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Everything posted by Xman85

  1. Again your get your facts together! There is no football student aid budget. Try arguing with facts...you'll seem a lot more credible and a lot less ......can't break BGP rules here........emotional...
  2. Lafayatte isn't even ranked...Trinity is and has played ranked teams. T will have no problem passing on HC. HC is giving up 315 yards per game. They have not faced a team of Trinity's calibre. It is HC who should run the ball. Trinity while they have made great adjustments has not stopped the run as well as year's past. If R. Johnson at 240lbs has speed..they should feed him the ball. And then hope their defense can slow Petrino & co.
  3. T's defense is much better than HC's. While HC does have the best offense in 4A (stats wise), is not that far ahead of T's. T should stick with with passing since HC has the worst pass defense out of the last 8 teams in 4A. T's defense will slow the HC attack....While T has had a soft schedule...it has been much harder than HC's (#1 X, #8 Manual, and Montgomery Bell)
  4. Amen...Testify my brother! :ylsuper:
  5. I'd be the first to admit that I love my team's QB...Curley has done an excellent job leading the Tigers to a undefeated season....The other mentioned players from T are also very good. But none of these players can dominate a game like Micah and Burke...It's not just my Opinion...but maybe you should check out some recruiting websites and see how Burke and Micah rank in the Country. The players from our teams....while good....are not on these lists...I would have to trust guys who get paid to find talent over my own regional knowledge...not to mention home team bias!
  6. Just for those about to lose their minds about Finch...He played grade school football in the Louisville Catholic Athletic Association.....
  7. I applied for aid for my freshman...I had to fill out a detailed report, provide copies of the last couple years of tax returns, paycheck stubs...etc. Same routine as applying for a mortgage. I sent to it a firm out of state.
  8. Glaser @ X is a terrific motivator...That is one of the major reasons that there are 100 kids on the team. They all want to play for him. Having that many kids presents problems as well...playing time, attitudes, getting all practice reps...etc...Glaser handles it and his kids love him. Undefeated while having only 3 returning starters, playing 6 of the 8 top ranked teams in the state, in one of the most high pressured jobs in the state is an incredible accomplishment. Now if I wasn't allowed to rah, rah for the home team...I would have to go with Brown from John Hardin. He has formed a brand new program (5 years) and led them to the playoffs in 3 of those years....He beat #2 ranked Male, almost beat # 1 X....he also had the best Defense (stats wise) in 4A.
  9. Rod Johnson: 1909 yrds rushing, 241 yrds receiving, 34 total td's Is this guy the next coming of Michael Bush??
  10. I do not belive that fielding two teams is the answer....Why would we ever agree to drive a wedge in our football program? What about the school spirit and pride...now split.....once again...why would any school agree to this just because a grumblings from outside forces....These grumblings are totally unfounded anyway....If they were why did the X basketball team have a losing record? The B-ball team has the same advantages as the football.
  11. The X O-line will be key especially against a WC defense that is not as strong as JH...heck..JH had the best Defense in 4A coming into the playoffs! X will have to play ball control and keep that high powered WC offense off the field. X will have to do better against the long pass in this game...WC can pass and as they proved last friday...they don't quit!
  12. I do understand your thoughts on this...but there is something you may not be considering....Football at X is a no-cut sport. If you sign up then you are on the team. You earn your playing time in practice. Some know that coming in...but just want the experience and to be a part of something great. Football is an excellent tool for life. It teaches teamwork, committment, hard work...etc...the list goes on and on. I do not think X would ever limit the chance for a young man to experience this because of some outside grumblings.
  13. Southern High school has a funny announcer too....
  14. Stats were taken straight from the KHSAA web-site...They have scored more points per game than anyone...They have gained more yards per game than anyone. My point about T's yardage in the BC game was to illustrate how it only took 282 yards to score 45 points....HC is giving up 315 yards! T has made adjustments...since the X game..and they look good.....they have also not played the same quality opponents after the X game like they did before ....Manual..Montgomery Bell. But you can't honestly state that T's defense is as good as years past...T's Defense in my era would have never given the points they did against X and Manual.
  15. I once played in a street game...it was so cold that my dog got stuck to the fire hydrant!
  16. HC has the best offense of any 4A team that made the playoffs. They led the pack in both points per game and yards per game. They have a very balanced attack. They can pass or run. They have the 3rd best pass offense and the 5th best run offense. Trinity has a pretty potent offense also. T is very pass happy, they boast the 2nd best pass offense. Their run game is lacking...but I believe that is more by choice than ability. This would be a great battle if HC had a defense. They don't! Their pass defense is horrible. In fact, it ranks worse than Boone County's. HC gives up an average of 320 yards per game. Trinity only had 282 yards of total offense against Boone!...and scored 45 points. Trinity's defense is not as stellar as years past, but is still better than HC's. Defense wins championships.....T 45 HC 34
  17. Some people would call that a Hero/Zero call. If you make it ...you are the hero...but if don't you are the zero...It takes guts to make that decision knowing that people will talk about it if you fail. The bottom line is that this coach believed in his kids to make that call.
  18. last play took all the time....incomplete pass.....X escapes.....21-20
  19. JH recovers onside w/ 11 seconds @ 50 yard line
  20. JH...long pass complete....on X 3 yard line w/ 17.2 seconds left
  21. JH's ball on their own 29 W/ 42 seconds left ...JH no timeouts. 21-14 X
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