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Riverside 157

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Everything posted by Riverside 157

  1. Rode by the facility this am. Stadium is comming along very nice. Cant wait to see the final product. Does anyone have some newer construction photos to post??
  2. I agree with you...... but what happens if he has two bad years in a row, say 21 - 12 and 22 and 13...... I think the shine would be dulled up very quickly..... Its a sad condition this basketball program / fans are in.....
  3. Pitino has released a statement today that in essence says he is not going anywhere and he is not going to Kentucky. I would take that as a "I am not interested in the UK job...." Calapari released a statment, in todays CJ, which said he is happy with Memphis and that is where he wants to be.... I would take that as a "I am not interested in the UK job....." Billy D. => I'm not convinced Barnhart has the skills to land Billy D. Even if Billy D was on the fence. Its not a money issue to land Billy D. Sure, UK can come up with all the money, but I'm not sure Billy D's motivation is all $$$ (sure he will get a pay raise at FLA.). I think he thrives on success, hard work and happiness. The personal satisfaction and longevity of the position at UK is something that has to have a big ? Being the biggest and most prestegious is not always the best. Florida won the title in 2006... and could in 2007. What makes you think that 1, Billy will not reload and be competitive in a few years? 2. That he could very well turn around and do this again in a few years.... all at little ole Florida.... Case being and point -- Billy D. does not need to prove anything to the basketball world. He is the hottest coach, period. He is successful with 15,ooo fans.... so, what, his teams kicked our buts.... I would draw a lot of satisfaction knowing I can beat the UK's, even with their 23,500 Rupp arena.... Why would he want to take on all the extra pressure, which is about 90% negative, with the UK job. He just might enjoy a good football game now and then too. He can slip down to the swamp and check out the Gator football team and be very well recieved and respected by everyone in attendance. Not so sure one can say that about UK. These are some of the reasons why I'm scratching Billy D. off the list.
  4. I am not in the know, don't pretend to be but, I would say that it is conceivable that UK could forward a nice sum of money to Billy D. to pay for his transportation to Lexington for a job interview. I would think that 8 - 10K would get you, your agent and couple others on a charter jet to and from Lexington..... UK would end up paying for this anyway.... so its a good move jester on UK's behalf, although Billy D has to use it!!! Billy has two options, send it back, Im not interested (no interview..) or he can jump on a plane next week after the final 4 is final.....
  5. I recently was discussing with a friend who is a big, big UK fan and said that he had heard that from a close friend who's ex sister in law works with an unidentified source in the maintenance department at UK that a probationary worker had said he answered the phone the other day and it was Billy Donavan looking for Mitch Barnhart. So every thing must be true. Come on folks, get a grip. Billy is not coming to Kentucky. Scratch him, Pitino and Calapari off the list..... I think I see some sweat beading up on Mitch Barnharts forehead.......
  6. Rick P is not coming to UK..... If contacted I would imagine he would turn down the interview.........
  7. Scratch Calapari off the list, he says he's not interested in any other job.
  8. After the final 4 is played, the national champion has been crowned, Billy D. may come to Lexington for an interview...... But when all the pm's have been sent, in all reality, Billy D. will not be the next UK coach. Way to many negatives to jump into the UK fishbowl. On the flip side, Billy D. is the only true candidate for the job. He is UK's man and UK needs him bad........ IF,somehow the world stopped spinning, and Billy D. jumped to UK, UK basketball would be one off season from a top 20 program..... Two seasons from a top 12 program and three from a top 8...... I think all the UK fans can life with this ....... BUT its not going to happen folks. Billy D. is to smart a guy and coach to come to UK.......... You list all the positives and negatives of FLA vs UK and I think you end up with FLA and possible back to back NCAA's.... I would love to see Billy D. in Lexington, but its not going to happen.
  9. 00.000000000001 % chance that Ricky P is even thinking about such an activity.
  10. Guys WAKE UP..... Donovan will not come to Kentucky. The media pressure this week will be a distraction to him and his FL team and he will come out and say he is NOT a candidate..... Why would any very succussful coach, who is on the verge of a NCAA repeat, what to go to KY with all of the fish bowl media and fans.... Florida has much nicer weather and the girls are prettier....... Time to go to NEXT on the list.......
  11. I couldn't agree more..... In my mind it comes down to the following question for the UK Athletic Administration, Fans and Ticket holders.... Are you happy with 12 - 13 losses a year and a finish in the SEC in the top 4 (as in 2, 3 or 4th place) and a national ranking of 15 to 30??? With 15 being the highest ranking all season.... If that makes you happy and you think everything is great then you got the program your looking for......
  12. Morris needs to come back to UK for another season. Earn his degree and try and be a top 5 center in the SEC.
  13. Best 20 minutes (first half ) U of L has played all year......
  14. Lets hope UK gets the W against Nova. I personally do not have a vendeta against Duke. Sure it broke my heart to see that shot, however, its old news and Duke should be commended for their success and track record. So, to set the record straight, I will not loose any sleep it UK and Duke both loose. I just does not matter like it used too.....
  15. Panther - I hear what your saying... We live in a different world these days. After a win or a loss, we get on the laptop and bark up and down. 30 years ago you talked to friends and neighbors the next day. We live in a win and win again society ( I know you know this, but it is so true ). Im not saying its right, but UK fans are spoiled (me included) and we expect a very high standard of play and results. When we dont see the results its the what have you done for me lately syndrome..... The general thinking is that somebody is responsible (getting paid big bucks to coach basketball...) and that if the results are not forseeable, then change must occur. Its kinda like todays stock market. Cant make any money buying high and selling low...... The slope of the program is negative...... Question is, when does UK stop the downward trend ???? I for one have accepted the 12 - 13 loss season at UK. I feel it is the best we can do now. Thats reality.... Enjoy March Madness...........
  16. Does he listen to his own motivational cd's instead of listening to Twabby?
  17. UL must defend the three, ie man to man. If UL can not do this effectivly and WVU is hot.... UL WILL STRUGGLE....... If UL does not come to play and WVU has thoughts of stealing the game..... It very well could be a heck of a game. Crystal ball says Cards by 6...
  18. Im looking for detail on the web with no luck so far... Thanks
  19. I just cant believe that there is an agent that stupid.... why invest your time and money in Morris.......
  20. Its pretty clear to me that neither Twabby or Ricky have the energy to coach at "their own standard", players and ability to recruit anymore. In fairness to UL, going to the big east was major upgrade in competition. They are adjusting finally. The UK slope is negative. Major Questions.... Are the programs where they were in the early to mid 80's (UL) and UK in the mid to late 90's????? I dont see how anyone can say that they are. We should accept the fact that both programs are not top 10 anymore. Dont worry, be happy...
  21. Just 4 - 20 + years ago, the majority of the kids "considered" UK as a possible choice... 1 - 3 would actually end up comeing to UK. Now days, very few actually have UK on their dream list..... Its pretty sad. In my mind is all about leadership, or the lack their of.... President, AD, Coach all are responsible. Oh, but everything is OK, we are going to be improved next season...... Starting to sound like FOOTBALL....:sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
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