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Riverside 157

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Everything posted by Riverside 157

  1. Thanks for the update. Looking forward to seeing all of the new facilities and the teams utilizing these on campus venues. Go Tigers!!
  2. I thought Scott Co. would have made a more substantial push this year...!
  3. Anyone have some new photos on the status of the football stadium? Any update on the construction progress and time table for completion? When is the turf to be laid? When will the track be available for student use?
  4. ^^ Thanks BCat for the insight. I had not heard of these things but the picture is getting clearer.... NOT WANTING TO BEAT A DEAD HORSE, but it seems to me that these types of things would be picked up by the coaching staff. I would anticipate that there are certian "drills" which flush out all of this type stuff in the summer and early fall in an attempt to build team unity. I would suspect that all of that was done and addressed. I understand that sometimes these situations exist, the challenge is to eliminate them before they become an issue. We need to reexamine our efforts and thoughts on this subject such that this type of situation will not rear its head again.... Amen.
  5. If U of L can give him a diploma, he's gone. I think he will be back to play and graduate. Then off to the NFL for three years.
  6. I hear what is being said about RB loosing his touch etc.... I think that (as we all age) we loose the energy to maintain a high level of activity and the energy needed to coach "Rick Pitino" style ball... Example - Im not sure he ever sat at a UK game as coach. Always up and down the sidelines coaching with intensity.... He even gave that intensity at the timeouts => standing up...... NOW - he coaches with some intensity on the sidelines, sits on a chair during timeouts etc. IM NOT BEING CRITICAL OF RP, THESE ARE JUST OBSERVATIONS. It takes tremendous energy to coach his style of play. Im not sure he has the drive and energy to do what he did at UK at U of L. Would love to see another banner in Freedom Hall. We are certainly missing something......
  7. We need Tight ends that can not only block but CATCH the ball as well. I was not impressed with our ability to catch balls thrown to that position. If I had to guess I would say
  8. ^ jimmyref thanks for the insight. The rash of injuries is one thing that I did not consider in assessing 06. Hopefully we can get to and through 07 with minimal injuries. I think the passing concept is a good thing and it will pay dividens when excuted correctly. To be primarly one dimentional, the run, the line has to be very dominate. We were not dominate on the line this year (IMHO) which led to offensive inefficiencies (problems)... Need better line agility and speed...
  9. Having not reached that level in 4A previously and coming from the very competitive NKY, I think they were a surprise and a good one at that. I am happy for them and their success.
  10. Would like to see Central followup 06 with another solid year in 07.....
  11. I saw the Semifinal between Trinity and Henry Clay and I would agree with you that in head to head competition (playoff time), HC probably would have beaten X. Eventhough HC spotted Trinity 28 points to start the game, HC played pretty good after that. Gave up some big plays to Petrino scrambling. It takes a special team and effort to win a semifinal on the road. I did not see anything from X that led me to believe that they had what it takes to build the lead and / or come from behind to win.....
  12. This is a major road trip from Louisville..... The Western KY parkway has a lot to be desired from a visual perspective as well as smoothness of the ride. In short, get ready for the longest, roughest and worst road trip one can have.... Now, play a game, hopefully win, and ride back.... Its enough to make one sick and the body will be sore from the ride alone.... All said and done, with a couple of stops, elapsed time of travel can easily approach 5.5 hours, one way.......
  13. Should have but Rupp's numbers in there for discussion purposes........ Good job in putting the data together....
  14. Congrats to UMass and Coach Ford for the big W. Nice win for the up and coming Coach...
  15. Looks to me as if UK has fallen out of the "top 10" as far as programs are concerned. Is UK good, for sure. UK will always be UK. But, the program is on a negative slope. Statistics dont lie... Ok, so not everybody goes to the final 4 every year. OK, everybody is not the UK basketball program... Yes, expectations are high. They are high at Duke, North Carolina and Florida as well. Those teams seam to be doing pretty good. So the way I see it, UK has comfortable settled into a 15 - 20 top program in the country. Nothing wrong with that, but dont expect to be beating the final 4 door every year like the Dukes, N. Carolinas and Floridas..... We are not there. I think the question is very similar to the football program, IS THE BIG BLUE NATION HAPPY WITH 6 WINS?? Is that all UK should strive to achieve??? WRT Basketball, IS A 23 - 12 SEASON ACCEPTABLE EVERY YEAR?? I THINK THESE QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED BY THE ATHLETIC LEADERSHIP.
  16. ^ Jimmyref not trying to start trouble here, just an honest discussion. I had high expectations for this season as I do for all seasons.... After the in 05, I thought that 06 would be a very focused and determined team. Given the talent returning at the skill positions and comments of speed galore... Well, we just could not get it done in the big games. I thought we may have been overhyped.... I watched a lot of the games this year and I will say that the 1 - 2 punch of Anderson and Finch really never materialize to the point that the defense never know who was going to run the ball. If I recall correctly, it was very rare to see both in the game at the same time.... This is the point I make in utilizing all the offensive weapons. If you have 5 weapons, but em on the field at the same time, utilize the speed, force the defense to cover all and then throw in some creative play calling..... Now that is scary. But it never happened. I hope we had a learning experience this season from a player and coaching perspective. I never saw the team play with emotion and enthusiasm (like they really wanted to win...) vs. Trinity, Male and Male. I have watched X football for 30 years and this team did not have emotion and was not successful in generating it on the field. Looking forward to 2007 and the new stadium. It will be interesting.
  17. Some Random Thoughts to Chew on.... Observations: Trinity - Congrats on #17. Can anyone stop these guys??? Maybe they should play up in class, try the CUSA..... Male - Still producing great talent ie. Beaumont. Congrats on the Mr. Football award, well deserved. Still need to figure out how to play defense against a very offensive minded opponent.... St. X - In all reality, season was below standard and expectations. Need a way to utilize all of the offensive weapons. May have to take several steps at one time for the changes to be effective.... Manual - Keep pluging away.... Disappointments: St. X - Major underachieving season. I think one needs to be positive as much as possible, yet lets call it like it is..... PRP - What happened to the breakout year for this program??? Surprises: Henry Clay - Nice run in playoffs... Ryle - Even nicer run in playoffs. Congrats on a fine season. Now, go build upon that success. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crystal Ball for 2007..... No significant changes....will result in very similar conclusions to this past season. Makes for an interesting off season from many perspectives. Let the chewn begin....:laugh:
  18. Im serious, does he play basketball or football?
  19. Wow, I imagine you had some fun along the way as well. Very impressive list.
  20. So, he is the "greatest" in Trinity history.... I still think he needs a significant pay raise... How much did Dennis give him??? I would think that with all of the additional revenue football has brought in to Trinity for the last 6 years, with all the State Championships, tickets sold, sweatshirts etc... recruiting of students to boost enrollment etc., that a mere $20,000 raise would be a nice "Thank You Bob Beaty for all that you have done at Trinity"..... That would be a small drop in the bucket compared to the funds that have been generated on behalf of his efforts..... If you dont reward your best employees...... they leave. This case is no different.
  21. I will be heading to Nashville early on the am of the 29th. I will be with about 9 other yahoos (couples)... I think the cats deserve my support this year after all the grief I gave them and the very fine job they did to acheive 7 victories..... Yes, I am a cat fan at heart. I imagine most of you did not know that.... Should be a very competitive game but most of all, just a bunch of fun for the fans............... Nashville, here we come....
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