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Everything posted by MBWC41

  1. That was tough to watch. Learn from it and move on...
  2. I agree. I haven’t visited many, but all the restaurants around here seem to be very strict on wearing a mask until you’re seated. Gas stations seem to be the main culprit IMO.
  3. I don’t know if Virginia had anyone out. San Francisco lost to Massachusetts-Lowell, a team I’ve never heard of so I assume they don’t have much of a team.
  4. At least they didn’t wait till March for their annual upset this year.
  5. It’s not right. I’m fortunate enough to have a union job with plenty of support. We told our employers that we had been coming into work with various illnesses for years and this virus was no different. Either they payed us to stay home or we come to work. We’d try our best to keep our distance from other employees, but we’d come to work as normal. They decided they would pay us to quarantine for 2 weeks if anyone in our home tested positive...
  6. I know it’s only Morehead but I thought they looked great... A quick glance at the box score shows nearly everyone shot 50% or better from the floor. Fletcher was a very pleasant surprise.
  7. Ashland and a running clock... The sophomores for the Tomcats should get plenty of clock against Russell this weekend.
  8. No way is the turkey a given. I’ll take ham 100% of the time if given a choice! You can keep the pumpkin pie too! Dressing Hash brown casserole Broccoli Casserole Oreo Cake
  9. Even though he didn’t leave OSU as a head coach and then take the Michigan job ? I understand the situations are similar but they aren’t exactly the same. Also, fans have short term memories when their team is struggling. If OSU were to make a bad hire and Fick was killing it at UM, I imagine most sane fans would welcome him back.
  10. Would Michigan really want Fickell knowing if he did well he was likely gone as soon as OSU opened up ? I understand you should always try to hire the best available but paying a guy a ton of money with one foot out the door would be a tough pill to swallow.
  11. Agreed ! I see two ways to return to some form of normal... 1. We shutdown again. Maybe only for a couple months this time but we actually shutdown. No businesses open except medical offices. No travel whatsoever except for medical emergencies. After we get control of things we slowly open back up but we don’t allow international travel of any kind possibly ever again. 2. We trust science and utilize a vaccine. The choice seems obvious to me.
  12. Early data from 2 companies claim the vaccine is 94.5% effective. That’s very promising! Again, I’ll get it as soon as it’s available.
  13. It’s in Bill Gates best interest to have as many people, as possible, alive. Hopefully signing Microsoft’s terms of service wavier on our death beds. How anyone could think the ultra wealthy want less people alive is beyond me. I’m not a believer in chem trails, ufos or human chips/the sign of the beast so maybe I’m in the minority?
  14. I wonder how he feels about onside kicks and the head fake in basketball?
  15. Same here... If college basketball is being played between 7 and 10, I’m watching. Doesn’t matter what teams are on the floor. I’ll stay up for the UK 9pm tip-offs but that’s about it. I’ve been to Vegas multiple times during college football and basketball season. Setting an alarm to get up and watch 9am games on a Saturday is a really strange feeling.
  16. I agree. You act like saying West Coast teams don’t produce championship teams is some sort of bias. That statement has merit. In my lifetime (35 years) teams West of the Mississippi have produced roughly 6 champions. That includes split championships. I’m a numbers man. A probabilities man. Past numbers tell me the NCAA football champion will come from an eastern team.
  17. It’s only a bias if statistics don’t back it up. You have to go back to 97 to find a west coast champion. I was 12...”Barbie Girl” was one of the top songs of the year. A little movie titled “Titanic” was huge in the box offices...
  18. I don’t believe in chem trails, ufo’s, 9/11 as an inside job or the mark of the beast. I’ll be the first in line for a vaccine.
  19. Either shutdown the country again, or let the kids play... The numbers don’t make sense...
  20. Yup... I love March Madness more than any other sporting event but it’s a really silly way to determine a champion.
  21. Agreed. I’d even be happy with a 6 team playoff. All the P5 winners and one random team that went undefeated or the second place team from a P5 conference. Give the number 1 and 2 teams a first week bye. Letting all the power 5 conference winners in and a play in game for the 6 and 7 seeded teams would be interesting also. I feel like 6-8 teams eliminates all doubt.
  22. Because they’re West of the Mississippi...
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