.
  11. Clash- London Calling Stone Temple Pilots- Purple Steve Miller Band-Fly Like an Eagle Supertramp-Breakfast in America Tear For Fears- Songs from the Big Chair' The Pretenders-Learning to Crawl
  12. Soccer is a funny game, don't put the ball in the net and it keeps the other team in the game. Not playing downstate teams has no affect on them making it out of the regional. It's just the way the ball bounces. Not playing district teams does not prevent them from advancing, it's the losses in the regionals to Highlands or New Cath, who they already play, that prevents them from advancing. Outside of clubs, playing better teams give your players more exposure. Sure they can play downstate, but similar competition in Cincy is closer, gets the kids home at a decent hour, and saves on overall costs. Further, it seems these teams are always up for a game, so why not?
  13. Since records really mean nothing, save for district record, why not test yourself? Kids like to say they played against so and so. Mainly GCL opponents, similar schools/philosophies. Closer than driving to Louisville and points south. Competitive games are better than blowouts. No offense to the river schools and small schools like HC and Latin, what does anyone get out of those games except playing time?
  14. If you don't ask for the sale you'll never get it....Similarly, years ago Reds Community Fund had money burning a whole in their pocket. No one asked for any money. Covington jumped in and they re-did a ton of fields. Now everyone is learning how to apply and get their fields fixed.
  15. Looks like he split time but led some decisive drives. No ints.
  16. Pride of Union KY, opens the season for Harvard with a W over Holy Cross. 2 TDs.
  17. Saw Talk Talk when they opened for Elvis Costello on the Imperial Bedroom tour.
  18. Saw them twice. I believe they opened for Jethro Tull and Pat Benatar. .... Guy I work with loves them , has all their records and still sees them up north.
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