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Riverside 157

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Everything posted by Riverside 157

  1. I see this as Males call. I think that moving the game to PJCS would be to the advantage of Trinity. Not so sure that Male wants to do this. Male's field is more than adequate for a third round game. If you want a seat, show up early. The field is in pretty good shape and I see this as a non issue. Males home field is an advantage to them. Trinity fans, just wait before the game starts, during warm up etc. The music will be so loud that you cant here yourself think sitting on the other side of the stadium. The music will be blastin right in the visitors ears as they warm up for the game. Get ready to hear this for 40 + minutes.... It is enough to distract you! Get you out of your game focus. If the game was moved to PJCS, all that is lost for Male. So I see no way that Male will move this game to PJCS. Nor should they be forced to do so by opponents wishes. Good game on tap, best to both teams. By the way... to answer an earlier question, NO (IMO) would Trinity move the game to PJCS if it had a choice.
  2. Speaking for myself only. Not saying that Male vs. Trinity IS the championship GAME. That game will be played on Nov. 30. What I am saying is that whom ever wins the Male vs. Trinity GAME is more than capable of winning it all and will probably do so. This is just MHO. I respect others thoughts and judgments, however, Henry Clay better have something up their sleeve to handle either of these two teams....... Good Luck to all teams.
  3. Bluto => The burden of proof will be on the challenger(s) to the winner of Male vs. Trinity. No disrespect, just have to prove that the out of Jefferson Co. teams can compete and win the 4A title in the Louisville back yard. I agree that the semifinal game could present some trouble for Male or even Trinity, but once the 3rd quarter gets started, one of them will pull away in worst case senerio. Wish I had a stronger interest in it, but it will be very difficult to stop Male or Trinity. It can be done (maybe?), but I would be very surprised to see anyone pull it off. Good Luck to all.
  4. Im happy for the program and the players. Looking forward to seeing UK in a bowl game. This is a major step for the program. I think he has earned his keep for this year and the right to start next year. Lets see what he does next year?? I have been surprised at the victories this year. My hats off to them. Lets see how this year finishes off. Looking forward => Hopefully a W over La-Monroe. Lets hope for a w at Tennessee yet, take a 21 point defeat. Go to a bowl game, (it really does not matter) and win that game. All said and done 8 - 5... wow, that would be very difficult to cut up and chew on regardless of who you are or were you come from. That would be a major step for this program. Good Luck to the Cats. Hope to go bowling in Nashville...........
  5. When its all said and done, probably YES. The main difference, the loser DOES NOT get a runner-up trophy.....
  6. I have no vested interest in the Male vs. Trinity game. I will listen to it on the radio, (Will it be on the radio?). Should be a pretty good game. I look for two things which could happen: 1. Male jumps out on top early and Trinity comes back in 2nd half and "toss a coin" as to who wins. Coin toss favors Trinity. 2. Trinity does its homework and finds ways to score at will against Male and has moderate success in stopping the Male offense. Scores: Senerio 1> Trinity 36 Male 33 Senerio 2> Trinity 41 Male 28 This is not really how I would like for this game to turn out, however, Ive been around long enough to know what will take place. Trinity will cover the Male QB, Beaumont and the other RB. Trinity shuts those three players down and Male may have a problem. I would venture to say that 90 % of Males offense involves these three players. Trinity will key on these players like Male has never seen. Pass rush and two guys on Beaumont and the other RB where ever they go. Has to be way more effective then what X tried. Trinity will find a way, somehow to pull this one out.
  7. Who ever is fortunate to win the Male vs. Trinity game will certianly have the leg up towards the title. IF the winner of that game prepares hard, has a solid game plan and executes that plan in the Semi-Final and Final, that team will win the 4A crown. Nothing against the remaining teams, its the track record and experience which rises to the top and better prepares players and coaches for the big stage of a state championship. Baring any outings in which the winner of the above game produces 3 + turnovers and a very soft defensive showing, its over. Good Luck to all teams.
  8. Congratulations to the Male Bulldogs for the victory on Friday. Strong team and I wish them well in the playoffs. WRT the Tigers, tough game and season for that matter. Proud of their efforts and how they represented St. X and handled themselves ON and OFF the field. To the Senior members of the Tiger football team: I realize that no words can soften the feelings of ending your football career at St. X. Just remember that when your graduation date comes, your diploma will say St. Xavier High School. You will have enormous pride in knowing that you are an alumni of the best high school in America. Thanks for the memories and "Go Tigers".
  9. ^ I understand what you are saying. I sit corrected. So the real issue is: Is it chucking or holding?? Im not a ref, so I dont have to make that call. I think this is where some of the issues are raised with respect to defense coverage of wide receivers.
  10. I have no idea who the refs will be. If X does not come to play, it does not matter. Should be a great game. Really looking forward to this one. The play you are referencing above Bama Larry, I dont recall. It wont be the last blown call in a HS football game....... Hopefully, the game will be relatively penalty free.
  11. No need to make a big deal out of it. I dought that the KHSAA is going to leve a fine on Coach G. Whats wrong by playing by the rules? If any team chooses to bend or twist the (playing) rules to their benefit, and get away with it, then its the Officials responsibility to recognise this situation. We all need a little reminder about things (BGP Rules) every now and then. Im sure every coach in a big game reminds the officials about the opposing teams tendency to "stretch" the rules. This pretains to blocking, holding, late hits, pass coverage, 5 yard contact etc. Let just face it, its a big game and each side wants to negate the precieved advantage of the other. Good Luck to both teams and lets play by the rules......
  12. When any team beats another team by 45 + points, I think it is safe to call it a cakewalk. Insulting as it may sound, its still a thorough rear end kicking for the one with the short end of the stick and a cakewalk for the one with the upper end of the stick. Reality is reality. Not trying to offend anyone, football is not a "politically correct" sport. Dont miss understand me. Im not in favor of 60 + to 0 ) games. Some programs respect a certian point differential as sufficient and some do not. LSU - No hidden message there...! Interested in seeing the differential of the Trinity vs. Ballard game on Friday. Good Luck to both teams.
  13. ^ Bama Larry - Good luck to you and the Dawgs Friday night. When its all said and done and in the books: I think Mr. Beaumont will make a play in final 5 minutes that seals the game. Would not be surprised to see it on Offense for sure and possible on Defense as well. He is a great player no dought. I suspect the poor tackling of X (late in game) will make him look super natural. Have a great game.
  14. I am pretty sure that you can add Canescat to the list of "Trinity" posters as well. Your defense is allowed.
  15. With the won - loss record of 9 - 2 this St. X team is really a question mark to me. I have huge expectations based off of the talent returning and preseason talk. I expected a very dominating team on O, D and ST like X has never had before...... With the one point loss in overtime to No. 1 ranked Male one can find some good chartater to build on. X was sleeping the first 24 minutes and started playing in 2nd half. Yes, I know field position was terrible, but you earn field position and 3 and Out does not get you much with 35 yard punts. Still, I have to believe that IF the Tigers put together a full game, very good things can happen. WRT the Trinity game, sleeping again!! (Im not wanting to take anything away from Trinity, Im just saying that X was not in the game mentally at the start which very quickly transfered into not being in the game physically.) Game over. In these two losses, St. X has clearly shown that it has a problem in mental prepration for a big game. I think these are two excellent data points that can not be disputed by anyone. Yes, the 2nd half recovery vs. Male was encouraging. The special teams still need work. I find it hard for any team which has struggled in this manner thorughout the season, to right the ship in a two week season against the No. 1 and No. 2 ranked teams back to back. Having said all of that, I still have hope, I know there is some extreme talent on that team and Im just waiting for it to explode. I am confident that if all of this talent gets on the same page, the mission can be accomplished. Go Tigers - Play your best game of the year (so far) this Friday.
  16. What is Male's approach to this game? Do they feel as if they will win for sure? Just wondering. Eventhough Im a Tiger supporter, I just find it really hard to believe that the Tigers will win this game. I feel as if the Tigers have more than enough talent to win, however they have not really sparked so far this year. Maybe its my perception or expectations but I would be really surprised to see X play hard, consistent and spirited football for 4 qtrs. I have not seen them do it this year. The defense will have to play an exceptional game no dought. Offense as well. Special teams even have to show up and execute to get this game in the W column. Where has it been all year? How is it going to show up on Friday night? Realistically, I just don't see it. Surprise the heck out of me Tigers. Beat Male.
  17. A lot of polesters and fans are saying that it will be a close game. Some are saying that Rutgers will win and others are saying U ofL will win. The strength of schedule has come in to discussion with respect to Rutgers. With U of L on the rebound to returning to season ending form, this should be a very good game. A lot of the TV guys are saying possible upset and in general, not respecting U of L for their season thus far this year. What happens IF, I know, BIG IF, U of L rolls on all cylinders and stomps Rutgers by 35 + points, National TV, battle of unbeatens etc.... No one is really predicting this, we truly know U of L is capable of putting up some points. This is all just a thought. In general, everyone seems to be very cautious. If U of L plays cautious, they could get beat. Heres to a big U of L W... What will / can the TV common taters have to say about a big U of L victory (35+ points), assuming U of L wins out... and the National Title Game. Its not even a debate...... U of L goes because you cant say they dont deserve to be there.....
  18. Bama Larry - Whats the field conditions at Male? Is the field in pretty good shape?
  19. Owensboro is another close community with lots of support. Lots of football tradition in Owensboro. May not be 4A or 3A championship heavy, but they have had some very good teams over the years. Mark Higgs was pretty awsome in HS. May find it tough to compete against the Louisville schools, however, dont underestimate them as a team.
  20. I would expect that Warren Central to be pretty focused team in the playoffs this year. Last year they hosted a semi-final and really did not play to well. St. X ended up winning big, but WC was pretty down after the first score or two. I would anticipate that they will be full of enthusiasm and ready to play regardless of who and where they play the next coulpe of rounds.
  21. Henry Clay made it to the 1995 4A final only to lose to St. X 26 - 0.
  22. Only on election day can I say this.... Go Tigers Beat the Dawgs!!!! I approve of this message.
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