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Everything posted by NineOh

  1. Highlands is playing too? I don't know if CCH is ready for a 10-on-5 matchup.
  2. And... We get it, you played basketball with a football player. He's not doing anything wrong by "hanging out". Plus, he can play some bball. I hope this isn't anything too serious. I thought Warford really stepped up his game this year and is a nice complement to Trevard.
  3. XU- not that good of a chance I don't think but would love to see them win. Memphis- love their style of play.
  4. What are the dates of the tournament this year?
  5. FYI- The baseball series against Oakland has been switched to a double-header starting at 1PM Tuesday due to weather on Wednesday.
  6. I think what you're referring to is Midnight Crunch Brunch which is during finals week. And I do no know about his pool record...
  7. I don't think there should be a rule or banishment against him ever coaching again. However, I don't see why in the world anyone would give him an opportunity.
  8. There's a video of it. Kinda blurry but you get the idea.
  9. If I have to listen to Jimmy Dykes tell me who UK's scorers and shooters are one more time, my head will explode.
  10. Someone got a bad grade on their Pre-Cal test... What an embarrassing statement for a CCH student to make about Coach L. I won't say everything I'd like to because ColonelCrazy said most of it and he's dead on. Alot of kids that leave the program would leave at any school that has a coach that pushes them to work hard. I have plenty of friends that played for Coach L and although they may not have "loved" Coach L the coach, I can guarantee you they know that he put their best interests first. The only knock that can be made on Coach L is the Schrand situation. And the dedication and time that Coach L has put in to CCH far outweighs that, in my opinion.
  11. Those shorts are sweet. I've always wondered if there was a place that you could buy old school UK shorts from. The ones from this game would be high on my list...
  12. You can't just ignore one of the most elementary rules of basketball. That being in/out of bounds. I understand what you're saying but it's just not logical.
  13. A GREAT class. That guys voice alone fires me up, even if he's talking about rules.
  14. I find it just as odd as anyone that McNamee supposedly kept all this evidence. However, something I find equally as fishy is Clemens "taking the initiative" and requesting all these one-on-one interviews on the Hill when he was silent on the matter for so long after the Mitchell report came out. Feels like some reverse psychology from both sides or something.
  15. I will never get the "recruit your state" fascination. Obviously, you want the best players and they happen to be in your state then, yes, you don't want to lose those. Agree 100%. However, recruiting your state for the sake of having hometown boys on your team just doesn't make sense.
  16. You can lift it, you just can't put it back down. I believe.
  17. Watching that video had me scared even after the fact that I knew he already signed.
  18. Why was Shane supposedly trying to sway him elsewhere?
  19. Since I haven't had the privilege to hang out with 98 as you apparently have, I can't comment on that. What I do know is that whenever there is a thread with any mention of UK in it (and we know there's plenty), you can rest assured that a select few UK bashers will have some sort of negative input with the intent of ruffling feathers. Look, I have no problem with people that don't like UK, I truly don't. But there is a point where "not liking" stops and instigating/nitpicking begins. For instance, I wish UofL would lose every sporting event in which they particpated. Yet, I don't open every Cards thread with the thought of trying to put some negative input in it.
  20. Like an IU fan/ UK basher trying to ruffle feathers in a primarily UK setting? I agree. I read the article and while I definitely feel for the kid and his family, it's something you know is gonna happen. End result is still the same, Euton is coming to UK.
  21. What does Pulley do if he isn't named the starter? Will he gracefullly accept a starting WR position (where I feel he is better suited anyway)? Anyone have any insight on this possible situation?
  22. Both good dunkers but I would have to say the best CovCath dunker was Brennan's brother, Ross. He threw it down HARD...kinda like Dominique. I'll never forget his dunk against Boone in the 9th region finals at Holmes. Yikes.
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