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Mr. Sixer

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Everything posted by Mr. Sixer

  1. Austin Alexander was just offered by UK today!! Congratulations to the Junior to be!!
  2. An absolute first class player and an even better person! Huge kudos to his parents for raising a fine young man who will go on to do great things on and off the field! I have a feeling that his Junior season will be his best yet and he is going to be a huge problem on both sides of the ball.
  3. HUGE congratulations to now Head Coach Ricardo Johnson and to the Holy Cross administration on providing an opportunity to a young and energetic coach! Many criticized coach Johnson for not having high school experience or leading a program, etc. etc. However, winning a State Championship, starting on a D1 program and then subsequently getting several years of coaching at the college level in various capacities, regardless of how some tried to minimize that stint, is experience. Additionally, he's spent a few years coaching at the AAU level with HS players, some of them from Holy Cross. I'm pulling for Ricardo to be successful and hope he continues to build on Holy Cross' tradition! Good Luck Coach Johnson!!
  4. Excellent news! Every player has his own path to chasing their dream! Best of luck to Lucky! (No pun intended)
  5. IMO this list will grow substantially by the end of this summer.
  6. That is a fact that he will be suiting up for Scott this year with his big brother on staff.
  7. I don't know who you are @TackleTrap ,not that it matters, but I will say that your post exudes class and professionalism and that is great to see. I wish you the best in your future endeavors!!
  8. I've known for since he was about 10 years old. Excellent young man with an EXTREMELY bright future! Congrats to him of following his passion and exploring every opporutnity he can!
  9. No disagreement whatsoever but certainly is not the be all end all. Cooper Kupp ran in the 4.6s in college and his pro day but he certainly can get open, There's a difference in straightline fast and playmaker football fast and both are very important no doubt.
  10. No switching of thoughts at all. My point is let the young man get to his first destination first. It just might be the right spot. If the fit is not there then he has that right to pursue other options indeed.
  11. 40s are a relative factor but certainly not the be all end all on if a young man is a football PLAYER! There are plenty of cases where players did not run blazing 40s but turned out to EXCELLENT college and even professional football players. Important, yes. Be all end all, absolutely not! Bottom line is you have to be able to demonstrate “football” speed and be able to be a consistent playmaker on the field.
  12. My thoughts exactly. The young man hasn’t even gotten there and already people talking about him moving on, smh. He could end up being a huge part of CCU’s success and it could have the makings of a Cinderella story in the tourney! Let the thing play out. He’s obviously there for a reason and loyalty has its advantages too! For every 10 positive portal moves there are 50+ that simply don’t work out as the player had hoped He’ll be successful due to his game and work ethic and I’m wishing him great good luck at his first stop and certainly if he has a subsequent one.
  13. Great interview! Good seeing Coach Sully and loved the comments about how he and Coach Borchers help develop him to get to where he’s at in this point of his career! Definitely a diamond in the rough and hoping he gets an opportunity to showcase what so many nearby colleges missed out on.
  14. Guess someone on the interview committee thougt he had enough experience deserving of an interview. Like I said, maybe he needs some actual HS experience or maybe in this case he may not if he was interviewed. May be an extreme example, but Steve Kerr didn't have a drop of head coaching experience and it seems to be working out just fine so maybe the Beechwood powers thought, why not? Good luck to whomever gets it!
  15. All good. I don't know his full story but if the things you've mentioned are accurate I truly hope someone is providing that feedback so he can improve. Again, regardless of who gets the job, experienced or not, they've got their work cut out for themselves.
  16. It's amazing to me how quickly you are to, what appears to be, minimize Ricardo's role and efforts at his previous stops. While it may be true he may not have actual "game management" experience, being on a college staff, regardless of role, is experience. You cannot disregard being in the room, in meetings, helping to develop college players and simply being on the bench in college as vital to his growth as a coach. Maybe he does, in fact, need to be a HS assistant, maybe he doesn't, but don't minimize, and frankly insult, the man's efforts to becoming a head coach because what you can't measure is heart, desire and passion in his pursuit his dreams. Regardless of who gets this job it will be STEEP uphill climb getting out of the 9th region as the upper echelon is extremely loaded and continuing to get better with transfers.
  17. Wondering if Ricardo Johnson would be a candidate? Certainly has good experience playing at Ohio U., being an assistant at Xavier and another school that escapes me right now! Not to mention he has a burning desire to develop players which I saw personally though his time as an AAU coach too. Certainly would be there for at least 10 years or more!!
  18. Great lineup of teams for the holidays and more importantly it’ll be local for us NKY folks!
  19. First, congratulations to Pavey on his success and hope it continues for him as it sounds like the change in scenery has benefited him. Second, for blanket statements that NKY coaches don’t promote their players as hard as they can is absolutely laughable! Comparing the outcomes and offers of what Ohio gets vs NKY is like comparing an apple and an Orange. There is talent in our region of state but college coaches tend to spend more time in areas that are more populated, that is fact. Case in point is that there are more offers coming out of Lexington and Louisville than NKY. It simply is just different, not necessarily better or worse but it is a numbers game. Had Pavey played considerably more in NKY along side Alexander, who by the way has a handful of offers, including P5, with 2 seasons to go so there will be plenty more, along with their freshman QB at Cooper who just picked up his first D1 offer with 3 more seasons to go, there is no doubt the young man would have certainly been in a position with a considerable amount of exposure. Recruiting is a tricky business ESPECIALLY with the advent of the transfer portal which, unless you are a 4-5 star, is a hurdle for ALL HS players. Are relationships different for Cincinnati HS coaches vs NKY HS coaches different, absolutely, but to say NKY coaches aren’t working their tails off to promote their players is absurd! Best of luck to all the players and coaches on both sides of the river but this discussion is better suited for its own thread. Now back to the original topic, I think Cooper wil be pretty competitive this coming season with the players that are actually on the team😉
  20. Long overdue but certainly well worth the wait. Happy for the Jugs program!!
  21. 6’1” and I’m guess about 165lbs but judging by his mom and dad and the size of his older brothers I would guess he’ll end up 6’3” or more by the time he leaves Cooper.
  22. Congratulations to Cooper Jaguar Freshman QB Cam O’Hara who picked up his first offer from Tennessee State, per his twitter.
  23. No disagreement there with that statement, however, the Wildcats are adding pieces as well to an already talented roster that returns nearly every player from their regional championship team. The 9th will be a dogfight again next season as well.
  24. To answer your questions: 1. Not that AAU has anything to do with it but AAU Nationals doesn’t use a shot clock BUT it is used on the Nike EYBL circuit with a 24” shot clock and has been in place since 2019 2. Sure. Just like anything else, with proper training and education it could be done. Personally I’ve ran the clock and the book which required training. By no means is it the same but it could be done 3. No. If the reported cost is less than $5000 that’s a fundraiser that most programs could raise between boys and girls teams Again, like everything else where change is involved, it may or may not be to everyone’s liking and that’s ok. For me, I’m old enough to have watched the G’town vs. Villanova National Championship game of 1985 when Nova held the ball for nearly the entire game and won by 2 and it was tough to watch lol. I’m sure it’ll never happen to no one has anything to worry about but it’s a good topic of discussion.
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