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Everything posted by MBWC41

  1. Yup. It’s one extreme or the other with the media these days. Non controversial headlines don’t get ratings I suppose.
  2. Lou Holtz probably lost sleep when the 3 point shot was introduced in basketball.
  3. I like Lou Holtz. I really do. He reminds me of an alcoholic grandfather or uncle. He’s out of his element when discussing current topics. 50 years ago, his comments may have had some merit. I feel like Lou Holtz wishes kids were still wearing leather helmets. He’s an out of touch dinosaur. Don’t care how religious he is.
  4. The forward pass should be illegal…
  5. Hid/edited the original recording from the UL administration. Not a good look, especially if you’re a UL head coach right now…
  6. I agree. However, seatbelt laws for adults and helmet laws for motorcycles come to mind as safety being forced on us…
  7. Lol I had them to win the series but would have never made the bet when they were down 2-0.
  8. I’ve got one kind of similar minus the slaw lol. Cornbread Casserole: Make a batch of cornbread. Preferably homemade but store bought works as well. Let the cornbread cool and then crumble. Fry 1 pound of bacon. Let cool and then crumble. Mis together 1 pack of dry ranch salad dressing with 1 cup Mayo and 1 cup sour cream. Refrigerate. Dice 3 bell peppers and 2 tomatoes. Dice 2 bunches of green onion and 1 bunch of cilantro. Strain and rinse 2 cans corn, 2 cans pinto beans. Use 1 bag of shredded cheddar. In a large baking dish, layer half cornbread and top with half of the Ranch/Mayo/sour cream mixture. Top with half of the cheese, bacon, green onion, corn, beans, cilantro, tomatoes and bell peppers. Repeat this step for the second layer. Cover and refrigerate for a couple hours before serving. This stuff is soooo filling and delicious. A little goes a long way. I typically make it for cookouts and rarely have any leftovers.
  9. I agree completely on the offensive end. I really think Cockburn would have been a season changing addition to this team. He’s a proven stud. I always questioned whether or not he could have played defensively to Cals liking. He’s an old school big man who eats everything up inside the paint, but that’s about it. If Cal thought he would have had a place on this team, he would have recruited him harder. Maybe he’s just very confident in adding Duren or he’s seen enough from Oscar to be satisfied with what he has.
  10. Cals got his system and if Kofi could have helped, he would have been recruited harder. Kofi is the type of player you change your system for. Cal is stubborn and isn’t changing his system for anyone. He wants “postionless” basketball and Kofi doesn’t have that skill set, plain and simple.He’s not guarding anyone other than the opposing teams center or maybe power forward. I’d love to have him. It just doesn’t make sense for him or UK. Name a similar player who has truly thrived under Cal. Daniel Orton? Dakari Johnson ?
  11. It sounds like the interest was mainly fan driven based on the relationship he has with Antigua and Chinn. I’d love to have him. He’s a stud. As I said earlier in the thread, I just don’t see a place for him in the system Cal likes to run.
  12. I’d love to add Cockburn to this roster. He’s a proven commodity. However, if I were Cockburn, I’d probably look elsewhere. Cal doesn’t have much of a track record with true, old school back to the basket centers. I can’t see Cockburn thriving in a system that asks you to switch on screens and guard multiple positions. I just don’t think he has the skill set. He’s an incredible college athlete. I’d love to have him. I don’t think he has a place in the system Cal runs though.
  13. A mixture of ground beef, ketchup, tomato sauce and other ingredients all cooked together. NO BEANS!!! When done right, it’s delicious.
  14. Agreed. The new rules don’t affect everyone proportionally. This honestly moves the needle more for college basketball than anyone else. A Fab Five type group can make a decent amount of money….as a group. The center for Alabama, Clemson or OSU isn’t going to bring in nearly as much as the QB.
  15. Can’t go wrong with this one. Ive noticed the idea of “sauce” greatly varies by region. I’ve had some really bad hotdog sauce…
  16. Do the kids on academic scholarships have to pay back their tuition if they find an additional source of revenue?
  17. I have 3 standard hot dogs I stick with. 1. Ketchup only 2. Sauce, mustard and onion 3. Sourkraut and pepperchini peppers
  18. Bookers dating a Kardashian…. Bet every penny you have on the bucks to win the series…
  19. No way it plays out that way and it shouldn’t. The schools may be allowed to sell kids on different opportunities during the recruiting process but I highly doubt we actually ever see the Universities cutting checks.
  20. Yeah, I really don’t want the schools to be issuing checks. If they are though, I do believe the school should have the right to “fire” an athlete for not performing up to the standards that were expected. If a restaurant is willing to pay a few grand for a kid to come sign autographs, I don’t have an issue with it.
  21. Kids have been getting paid to play for decades. At least now the corruption will be out in the open for all of us to see. I’d rather it be that way as opposed to just continuing to act like it doesn’t happen. Turning a blind eye to a problem never helps.
  22. In an ideal situation, kids should have simply been able to sign with and receive advances from certified agents. If someone wants to pay a kid to secure a future partnership, why should that matter to anyone outside of the two parties involved ?
  23. I agree. Regarding the lower ranked kids expecting to be paid, I’m fine with that also. They can expect all they want. If a business is willing to pay them, they should be able to endorse that business. It makes no difference to me if it’s Trevor Lawrence getting a new car from a local dealership or a 2nd string lineman getting some tattoos in exchange for signing some autographs. At a minimum, the players should have the same opportunity to generate outside revenue as their coach does.
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