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Everything posted by kyyank

  1. This is funny. THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE THESE KIDS GET THEIR DUE!!! Thanks for pointing out these kids. Newspapers and local acknowledgement is dead. These threads and this site provide more acknowledgement than they will get anywhere else. The only drawback is that it has to rely on rabid fanbases and a few afficianados to get any names at all out there. So, if they are not mentioned, it's because they have no champions for them on this site.
  2. This is a good point but it actually points out what morons people are when they complain about these issues. The reason they chose WalMart is for their prices. How do they get good prices, volume and lower wages which puts the little guy out of business. You know, the guy who provides great service but at a higher price point. You made the choice to do business with WalMart, while the worker also made the choice to accept the low wages from WalMart. A vicious cycle.
  3. The Beau Hoge hype is a little over the top. He seems like a fine player but is the hype because of Highlands, his dad? Would a similar player at SK or Ryle get this love or would we say "He is nice player and will play football somewhere next year."? Educate me. Does he have any solid FCS offers? I see MAC schools listed but no offers on Rivals or ESPN.
  4. You couldn't have teed up that Q&A any better RC. Well played.
  5. Ditto RCC9. I think this is the beginning of their slide for the coming years. Stronger programs in SK, RYle, Highlands, etc. coming up, unless they get that magical transfer.
  6. Affleck's attempt at Jack Ryan was laughable. A lightweight for a movie that butchered a good book.
  7. Hard to dispute that. However, was the spirit of the rule to allow smaller schools an opportunity to field full JV and varsity squads? Further, even though it's allowed, schools can set their own rules. Some do not allow playing up. Why do so if you can field a full team, especially at the expense of an actual student of the school.
  8. I wouldn't. Guy is an opportunist. He moves on. Did it with Colerain. Never passes up an opportunity to promote Jeff Ruby. Good food but spare me the rest. Great win for Cov Cath. Keep it going.
  9. The high school experience includes playing sports. It is a fact of life that kids will get cut and a good lesson to learn that not everything will go your way. HOWEVER, to get cut over kids not even enrolled in your school is a pill no kid should have to swallow. Further, since AAU has overtaken all sports save football from a recruiting standpoint, the high school is no longer obligated to develop your kid into a D-III wizard. So why has this issue gotten worse rather than better?
  10. St Henry will get crushed by Assumption. MND will be a good test for NDA. MND beat St Henry, so it will be a good chance to compare the results. No idea on Cooper/St Henry.
  11. So 75 S is backed up tonight. I get off Central Parkway and proceed toward downtown. Well, that is backed up now because they eliminated a lane to make way for a bicycle lane!!!Really??? Yep, evidently Clifton and OTR is littered with Lance Armstrong wanna-be's. The street car is now the 2nd dumbest idea that is being implemented in the city.
  12. Today's episode: Do not go through a 4 way stop light intersection if you have a chance of getting stuck in middle of intersection when the light changes. Given my nature, when the light changed today, I scooted through the 2 cars in the middle and was able to make my turn. Luckily, the young lady to my right, stuck, had to back up. This allowed traffic from my turn lane to rightfully gain access, as it is a much longer wait than she had, and the traffic flowed.
  13. Gotta disagree. The blinker does not entitle you to the lane. More often than not, these folks disrupt the flow of traffic, never catching up.
  14. You, the guy in the left lane going up the cut in the hill, there is no need to give yourself a 200 yd cushion during rush hour. Get over!
  15. Anyone surprised Cooper and New Cath have more than Ryle or St Henry?
  16. You make good points..An offshoot, as I was reading this morning is that the rise in Muslim populations in Euorope has led to a rise in support of anti-antisemitism, supported by the left that needs the working class support of the Muslims. Here we go again. History, doomed to repeat it, yadda yadda yadda.
  17. "Sorry, but I can only explain this one way: Barack Hussein Obama is an Islamist in his foreign policy perspectives and supports their cause." This is where the debate lies. His current quotes/actions regarding Hamas either show his bias toward this side of the argument or his ineptness. I'm torn.
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