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Everything posted by luvthemraiders

  1. Big plays and TO's will decide the winner. Should be a great game to watch. Best team Ryle has played since Highlands and best team Fern Creek has faced this year. Safe travels to the Unionites.
  2. Pretty obvious to me that you do not know a lot about rivalries in Northern Kentucky. Ryle-Boone will be very close and I have a strong hunch that the Dixie-Boone game will be very close, too.
  3. All the makings of an upset here IMHO. This will be a very close game.
  4. Campbell is much better but Conner has home field advantage so maybe they have a shot at winning - don't know. Conner must upset Campbell or they are looking at a 10 game season. Just don't think the Camels are gonna let this one get away. I would think that both teams are angry about 0-2 district records. Good luck to both teams - hope it is a good game.
  5. NC is a very fine football team and I think you will see some more hardware on the holy hill come December.
  6. Ryle did everything well and dominated the game on both sides of the ball. I think it was 16-0 before 6 minutes were elapsed in the game. Good job Raiders and I was surprised how easily they handled the Camels on the road. Benke probably passed for 160 yards and they must have been 300+ on the ground.
  7. Congrats to Highlands. The HHS Bird train will be very hard to stop. I will be shocked if they are anything less than 15-0.
  8. I guess my main point is that Dixie must win the TO battle to have a remote shot at winning this game. Dixie turns it over multiple times, they are in deep doo doo. Good luck to both teams.
  9. History made on BGP. Lookin' forward to another great Friday night.
  10. Birds by 24-28 but will have a battle early as emotions will be running sky high on Dixie Hwy. If HHS forces TO's it could get a little ugly. On the other hand, Dixie must force TO's to hang around in this one.
  11. Congrats to SK. It is looking like a long, long year in Hebron. No relief in sight on their schedule.
  12. The paper this morning said Adam Schmitz had food poisoning. Thought something looked wrong since he was taken out more often than normal and looked gassed. NC was fortunate that they did not have to face a 100% Adam Schmitz. Some observations: NC will have very few close games this year as they will dominate most teams on their schedule. It was a hard-hitting game and NC was coughing up the football regularly due to big-time hits from Ryle - the Breds were very lucky to recover 4 or 5 fumbles in mad scrambles for the ball or the outcome would not have been so close. Ryle's O-line did a great job of run blocking. NC was 9 in the box, knew the run was coming and still did not stop it. Paper says 322 total yards for Ryle (only 10 passing) and 229 for NC. I agree with one of the posters that Ryle's play calling is too predictable and one-dimensional. Hopefully, they will one day start to mix run and pass. If they start to hit passes and the defense has to respect the pass, watch out. Great high school football game. Good luck to NC as you go for a 3-peat. Congrats to the Raiders.
  13. Congrats to the Raiders. Always nice to see a team go for the win.
  14. 1-Birds (absolutely no question) 2-Raiders (based on Leatherneck's comments) 3-Camels (unheralded by many, not by me - huge game Friday night) 4-Rebels (handled Beechies in scrimmage - huge game Friday night) 5-Tigers (defeated Dixie barely and not overly impressive vs. Juggs) 6-Red Colonels (need to handle CovCath to avoid 1-3 start) 7-Breds (solid club but lost in Super Bowl) 8-Blue Colonels (still better than all the rest up here) 9-Lloyd (Yeagle coaching and have played well in losses to 2 good teams) 10-Dayton (2 good wins but we will find out a lot on Friday night)
  15. Ryle's Jared Kaufman is excellent. I think he is averaging about 50 yards on punts over 2 games and has a very strong leg with lots of hang time on kick offs and punts. Certainly one of the best around this year.
  16. Looking forward to a recap. Congrats to the Birds. Outstanding win. One of the top 2 teams in KY this year IMHO.
  17. You are simply wrong - first it was 2 15-yarders in the first half. The one late hit call was before the whistle blew when the DB had his sights set on the receiver and the ball sailed over the receiver's head. Very marginal call. The second flag was one of those second guy gets caught for trash talking - never react to mouthy opponents - the Ryle player was immediately taken out of the game. As to timeouts. Newport had just got done taking time outs to try to stop the clock and score. Maybe Newport should have let the clock run out and went in down 31-0 instead of 38-0. But, no, Newport's coach did the right thing by trying to score just like Ryle's coach did the right thing by trying to score. Did you ever think that maybe Ryle was working on the 2-minute drill at the end of the first half? Worked to perfection. Ryle put an all-sophomore backfield in the game for the entire second half and subbed liberally for the entire 2nd half to try to keep the score from getting any worse. Several Newport players talked trash the whole game and they routinely piled on at the sideline or after the whistle blew and only got called for one late hit. (Newport 1 unsportsmanlike penalty, Ryle 2). Your comments are wrong and not justified. You are barking up the wrong tree.
  18. Campbell will limit Farris unlike most teams on Boone's schedule. Boone's QB will have to play well for the Rebels to win. Great game. Boone has a home field and revenge advantage. Could go either way. Good luck to both teams.
  19. Big game for both teams. Loser stays home on November 9. I think home team prevails. Where is the game?
  20. No possible way that Ryle takes NC for granted with the "only 2A' thinking. It sure did not look like they took Newport for granted, so why the heck would they take a much better NC team for granted? The Raiders will continue to prove that they are a pretty darn good football team in this one. To say no way Ryle wins by 3 TD's is a bit short sighted IMO. NC is capable of winning the game by the closest of margins and Ryle is capable of winning the game pretty big.
  21. I expect a very close game. Good luck to the Purple Colonels. Isn't that the combo when Red and Blue are combined?
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