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Everything posted by NineOh

  1. I totally understand what you're saying and I'm in agreeance with you. I was just pointing out the fact that he's not a typical 3rd WR talent-wise. And I agree with your last statement as well. If it weren't for TJ and Carson, I don't know if I would be.
  2. Easy. He's obviously a huge risk and other owners are smart enough to stay away. My previous post was simply saying don't get caught up in the fact that Henry is a "third WR". He's much more talented than that.
  3. If it's true that he's down to UK and Florida, both have 4 star QB's already committed in the same class.
  4. I'll be the judge of how big of a UK fan I am, thank you. He sounds like a great player and I believe he is. But we've already got Tydlacka who seems to have a promising future. You can't just dish out scholarships to kickers year in and year out. I also think it's a HUGE position. But just because I'm not hounding UK to offer this kid a scholarship doesn't mean I'm judging this kid's talent.
  5. That's what I was thinking. However, I wouldn't consider that very big news. I know it's been up in the air but from all reports, they're eligible. I'm hoping for something different...
  6. From what I've read/heard, it's too early for an Orton commitment. That would be sweet. Any link or other info, gt?
  7. A great pickup for Henderson to get the recruiting ball rolling. He and Cohen are two totally different types of coaches but Henderson is great with the players. I hope Maile makes it to Lexington as I believe he would excel on a very high level. That being said, I say he's a very high draft pick and we'll see if he actually makes it to Lex.
  8. All jokes aside, I'm not gonna knock the guy exactly for this reason. If I were lucky enough to have played big time D1 football, I'm pulling out all the stops for it not to end. Suing isn't exactly the admirable way to go about it, in my opinion, but if he thinks he has a chance, so be it.
  9. UK has Tydlacka on scholarship as well. Sounds like a pretty talented kid but I'm not gonna lose sleep if the Cats don't offer.
  10. I hear UC is offering him $20mil to stay away...
  11. It's not ignorant. Did you see the interview? Being facetious/sarcastic is not ignorant. No reason to get riled up and I guarantee you if/when Phelps hears about this, he'll laugh it off.
  12. As goofy and outlandish as Chad often is, there is no way he meant this to be taken seriously. I watched the interview on PTI and stand firmly by that belief.
  13. I've wondered this for awhile. Does Newton project well at any other position? If he's that talented (3-5 star depending on your source), I can't imagine committing somewhere that I'd have a legit shot of being beat out by someone in the same recruiting class. I'm sure it happens alot at the big time schools, but still. Regardless, the more good recruits, the better.
  14. Are you saying that he always kicks the ball around when you see him play? Does Midland know this?
  15. He cannot play any sports at any level. In addition, he will not be able to play his senior year. Once he is promoted to 9th grade, he has 4 years of eligibility and the repeated year counts as one year.
  16. Read the first sentence of bylaw 6. The young man will be ineligible for any sport at any level for one year.
  17. He is not eligible at in any sport for one year unless one of the waiver requirements are met. If his family has not moved, he is ineligible. The one potential out could be the hardship issue.
  18. Regardless, the UC being thugs thing is way overplayed. Yea, I thought it was funny when I was in grade school and one of my good friends was a big UC fan but it's really old and just doesn't have a whole lot of validity. I've actually grown to appreciate UC. I've always been impressed with the love that Huggs old players have for him...that's just awesome. Also, BK and Cronin both seem like solid dudes. Will I ever be a "UC fan"? No...UK forever. But give me UC over UofL or any other SEC team any day of the week.
  19. Highly unlikely if you ask me. They've got Ralph Sampson III coming in.
  20. Reds fans have been given way too much credit over the years for their supposed baseball knowledge.
  21. Guru, what changed? I had heard that the school was approached about this a few years ago but declined.
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