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Riverside 157

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Everything posted by Riverside 157

  1. Where do you hurt? When did it start? Are you taking and medication? Have you drank any water today? How much? What have you eaten today? Is this a consistent problem or first time situation? Observe the player if he is perspiring or not? Rule out heat exhaulstion... This is done first priority, while asking the above questions... Determine the nature of the situation..... Is the player not wanting to run or is he sick...? If it is determined that the player just does not want to run, then he can make up the sprints before the next practice or his playing time will be affected due to his limited participation in team drills.
  2. From your response to the question, sounds like all coaches are the same. I beg to differ. By answering this question, the committee will find out how organized the candidate is. Sure, there are many types of practices, thats why the questions was phrased " Explain in detail a typical practice..?" The candidate can discuss the first practice or pregame practice... All of which tells you a lot about the candidate and where he or she is coming from... Another good question is empowerment of assistant coaches in practice and in games. Have the candidate explain his philosophy on this subject. Good Luck
  3. If the committee has no clue (or can recognize) at what an organized and focused practice is, then maybe they should hire the first applicant....
  4. How about: Explain in detail, one of your typical practices....?
  5. All of this "Improved" talk is rather humorous. It reminds me of Rich Brooks in August of 2006. "UK will be improved..." In light of the entire season, UK did truly improve. Who would have thought 8-5. Now to the topic at hand. U of L and Kragthorpe. In my eyes "improved" means winning more games. In light of 2006, that would mean 13 - 0. Thats a very tough path to chase. Especially for a new coach. People seem to forget, people seem to look the other direction, people seem to hide under statistics. Kragthorpe was brought here to win football games. If he improves the graduation rates, reduces (improves) transfer rate, improves visability of UL football, improves local public image of UL football, this is all great and yes they are improvements. However, couple all of these improvements with a string of 3-9 seasons.... The "improvements" sited above are well beyond second consideration. He must win games and lots of them.... He must fill PJCS with fans, even the new section when its finished..... So, "improved" is in the eye of the beholder, but lets not kid ourselfs. True "improvement" is W's and that spells 13 - 0. Can he do a better job as coach in the areas cited above, sure, that would be great. Just remember, Win on game day......
  6. Congrats to Mike Bush. I wish him well in the draft and NFL. I hope he can fully rehab to the point he is 100% and has all his speed back. I consider myself lucky to have seen him play at the HS (football and basketball) and College level. He is a special player that will not be matched. Good Luck and come back and see us sometime........
  7. Congrats to the Florida Gators. Great game plan. Great preparation. Great execution. Great focus. Florida was more physical, quicker and controlled all facets of the game. Overall one of the most convincing of games for the National Title. Ohio State looked as if they were coming off a three day drunk.... They looked bad, played bad, made bad decisions, were out coached and made no significant adjustments during the game to influence the way the game was played or the outcome... Pretty dissapointing performance from a team that was ranked No. 1 all season... OSU just did not show up to play. Nothing against Florida. Several teams could have beaten the Buckeyes last night. Not sure any other team would have put a hurtin on OSU as Florida did though.... Couple of observations: 1. Florida was focused and prepared like no other team.... Kick off - FLA gives OSU 7 points to start game.... FLA bench was all focus and business. No panic and turned the game around in the next two possesions....... 2. FLA kept running the 2nd string QB in for a draw off guard or tackle. They ran this play 3 or 4 times in first half and got at least 3 years and problably more like 5 - 7 yards each time. In second half, when the 2nd string QB from FLA comes in, runs same play with similar success, just makes you wonder what was OSU thinking...? OSU never stopped this play. I think it was the only play that Tebow ran. After the first half, I would have the OSU LB's key on Tebow, when he was in the game, and plug the hole where ever he is going.... I know, sounds easy but doing it is not that easy... Just find it hard to understand that OSU could not figure that out... It would not have made any significant difference in the game, but sure could have cut out about 50 yards of rushing for FLA.... The same senerio reminded me of last years Championship game. Vince Young of Texas is leading his team all over the field in second half. Comes down to one play..... I think I'm going to have at least two players key on Young. Go were ever he is and meet him in the backfield or line of scrimmage..... Young WALKS into endzone (untouched) for National Championship. I was glad to see it, but wheres the Defense???? Until next year..............
  8. Wow - the foundation is shaking and visible damage has already occured.......
  9. I think the list of candidates are as follows: 1. Kragthorpe 2. Jeff Brohm 3. Current Coach at Boise State Jeff Brohm may be the best candidate for the program. He would be here for at least 4 years. Knows UofL football and what it means to the community. Kragthorpe has a limited record as a rebuilder.... Not convienced we need to rebuild....... I like the young coach at Boise. Plenty of enthusiasm and carisma in his coaching decisions.... I would scratch Paul Petrino from the list. He is a brother of Bobbie's and he will follow him shortly to Atlanta. Question is, IS PETRINO TAKING JEFF, GREG, BRIAN AND OSCAR with him to ATLANTA????? You laugh, but part of this WILL COME TRUE.......
  10. I hear you OX. Im looking forward to next season just as much as anyone else... Go Tigers!!!
  11. Cant he be adopted by one of the Trinity family? I mean after all this is "Football"...!
  12. OX - I love the enthusiasm, although I need to see a significant amount of improvement in many areas to " Take it All " in 2007. I know there are a lot of St. X fans that want to see this.... My question is, Do the kids want to make it a reality??? Last year, I'm not sure they wanted to acheive the ultimate goal...( I'm sure they wanted to win it all but were unwilling to fully adopt the team concept such that everyone contributes in their own way..) JMHO...
  13. Sounds like a rebuilding year for the Purples.... Lots of talent moving on to next level. What is the optimistic outlook for the 2007 team, with the replacements moving in starting roles??
  14. Pretty poor showing from the Irish. LSU looked very good. The ND loosing streak in Bowls continues...... Could it be possible that this Charlie Wess (sp) and ND Irish thing are way, way OVER RATED......... Move them to CUSA where they belong, in the second tear of College Football..... Yea, its fun to watch a ND come from behind victory at South Bend on TV, but the PROGRAM is way over rated and really needs to step it up a couple of nothches to play with the OSU, Michigans, USC's, and LSU's of college football. My preminission was confirmed last night when ND went for the fake punt deep in their own terrritory (4 and 2) and LSU was laughing at em all the way to the sideline..... Hard to believe that coach charlie thought that making that first down was going to propell ND to a big W. After that play it was OVER. ALL LSU...... Just wonder what BCS Bowl game ND will get next year at 8 - 4 ?????
  15. Luck - Lots of humor here. I think there are some very good HS football players on this list. Maybe even a few (2 - 3) who really should be on the all time (X) team. I went to school with all of these guys and I find this post to be really funny. This group won the 4A State Title in 1978. Not sure how many played in college, but I would say very few. I will say that all of these guys are very successful in life and are doing very well. Go Tigers...
  16. From the sounds of the contract, Larry might be busy sending a check to Alabama......
  17. Now that the Orange Bowl Trophy is secure in the Derby City, do you think Brian Brohm will enter the NFL Draft or not? Why? Will Michael Bush return for his senior year or enter the NFL Draft? Why? I feel as if Brohm will return because he wants to finish his degree. He can enter the draft next year and his stock will probably be equivalent to this year, may even be higher. Always the worry of a carrer ending injury, but the Cards keep him pretty protected in that Offense. ( He is not running the ball as a primary ball carrier and subjecting himself to some major hits against full speed linebackers downfield...). Yes, Brohm had a great year. He could have even a better year, next year, statistically.... He has some things to improve upon for the next level. I feel as if Bush will return as well. I have not seen or heard of any results or prognosis on his rehab...? Makes me think that he will need to totally recover (the best he can..) and return for his final year to prove he is healthy and ready for the NFL. I just dont see his stock as a major pick having been on the sidelines nearly all of this year....! Would love to see him fully rehab and once again prove to all that he is a great RB and he is healthy and ready for NFL draft after next season. Putting both together.... Looks for a great preseason ranking for U of L and a possibility at another BCS Bowl game bid..... Time will tell about the decisions to enter the draft by Jan. 15.....
  18. Radier - sounds as if you are a UM fan as well. How can Michigan fan be pleased with the 07 Rose bowl performance?? UM had a very, very good team. I just can be super happy about the Rose Bowl showing with respect to execution on Offense or Defense. I cant imagine the UM coaching staff being real "happy" today.....
  19. Congrats to the UK football team, coaches, Big Blue Nation on the great win. UK is to be commended for their effort and success this season. Did anyone actually think they would win eight (8) games?????? Tremendous job by the players and coaches. Yes, I said coaches. Battling thourgh all the adversity of the schedule in SEC and the hecklers on BGP (like myself), I think the UK team had a great year and even better Bowl W over Clemson. Now the true test is, can UK win 8 next season????
  20. Michigan was a disappointment. They nearly always seem to position themselves for a sleeper performance in the Rose Bowl. UM had a good year but fell short of expectations. Performance in Rose Bowl was pretty lame. Maybe next year will be their year..... No sleep lost here...!
  21. I take it that you truly believe in the statement that you have made!!! I just wonder how many people outside of the Trinity faithful, feel your pain and agree with your outlook for 2007.
  22. Trinity will be the 2007 preseason favorite to win the 6A title. This is such a given that there should not be any threads on the subject allowed........
  23. BW - Thanks for the pics. Great job on the pictures. Glad to know that everyone can see this fine facility in the making..... No doubt, this will be the class of Kentucky and probably the US. Merry Christmas to All......
  24. Is there room for Kevin on the Trinity staff wrt the salary cap and all?????
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