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Riverside 157

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Everything posted by Riverside 157

  1. Is anyone really surprised at the outcome and the margin????
  2. Congrats to Ryle for there appearance in the 4A State Championship Game. Contrats to the Rocks for the win. No suprise in the final result or margin. Biggest surprise is the team => Ryle!!! Go build on this very successful year.!!! BGPers - Im out till spring time. Have a great winter and Derby prep spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I read the article this am. Missed the news last night wrt the question about this being Beatty's last game. I think Beatty has done an excellent job at Trinity. Given the internal pressure from AD, administration as well as the pressure from the alumni, he has delt with this very well. He is paid to win ball games and he produces. His record speaks for itself. In todays article and past articles, he always references the pressure and the feelings of communication he recieves from the Trinity community after a big loss (there has not been many...). I did not see the news, so Im not sure what was communicated. I would not be surprised if he choose to stepdown. He is on top and his record will NOT be matched, anywhere....... Pressure is good for a short period, but at that level for an extended period, tends to wear on the soul. Could he be succesful at Trinity for the next 10 years, No question. This job epotimises the "just win baby" philosophy and its not made out for just any coach. It takes a special individual and he is to be reconized for his efforts and contributions. Coach Servino found out that it was not his cup of tea... I would imagine that a few departures from the championship game in next few years may start some grumbling on Shelbyville Road. I dont see this happening. Dennis, give him a nice pay raise and everybody is happy. Hey, division one coaches make more that university presidents, so why not...? At Trinity, football is king and the AD needs to keep the community happy....
  4. Im not trying to stir anything. When was UK's last trip to a final 4? I personally cant keep track of those types of things anymore. UK won NCAA titles in 96, Runner-up 97 and again in 98. So it will be 9 years after the completion of this 06-07 season. Im looking at my Jim Beam bottle => Champs in 48, 49, 51, 58, 78, 96 and 98. Between 58 and 78 were there any final 4 apperances? Im thinking 75? a loss to UCLA? Not knowledgeable about the 60's.... Need some help. What about the period from 78 to 96? I cant remember if Eddie got them there or not. I remember some great won-lost records for a couple of years...
  5. Just looking at the W - L numbers and the final 4 appearances, UK is in a drought. I read in the paper that IF UK does not make it to the Final 4 in 2007, this will consitute the longest non final 4 appearance period in UK basketball history. Im sorry, but facts do not lie and they are not predjuice. Now the challenge I leave you with is; Put a POSITIVE SPIN on that data.
  6. I think Ryle should fill the gas tank up and make the trip. Sounds as if they are confident and prepared. I must say if (IF) Ryle is to hang with the mighty Rocks for a half, they must be CONFIDENT AND PREPARED.... That just gets them to half time..... MUST make excellent half time adjustments as well. MUST execute those adjustments very well all through 2nd half. Did I say NO TURNOVERS.... BASICALLY - Ryle needs to play a perfect game to be in the game. Trinity has way to many weapons to "have a bad game and not show up"..... IS IT POSSIBLE FOR RYLE TO PLAY AND WIN?....ABSOLUTLELY YES. No one should discredit their efforts thus far or their approach to the game. Remember, they have not been to the big dance before.... The ultimate questions for me are 1) Can the Ryle defense stop the Trinity offense? If the ultimate answer is NO, then no need for the second question..... 2) How will Ryle respond when they are down two scores early in the first half? Has the coaching staff of Ryle prepared the boys for this senerio? If not mentally prepared for such a situation and environment, things could get ugly.... My crystall ball says (I glued if back together) a) Trinity 45 - Ryle 7 b) Trinity 35 - Ryle 20 c) Ryle 31 - Trinity 28 Probability of all liklyhood: a = 80% b = 15% c = 5% Good luck to both teams, no injuries and good sportsmanship displayed by all players, coaches and FANS..... I think we have been missing that "good sportmanship" element on BGP lately....
  7. Xtiger69 - I have seen all of them. Just want to give the Rock faithful their full opportunity to gloat and show their true colors...
  8. If it turns out that UK goes to Nashville and UofL goes to New Orleans, I think the whole state has something to crow about.......
  9. I heard today from a reliable source ? that the 4A trophy all ready has "Trinity" engraved on it...... Im really surprised that the KHSAA would do such a thing.
  10. Anybody got some scoop on UK => Independence, Music City or Liberty??? Which one will UK accept and go to? Same for UofL, where are they going?? Looking for some info other that whats on the local tv stations..... anyone got some inside news on the above???
  11. I agree that Petrino is a very big part of Trinity's success, however, he is not Mr. Football material. He has had a good year. I find it so funny that he was mentioned as a candidate at the start of the season, gets very little love throughout the season, and now is the leading candidate.... come on! This award goes to Beaumont hands down. Anderson faded in the late season and big games.
  12. Congrats to both teams for making it to the 4A State Championship Game. Ryle finds themselves at the big dance for the first time. My experience at watching these big games tells me that the lack of experience will show its ugle head in this game. When it is all over and the hardware has been handed out, Trinity will have the upper hand on the score by the tune of 28 points. This is being very generous to Ryle. It very well could be a lot more than 28. Good luck to both teams.
  13. I find it amaizing that throughout this season, HC has recieved very little, if any respect from the Louisville area, teams, fans, coaches etc. Now. that HC has earned the right to host a Semi-Final game, all one hears on the net is that they are loaded with talent and have athletes all over the place... Sure did not hear their number being called three weeks ago. As in all sports, one must build up the opponent to prepare the troops for the battle at hand. I would be shocked if HC won this game. It might be close for a half, but lets not get too carried away with the supurlatives of a team that was not given to much a chance by a great majority to be where they are today. Absolutely no disrespect to HC. They have earned the right. Good luck to both teams. Looks as if the weather will be super.
  14. I think that HC should just forfiet the game and accept the fact that Trinity will win this game by at least 3 TD's. By Forfieting the game, HC can enjoy the very successful year they have had and go out winning their last game. Just see no real reason to play this game with the outcome for sure to be all Trinity. With the HC stadium (eventhough its new) being so small, it just can't handle the crowd of a semi-final game with all of the Trinity faithful. Just can't see why HC would want to take such a beatin on their own home field in late November. Good Luck to both teams.
  15. Congrats to both teams for making the Semi-Finals. I see the bus ride getting the best of Henderson Co. Ryle takes this one by less than 7 points. Enjoy the victory for whom ever wins, it will be your last win of this season. Trinity by 35 + in the finals regardless of who they play. Yes, I know its a bold forecast, but, when its all over, it will be close to that.....
  16. I grew up watching Michigan football and learned that Bo was the Best. College football lost a great one today. Thoughts and prayers are with his family, Michigan community, friends and the 2006 team. I hope the Wolvoreens find the strentgh to make Bo smile tomorrow......
  17. Having no ties to HHS or any team in the NKY area, this discussion about the season just completed is very interesting and familure to me. My team, Lou. St.X, has had a simlar year. Played a very tough schedule, did pretty well against tough foes like HHS, BG and Lex Cath, however, as the season went on, the energy level and leg strength seamed to diminish. Not sure if this is the type of thing that you have seen with your HHS team, but it was clear to me that the O and D lines of X were very challegned with respect to foot speed and agility late in the year. Most of the kids were big wide bodies, but still seamed to lose a step or two as the season went on. I attribute this to playing too tough a schedule. I think you need to play a tough schedule, but when your preparing for the next big game 8 out of 10 weeks in the regular season, it wears on the body and soul. JMO
  18. It would be hard pressed to say that the Tigers loved the pregame treatment. I think they started by spotting Male 20 points and three three and outs of their own.... Game over.
  19. Its hard to forecast to much into the future. All three programs will be solid without question in 2007. WRT X, 2007 will be a big year for the Tigers. When I say big, I mean, a lot will be at stake. New stadium, several return with significant Varsity experience. After the 2005 and 2006 campaigns, in my mind, the Tigers have some proven to do. Lots of hype went into 2006 and it turned out to be hype. For the Tigers to play for a championship, they must improve in the following areas: Offensive and Defensive line agility and speed, team unity, commitment to acheive the ultimate goal (enthusiam and spunk), Offense must become more multidimentional, LB's must be more agressive, HAVE a kicking game, Special teams need to be special instead of a liability, improve on offensive consistency and learn to take advantage of opponents weaknesses. I know that was a laundry list but that is most of the areas were I observed MAJOR dificiencies. These diffeciencies led to melt downs against Trinity, Male and Male. Im not bashing the kids or coaches, these are my observations of why we are where we are today. WRT Trinity in 2007, No reason to think that the Rocks will not be in full form next year. They will reload and be succesful in the new district lineup. Could possible be celebrating a State Championship from 2006. WRT Male in 2007, solid as usual. Not familure with personnel or whom is returning. Could possible be celebrating a State Championship from 2006.
  20. I think the atmosphere a large high school band brings to a football game is a great momentum builder for the fans and team. Male might be better served to play the music before the game and use the band during the game. In any event, should be a very entertaining game.
  21. ^ Just all part of the "home" field and pregame activities. All teams have some element of this type of thing.
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