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Everything posted by Xman85

  1. Petrino is not as good as Brohm. Being an X fan....I would much rather play a Petrino team than a Brohm team. Brohm was and is outstanding...and that was a nation-wide perception. SI cover...#1 rated QB...etc. I also believe he was undefeated against my beloved Tigers....Man am I glad he is at UL!......Hopefully none of those Brohms will pro-create any more boys....Let them dominate girls athletics for a while.
  2. Junior Varsity....At X it a team of only sophmores that plays other soph teams
  3. Do you dispute that HC showed unsportsman-like conduct by jumping on the T? Do you have some other facts that will intelligently dispute the arguments made here? Do you think that your use of foul language makes you more credible or less credible?
  4. You're wasting your time....you'll never hear a legitimate response to that question. Because....it invalidates the whole "it's not fair jargon".
  5. To fully investigate this Prop 20 debacle....you cannot just use football stats....Where are the basketball, baseball finals....stats....Now does the Prop 20 argument hold water? I think not.
  6. Yes it could never be enforced and cannot be tried..because of constitutional rights. I really don't see a problem with your example unless you represent the school. (coach, teacher..etc,,,) If our girls became friends and enjoyed playing together...why wouldn't they be discussing going to school together....why wouldn't the parents be discussing if that would be the right choice for her? And asking you about the details and atmosphere of that school.....to make a better informed decision.....
  7. I agree..there is no place in high school sports for unsportsman-like conduct. This coach should be ashamed of himself. He is influencing young men's behavior at a very impressionable age. They look to him for guidance...lead them right!! My hats off to Beatty...he could have added another score at the end of the game...but showed his true colors and took the knee....Classy! Beatty chose to influence his team in the way of discipline and honor. Trinity not only won the game...but they also outclassed HC...Good job Rocks! I would wish you luck next week....but I would be lying!
  8. Make no mistake....I'm with ya...this will be an outstanding game.....T is a much better team, but I have to go with my Tigers.
  9. It was 48-16 just 2 months ago, and the score really doesn't tell how bad it was. X's subs even scored on the T starters. 2 of T's scores came against the X 2nd and 3rd strings. Trinity has made significant adjustments. They are not the same team that played on Sept23. Their Defense is much improved and Petrino has gotten much needed playing time. X has played a killer schedule all year and came away unscathed. I (admitting bias) just can't see T's adjustments making up for all those points. X's line dominated and overpowered T and will do so again. X will win again and take state...but it will not be another blowout. This is a game that neither school takes lightly no matter what the score in the regular season was. Glaser and Beatty are too good to let that happen.
  10. You're way to humble! The lighting never helped me...I still cut heads off..stay out of focus....take pictures of my thumbs...etc..
  11. The boosters that the NCAA went after ..usually provided money, cars...etc... As far as the Catholic School leagues...there are several rules in place by the CSAA to limit your worries....For example....a CSAA coach cannot wear any high school affliated clothing to any practice or game. As far as discussing schools with other parents...I do not believe that should ever be included. As a parent you should be able to talk who you want to talk to...to make the best decision with your child.
  12. You cannot restrict parents or children from talking. This is not recruiting unless one of the parents is employed by the school or some other official capacity. (like TD stated) There is a US Constitutional Amendment about Freedon of Speech. Trying to make this type of conversation "illegal" in the KHSAA world would contradict our basic freedoms and would lose every legal challenge. I have several children...2 in HS and 3 in grade school. Many parents have asked me how I and my 2 High schoolers like their schools. They are in the process of trying to find that "right" school for their child. So am I recruiting when I give my opinion? Am I in violation because I talked about the positive aspects of a particular school? This is the United States...why should we even consider punishing a child because his/her parents were trying to do what was best for that child? We should punish those schools who are going outside the rules!
  13. Unbelieveable is an understatement. It seemed like this kid would break one about every 3rd touch. Imagine Vic Anderson with about 20 more pounds of muscle. These two along with Ben Zoeller @ QB next year will be very scary!
  14. Correct me if I'm wrong...but I do believe that X has not lost a game to any KY school, at any level (frosh, JV, Varsity) for the past 2 years.
  15. X had like 95 on the frosh team. X football is a no-cut sport. Football at X is a different animal. X does not put players names on their jerseys. They play for the team not the individual. The coaches instill a lot of team and school pride over individual pride.
  16. He does an outstanding job. The Frosh Defense was incredible this year. I believe they (defense) scored almost 50 points this year and had 28 INTs. 19 was the most points they gave up all year and that was against a very tough Butler team. Butler was undefeated also until the met X in the last game of the year. Watch out for Butler in the next couple of years.
  17. X's Freshman were undefeated...JV lost 1 game to Cinn Moeller by 6. Freshman beat Moeller by 11
  18. My head tells me that BG will win this game because of Defense. Their defense is top notch and defense wins championships. My heart would like to see Bullitt East win. I saw a story on the news about how two players on this team lost family members. I thought it was awesome how one BE player went over to a spot on the field after a TD to pay tribute to his lost family member. Anytime a young man shows that kind of passion...its hard to ever pull against them.
  19. I'll agree to disagree...I respect your observations and can see your point...but I might just be too hard headed or close-minded to agree. I see HC's weakness as their Pass D and Trinity's strength is their Pass O. I say attack! HC is only averaging about 2 more points a game than T..T's defense should make up that difference.
  20. There are athletics involved in grade school. There are very competetive leagues in grade school. In Louisville the CSAA organizes a variety of sports including football, basketball, volleyball, baseball, field hockey, softball, soccer etc...I'm sure I'm leaving some out. The CSAA has almost all of the same rules as the KHSAA including transfer rules and eligibilty rules. Some Indiana schools play in this league. There are not many catholic schhols in Indiana to play...so they compete over here...You can check out their website for rules...sports...etc LOUCSAA.com
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