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Everything posted by futurecoach

  1. Why would people judge it harshly? They made the right decision. Manning coming off a nerve injury that no one knew how he would be once he was back. Even then for Mannings sake they did go with Luck. Manning would only have one super bowl ring if he stayed in Indy.
  2. I seen a few Cooper games last year, and now this year. Imo Cooper was a lot more predictable last season. This year I have seen Cooper use many different formations and plays already. Which will give teams a lot more to prepare for, while also still having to prepare to find away to stop Lee because Cooper is using him in a lot of different ways. Like last night he still had a few plays at qb too. So imo they are a lot less predictable now. Not to mention not having Lee play QB allows him to stay fresher to play on everything else. It also honestly will keep him healthier, because him being at QB and getting hit all the time makes the chance of injury higher. Which caused him to miss a few games last season. It seems like some of the people who are questioning it. Are people who really haven't seen the sophomore Drew Warth play yet. Drew Warth is going to end up being one of the top QBs in NKY by the time his career is done and most likely sooner than later. I think people will eventually see soon why he is now at QB. Warth is going to be one of the top qbs in Nky, and Lee is still going to still be one of the top players in NKY doing a little bit of everything. So I think let the season play out, and people will see it was a good change for all involved. One thing I think discounted here that people will also see. Is that Dixie is going to be a pretty good defensive team this year. Imo the talk of this game should be how good both defenses played.
  3. One of the big positives to take away from this game is the play of Rodney Anderson. He looked real good! The Bengals got a steal in him in the 6th round. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Bengals possibly try to trade Gio now, with how Anderson looked tonight. As long as William's also is back soon, they could afford to try to trage Gio, since he is in his last season under contract.
  4. Undrafted rookie qb for the Bengals Jake Dolegala in his first drive of the pre season. Lead the Bengals right down the field for a TD. Some really nice throws to go with it on that drive. Bengals are up 17 to 10 early in the 4th.
  5. Ok I obviously haven't been paying much attention. What is IMG and why would players go there?
  6. See I guess that is where we differ. Lamar Jackson definitely was a transformative, generational, game altering type player. He also won a Heisman, finished in top 3 in the next, a first round pick, and led his team to the playoffs as a rookie. As much as I love Benny Snell, I dont view him as a transformative, game altering player like Jackson was for Louisville. Apparently the NFL didn't view him as such either. UKs offense scheme wise was doing things like the Wildcat and such before he came on campus with other running backs having success with it too on very bad teams. Benny was very good and obviously one of the best ever for UK. With that said he also played at a time when UK was getting better at other spots. One of the things that allows a team to keep running the ball a lot is a defense being good, and getting them the ball back and not giving up a lot of points. They will miss him, but their offense still has a chance to do well without him. The defense on the other hand will miss a truly game altering type defensive player in Allen.
  7. You can almost say that about almost any team if you take away a certain player things may have been different. I mean that would be like saying well if Hergott doesn't play Beechwood may get shut out and Cooper wins be even more. It was just a scrimmage, but it is interesting how some seem to down play the result of last weeks scrimmage between Cooper and Beechwood. Based off that I probably would have Beechwood behind Cooper to start with as VOR mentioned. Then see how things play out as the season progresses. Nice work putting all this together.
  8. Yes and no. Louisville was simply just a bad football team on both sides of the ball most of the time Lamar was there. Lamar was just so freaking good it hid a lot of their problems at basically every position.
  9. I think Benny is easier to replace than Allen. I think them not having to feel like they have to be reliant on Benny, actually will help make the offense better.
  10. Well all the talk of Hurts may not win the job if he went to Oklahoma. He doesn't fit Oklahoma's system, he can't throw more than 25 plus times a game all seem to have been for not. He was officially declared the starter today. Me personally I think he is going to shock some people with how well he plays and passes the ball this year.
  11. If a guy plays 4 games and then gets kicked off the team. Do people think he still should deserve a ring, since he played 4 games before getting kicked off? I could be wrong but I would assume most people would say no. He quit and left the team, they didn't ask him to leave. I'm sure they would have loved for him to stay. Him leaving almost cost them a game, because Lawrence did get hurt one game and a qb with no experience came and had to save them. While Bryant had left his teammates high and dry. His decision to leave was what was best for him, it was not what was best for his teammates. So imo he shouldn't get something his former teammates won and earned, when he left them. I honestly have no problem with him leaving. He had to do what was best for him, but what was best for him doesn't mean he deserves rewarded for what his teammates finished. Quite honestly I doubt he would even want one, except for the fact to sell it to make some money off it.
  12. Hmmm are you sure you was at the same scrimmage I saw last week? Scott does have a very nice and tall talented sophomore receiver this year, to go along with a very good running back. It will be a tough task for Scott though against Highlands.
  13. Agreed! John Ross needs to find away to play this week or else he may be out himself. I just hope they dont cut a guy like Morgan or Willis, just to keep a guy like Cody Core.
  14. It was Driskell who went to the coaches and asked if he could try to contribute in other places. Which I like how he is willing to do that, but I think it also shows he knows it may be the only way he makes the team. So if the Bengals don't try to get him on the field in the third pre season game in other spots. Then I think we will know our answer if they would keep him or not to use in other spots.
  15. Absolutely. I would rather them let Driskell go, than to cut a lineman or DL they could keep if they don't go with 3 qbs. The cut down battle at WR and DL will be interesting.
  16. Bengals won 23 to 13. Bengals defense gave up 3 big plays, but besides that they played well. They only gave up 212 yards for the game. So it was a big improvement from the first game. Finley at qb had a really good game for the Bengals. Before anyone says anything, I am not calling for a qb controversy lol. However, I was not real big on Finley at all when they drafted him. Tonight though I saw a lot of traits I really liked, which I hit on in a previous post in this thread.
  17. He is not going to make the team most likely, and I won't even attempt to spell his name. However the Bengals backup kicker made a 57 yard field goal to give them that lead that is now a 23 to 13 lead. The Bengals struggle to make any kick that is 50 yards or more ever. This kid has a strong leg and made that kick with plenty of distance. Problem is he also missed one from 47 yards out.
  18. The Bengals defense gave up big plays on the first two plays of the day for the defense. Then obviously on the Haskins touchdown. Besides those plays which they need to fix obviously. I think the Bengals defense has looked much better this week.
  19. I really liked what I seen from Finley today. We still don't know how he is with the deep pass, but I am not going to get mad about that yet. When none of us even know if there was anyone to even throw it deep too. Things I was impressed with was his pocket presence. One of the many things get upset about with Dalton is he doesn't have the best pocket presence and doesn't slide in the pocket to create better. Finley moved around well even when there was pressure stepped up and moved in the pocket and made some really nice throws. Very impressed today. More so than I was last week.
  20. I knew I should have stayed out of here and just kept watching. However, at least the same people are consistent in complaining just to complain just like in Reds threads. Qb A is 20 for 26 in the game with 2 touchdowns 150 yards passing and a qb rating of 116 and a completion percentage of 77 percent. While QB B is 6 of 12 for 108 yards and a touchdown with a completion percentage of 50 percent. When looking at that most people would say give me qb A on this day. Yet somehow we have fans who are complaining about QB A, and talking up qb B. When qb B basically has made basicallu only one pass today that accounted for half his yards, and that came on a play the same person complaining even said the defense left him wide open. Yet somehow we complain about QB A and talk up QB B. For those not watching QB A is Bengals 4th round pick Finley and QB B is Haskins. Haha glad to see the same Reds stuff is carrying over to Bengals threads.
  21. Iglesias is a free agent after this year. Pereza will be in his 2nd year of arbitration. Adding him gives them another option if they are unable to sign back or keep one of those guys.
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