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NewCath / Brossart "feeder parish" Debate

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This issue got a lot of play in another thread in this Forum. Here is another example of way this issue is so silly. This past Sunday NewCath had it's 1st Offical practice for it's Freshman team, 25 6th & 7th graders showed up with 6 more missing because of b-ball tourneys. Two of the 7th graders are enrolled at St. Phillips in Melbourne, this is a Brossart "feeder" parish. It came to the attention of a certian "Big Green Guy" who in turn had the principal of Brossart call the principal of Newcath to report this. To make a long story short these two young ladies made practice last night (Wed Feb. 22nd) after a parent of each of these girls inform the coaches that they are now members of St. Thomas Parish in Ft. Thomas and their daughters are permitted to play for the NewCath freshman team. The freshman team currently has 10 kids from St. Joe's (Cold Springs and St. Phillips) who's parents have to become members of a "feeder" parish in order for their daughters to play. This is NUTS that they have to do this when their daughters are going to be going to NewCath anyway.


This issue rarely affects any other catholic high school in NKY, namely Notre Dame and to the lesser Villa Madonna. The main reason is that ND and Villa are not funded or run by the Diocese of Covington, they take nor recieve no money from the Diocese, therefore they are exempt from this "silly" rule.


Notre Dame Academy, Park Hills

1699 Hilton Drive

Park Hills, Kentucky 41011-2705

(859) 261-4300

Email: koehll@ndapandas.org

Website: http://www.ndapandas.org

Grade Range: 9-12 (Girls)

Enrollment: 610

Faculty: 48 Teachers

Tuition 2011-2012: $5,700

Principal: Dr. Laura Koehl

School operated by the Sisters of Notre Dame

Primary Service Area: Kenton County parishes of Blessed Sacrament, Mother of God, St. Agnes, St. Ann, Sts. Boniface and James, St. John, St. Joseph and St. Pius X.


Villa Madonna Academy, Villa Hills

2500 Amsterdam Road

Villa Hills, Kentucky 41017-3798

(859) 331-6333

Email: pmcqueen@villamadonna.net


Grade Range: 9-12 (Coeducational)

Enrollment: 184

Faculty: 24 Teachers

Tuition 2011-2012: $8,340

Principal: Mrs. Pamela McQueen

School operated by the Sisters of St. Benedict

See also: Villa Madonna Academy Elementary.


Hope this puts this issue to rest.

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So do these girls now pay out of parish tuition at St. Phillips and St. Joes since they are no longer members of the parish there?

I'm thinking it is the Bishops intent to try to keep enrolment at Brossart and New Cath even.


As for Notre Dame and Villa not being run by the diocese of Covington? Better check again. Heard the Bishop put the squeeze on NDA when MTV came for a visit.

I always thought ND and Cov Cath were exempt from silly rules since they were all same sex schools?

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So do these girls now pay out of parish tuition at St. Phillips and St. Joes since they are no longer members of the parish there?

I'm thinking it is the Bishops intent to try to keep enrolment at Brossart and New Cath even.


As for Notre Dame and Villa not being run by the diocese of Covington? Better check again. Heard the Bishop put the squeeze on NDA when MTV came for a visit.

I always thought ND and Cov Cath were exempt from silly rules since they were all same sex schools?


No, members of two parishes.


Bishop can't keep enrollment even, parents are going to send their kids where they want them to go, the two from St.Phillips, the parents and ALL family members all went to NewCath.


Don't need to check, ask an administrator from ND or Villa they will confirm.

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No, members of two parishes.


Bishop can't keep enrollment even, parents are going to send their kids where they want them to go, the two from St.Phillips, the parents and ALL family members all went to NewCath.


Don't need to check, ask an administrator from ND or Villa they will confirm.


NDA and Villa are ran by the Sisters unlike the other schools which are ran by the diocese.

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I did not know that. So Mike Clines is not the superintendent of these schools?


Long story short...yes, he is. Religious orders independently conduct their operations in a diocese under the permission of the diocese/bishop. The diocese of Covington, just like many other diocese in the US, requires that a religious order runs its school in compliance with all diocesan school rules - thereby placing the diocesan superintendent in charge of their schools, or at least in charge of the policies that the run their schools by. There is some gray area as to what exact rules these specific schools have to follow, but the long and short of it is, if the schools do anything really overtly separate from the way things are done at the diocese, and the diocese has the ability to make them close their doors. It's pretty darn unlikely that that would happen, but it's the truth of the matter.

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I'm a little confused if a family has to join another parish for there child to play at a high school outside of there feeder then IMO then its not right. ( If it was ok for those kids to play for NCC then they shouldnt have to lie and join another parish to do so ) I dont blame BBHS for protecting there feeder schools. Does anybody know if BBHS get kids from NCC feeder schools to play for them ? Just wondering !

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This issue got a lot of play in another thread in this Forum. Here is another example of way this issue is so silly. This past Sunday NewCath had it's 1st Offical practice for it's Freshman team, 25 6th & 7th graders showed up with 6 more missing because of b-ball tourneys. Two of the 7th graders are enrolled at St. Phillips in Melbourne, this is a Brossart "feeder" parish. It came to the attention of a certian "Big Green Guy" who in turn had the principal of Brossart call the principal of Newcath to report this. To make a long story short these two young ladies made practice last night (Wed Feb. 22nd) after a parent of each of these girls inform the coaches that they are now members of St. Thomas Parish in Ft. Thomas and their daughters are permitted to play for the NewCath freshman team. The freshman team currently has 10 kids from St. Joe's (Cold Springs and St. Phillips) who's parents have to become members of a "feeder" parish in order for their daughters to play. This is NUTS that they have to do this when their daughters are going to be going to NewCath anyway.




So now St Thomas is the "parish of choice" as the feeder school. St Therese has been the choice for several kids the last few years.

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So now St Thomas is the "parish of choice" as the feeder school. St Therese has been the choice for several kids the last few years.

St. Therese and St. Thomas are like the underground railroad to NCC. Fill out a few papers and viola! You are now cleared to play at NCC. You now cite two 7thgraders from St. Philip filling out some paperwork and getting a free pass to NCC. Terriffic, I suggest St. Philip show them the door and parcel them off to St. Thomas. You are either with us or against us - don't ride the fence!


The on-going problem is that NCC wants what is theirs and what is everybody else's, and promotes the "we are all one big happy school district" theory - come on down!


It is not silly - it is Open Season on kids from Brossart's district feeder schools!!!


Kids attending the NCC feeders are not attracted to Brossart because everything they do in life is from Fort Thomas-Southgate north. We are simply not a viable alternative to them.


I would entertain a waiver system, whereby Brossart could waive a student/athlete from our feeder grade school to participate in NCC athletics, if given good reason and evidence that the student is affiliated, through relationship or intent with NCC and plan on attending there for high school.

Ie, Drew MacDonald, while he was at St. Joe, Cold Spring playing golf at NCC. I would think we would have gladly given permission for him to play for the Breds with his mom on the staff and their families ties to NCC. Instead they too took the underground railroad through St. Therese which made everything OK. I hold no animosity towards Drew or the MacDonalds (Actually I'm a big fan) - just citing a fact.


Until a member of the Brossart administration drives up onto the hill, walks into Noll's office, takes his shoe off and slams it onto his desk and demands that they stay out of Brossart feeders, the hypocrisy will continue and Brossart feeders will continue to be pillaged, with NCC laughing all of the way to the enrollment office.

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To me there needs to be some guide lines set to keep these feeder schools to a certain High School. If a player is going to St. Marys but will be attending CCHS thats fine but if you allow them to play for CCHS while their in grade school then your opening up a full recruiting mess , Then BBHS and NCC would be able to recruit kids from the public schools as well.NOW THAT WOULD BE SILLY !!! I feel like if a parent knows there kid will be going to a specific high school then put them in the proper grade school so if they have the chance to play up then so be it. Why try and trick the system when there's a right way to do this. But again if everybody did the right thing we wouldnt be having this conversation would we. Also I asked in my last post if anyone knew if BBHS goes after kids in NCC feeder schools with no response I take it as a NO.

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Also I asked in my last post if anyone knew if BBHS goes after kids in NCC feeder schools with no response I take it as a NO.

I answered your question as part of my post #11 above - it states:


"Kids attending the NCC feeders are not attracted to Brossart because everything they do in life is from Fort Thomas-Southgate north. We are simply not a viable alternative to them."

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I don't see what the big deal is? If a kid is going to St Mary's and knows he's going to Campbell Co, he still can't play for any CCHS sports. I guess I'm in the minority but it makes sense to me.


I'm guessing "proposal 2" failed down state? It was a rule that was going to mandate that if a kid played a sport for a feeder school, he was committed to the high school that it fed into. I'm not sure if it applied to the Catholic feeder issue discussed here, but It would have meant a kid that played in a 7th grade basketball game for St. Mary's would have been forced to sit out a year if they went to Campbell County in the 9th grade. It would have locked a kid into a high school at the 7th grade level if they competed in sports.

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