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Riverside 157

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Everything posted by Riverside 157

  1. I too was a little surprised at the small differential that Jody ID for tonights game...... Does he have some inside information on the Bruins??? or Rocks??? or Both?????? I do not see this as a one play game. I say Rocks are on the board in Offensive 6 plays..... It might take the Bruins a couple of quarters to get on the board.....
  2. Very difficult to pick one although Bush and Couch are the top two candidates in my mind. Bush was very effective at football and could literally contol a game by himself..... He demonstrated this on the bball court as well when necessary. Problably could have been more an impact player in bball if needed to be. Male was pretty good with him as a secondary scorer. He was content to score, really when he wanted to, but never had the desire ( so I observed) to over achieve in bball. Nevertheless, Ive seen him take the ball at the top of the circle and two dribbles on the drive past MtoM defense and go in for the dunk..... and not even look as if he is trying...... Pretty special... Couch obviously had incredible numbers as a QB in HS.... Just have to question the caliber of defense he played against..... I dont think he won a State chmapionship as Leslie??? How come?? Anyone scoring 30 + avg. in basketball is very impressive and merits consideration as a significant impact player.....
  3. ^^ Its hard to jump a once beaten team above any of the teams that are in the top 6 in post #40. I think precidence should be given to undefeated teams over once beaten teams...... ( I don't agree with this but..) this is the way it has been done for the last 20 years, I think it would be a crime to change the criteria at this point..... So if your UL and your undefeated, out of the big east, BCS conference, then you should get higher BCS bid than, lets say a once beaten Michigan, FLA, USC..... Just MHO.... Thats how BYU got their NC.......................
  4. Chances are that there will be at least one undefeated team, possible as many as 4..... I think it would be a long shot to have NO undefeated teams in D1... Next several weeks offer some very good football watching for the average joe fan......
  5. On post #40 - I think you can narrow the list of contenders for the NC further by eliminating all of the one loss teams..... Like ND.... They were humiliated against Michigan, they do not deserve any consideration in the NC picture. Its quite simple. Go undefeated, play a very difficult schedule, and be part of a major conference..... ND does not meet that criteria this year.... If you lose your out...... This goes for all the teams in post # 40...
  6. I would not want to have to defend against him in a one game set..... He will eat UK for lunch, dinner and midnight snack by the end of the 1st quarter Sat. down in Baton Rouge..... He will have over 300 yrs passing and 75 rushing against the cats....... He is good and the UK defense is as soft as they come. I will try to catch more of the LSwho games on tv the remainder of the year.
  7. I find it very difficult to have Woodson on any list of drafts..... If he is as good as your saying, then we all should see the benefits of his work, Running, Passing, leadership etc. the intangeable...? Im not seeing his name pop out on NFL prognosis reports..... If he cant be an impact player at the collegient level, what makes one think he can do in at the next level????
  8. What is the name of the LSwho QB....? He is a big guy...saw him last weekend for a couple of plays.... He looked like the next Vince Young.....
  9. ^ I totall agree with you T Cat but we are talking UK football so anything is possible and most probable..... I can remember maybe 18 years ago, LSwho and UK in Lex. Same ole story.... UK played them very tough for the first half and actully had a half time lead..... LSwho scored on a long ~8:00 min drive late in the 3rd to take the lead, only to force UK into a 3 and out and return a punt for ~ 70 yards to break the game open...... Un B liv able.....!!!!
  10. Just a question.... What makes you so sure that UK would stop LSU on one more play???? Ive seen a coulpe of these UK vs. LSU games in Lex. over the years and LSU has UK's number...... What game was it, maybe 10 years ago, in the curry era: I believe it was LSWHo on the KY 45. About 8 seconds left in the game and 4th and 7..... UK protects against the 7 yard out pattern but forgets to cover the post.... bullseye right down the middle of the field as time expired..... Unbelieveable........ Do you remember?
  11. Not an expert on kicking but do understand the mechanics and talent needed to be succesfull at the HS level.... IMHO, there is no kid at X at this point deserving of a D1 kicking offer..... D II maybe (at a very long stretch) , but not D1.... The kid from Trinity has what it takes for D1, no question.... IMHO, kid should go anywhere he wants, he's that good....... No knowledge of the others, have not seen any other standouts so far this year in Jefferson Co.
  12. Yes Alabama Larry, they don't give em away.!!!!!! UL has a tough road to hold as does everybody else....... Just Win...... If one can be realistic at this point, I woud say that if UL goes undefeated, they will not be in the NC if there are two other teams in the same position such as, Mich, OSU, FLA, USC .....
  13. OSU and FLA for sure due to their higher rankings all year.... UL would possible play in the sugar vs. another sec team for #3 in the country... or against Mich. in the rose........
  14. Against that high powered no 1 ranked offense in the nation.....???? Im a Michigan fan, but I would have to think that the UL offfense would be the talk of the town..... How is Michigan going to stop the UL O..? We know they are strong against the run and rightfully acknowledged, however, have they seen the likes of a UL offense this year???? This is so much speculation....... but its fun and it could come to be factual...:lol:
  15. I like your enthusiasm, the proof is in the puttin.... especially in Feb and March......
  16. Now that we have decided who is playing in the NC, What will be the point spread???? Louisville by 3.........
  17. If OSU wins out => they will go to NC.... If Florida and So. Cal win out .... it will be close but probably Fla goes to NC... Any loss by top 5 in post # 9 ====> they are out.... of NC ================================================== For U Of L to go to NC.... Louisville must win out and win in convincing manner the rest of the season.... 10 - 14 victory over W. VA... is convincing... Florida must loose.... OSU must loose... to Michigan by less than 7 points... OSU would be out of NC picture... but Michigan would not necessary be the new NO. 1.... So. Cal lose..... but if they win out will problaby go to NC, IF Fla has been beaten.... So..... Michigan Vs. Louisville in the NC........ Who would have ever thunk it...
  19. All speculation.... One of the bunch will be eliminated when OSU plays Michigan... One of the bunch will be eliminated when UL play W.VA... So. Cal will probably win out... iF FLORIDA wins out and.... Florida will problaby lose in SEC champ game... If not then they DESERVE TO GO TO TITLE GAME.... Louisville is looking pretty good.... Just win.... and win big when you can..... Most of the chips will fall as they may.... U of L still controls its own fate in my opinion.... the Nov 2 game is HUGE... National Audience and TV.... Just win..... and that puts UL in the top 5..., maybe higher.... win out very strong against SF, @ Pitt and Uconn...and UL is looking at a 3 or 4...... Yes it would be great to go to the NC game.... BUT the 3 vs. 4 bowl game is nothing to sneeze at........ shoot, it could be a senerio where UL could win there bowl game and lay claim to a split NC......... Its happened befor.....
  20. Now that the round ball season is nearly upon us, how do you feel the UK cats will fair in the SEC and post season. I know there is a lot of ball to be played and players to be developed, however, what are your expectations for the upcoming season? Based off of your expectations, do you feel as if meeting this goal will be a "succsessful" season???
  21. If you have travel plans to go to the game.... Enjoy your trip, skip the game and go to New Orleans and enjoy the French Quarter..... One might be able to catch some good football on a TV screen down there as well......
  22. I miss his entertaining style of football. Made UK be more competitive in the games we were "supposed to lose" .. .. I think UK won several of those games... BUT, out with the cheating, UK does not need that and Im glad he is gone because his staff was part of the problem. Just imagine if UK had a defense and a defensive coordinator at the time?????? Really brought UK football into the modern era (offensively) yet the program has regressed to more conservative style, (brooks) as we see now.........
  23. ^ Thanks for the memory. I remember the T and Ballard communities really being fired up over that one for several years. Hard to believe its been 15 years....
  24. ^ RP - For discussion sake, what year was it that T scored late in the game to take the lead....(may have been in OT) when the T runner's knee hit at about the two and he stretched into the endzone and the ref called it a TD. NOT wanting to start something, but I know that was a big game in this rivalry.... What year was it?
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