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Everything posted by futurecoach

  1. You do realize Driskell has had plenty of good preseason games too in his career right? By all accounts Finley has had a rough training camp. Imo no qb on the roster is a qb we should be excited about having.
  2. Do you watch every single team in the NFL play like you do the Bengals? I will assume no. Meaning the only way to compare if off stats which are facts. Which the facts are the Bengals secondary was better than 22 other nfl teams last year rather you want to believe that or not.
  3. Then you should be glad you dont like other teams secondaries then. Because you would really he unhappy then. If the Bengals secondary was that bad, but yet was a top 10 secondary. Just imagine how many open receivers you would see for the other 22 teams behind them.
  4. Contrary to popular belief the Bengals secondary ranked in the top 10 in the NFL last season. Linebackers in comparison ranked near the bottom.
  5. The reds offense in the first inning has been the best in baseball this season. They just need to figure away to keep it going the rest of the game after having great starts.
  6. The reason why the Reds are still very much in the running. Is because those teams you mentioned in front of them are also below or barely above 500 teams. So it very much is possible, because it's not like those teams are any better than average too. What it does mean is that the Reds will have to do what they haven't done all year. Which is go on a nice long winning streak. If they can do that, they are right there. Let's see if they can finally figure out how to play consistent.
  7. Thank you for mentioning that. I didn't get to watch tonight and came here for the recap. I had no idea he had such a good game and so many strikeouts. I would guess if he had a bad game or a lot of walks, that would have been mentioned though.
  8. You all got ripped for it being the only things you mentioned. Reds could win 11 to 0 and you all still would only have negative post in the game. You all have been better lately, and have at least also commented on some of the good things too. Hence, why you all don't get as much pushback on things. Players watching strike three bounce away and not even running is plain bad and needs mentioned. 9 walks in a game is very bad, sending the runner home there in the 9th is very bad. You won't really see anyone disagree, it was bad! For awhile there you all went over the top and with some players were almost on a pitch by pitch basis of saying what they did wrong, but would never even mention the good things that happened. Which is why people responded to you all that way. You all been much better lately at least attempting to balance it out. So you are not going to get much push back for saying the idiot moves they did tonight.
  9. Ha that's ok. That's why I said it in the original post, because it seemed like others were wondering why they even practiced there.
  10. Nope. They were in Dayton because the NFL is celebrating 100 years, by honoring the first 14 cities to host football. Which Dayton is one of them, and is the reason why the NFL wanted the Bengals there to celebrate that.
  11. I heard on the radio yesterday, that the Reds offense in most offensive categories has been second best in baseball since the All Star break.
  12. Oh I know you pay more attention to attendance than anyone. That is why I brought it up. While attendance still overall sucks, when two teams at the bottom of the division play. I would guess it still is a little better, than it would have been if the Reds were horrible like last year. Just like I would guess attendance in Septmeber definitely could be higher than previous years, if they manage to stay in the race and still being talked about. Which the chances of that happening is better with Bauer. That is all I was saying. I liked Puig and didn't want him gone either. However, I love this trade.
  13. If this was a high school or college team I would completely agree with you. However, professional sport teams do not represent it's fans by its actions. Brawls in baseball have happened basically throughout time. So lets not act like this Reds bunch is doing anything different, that has not happened throughout baseball's history. Think about one of the replays all baseball shows a lot. It is a brawl, where Nolan Ryan has a guy in a head lock and punching him while in the head lock. If you say fans shouldn't be associated with this. Then no one should ever watch baseball, because this has been a part of baseball's history forever. If you want to talk about what needs to change. What needs to change is the whole throwing at batters on purpose. That has also been a part of the games history. However, if you stop that then most likely very few fights break out.
  14. Bauer helps the Reds chances to stay in the race this year more than Puig does. Which the longer they are in contention, it helps with attendance still in August and hopefully September. Having Bauer also helps even more to make the Reds a real contender next year. The Reds basically traded Homer Bailey to get one of the better pitchers in baseball. I like it.
  15. No argument there, that is very true. I was just pointing out he may not be out for a few weeks like you mentioned.
  16. My guess is the same reason why no other team has signed him. Teams don't view him as being that good anymore. Or Crabtree views himself as being worth more than what he is, and wants to much money for a team to sign him to be at best a number 3 WR.
  17. John Ross may very well be back before this week is up. He is listed as day to day, and was on the rehab field running around some today.
  18. Green and Dre went up to contest a pass. Green landed on his foot wrong, and actually Dre got banged up on the same play and hurt his shoulder. Just a normal football play, just normal Bengal bad luck.
  19. The Bengals get killed for not doing as much promotional stuff like the Reds. The Bengals were doing that by going to Dayton, to celebrate Dayton being one of the first places ever to have football. So the Bengals were actually being smart with trying to promote the team more. With that said even though the field didn't cause the injury, they should make sure the field is exactly to their liking next time.
  20. I would think Scooter is playing so much, because the Reds offense the last two seasons was pretty good. Which, Scooter was arguably the Reds best offensive player those two years too. This year without Scooter the Reds were the worst offense in baseball, and all the Reds players got off to slow starts before slowly turning it around. Which, the only way Scooter can turn it around is to also get to play most days. Scooter has had much better at bats recently too. The Reds offense is a lot better, when Scooter is at his best. The only way he can get there is to play.
  21. It was only one practice, and it was in Dayton, Ohio to celebrate being one of the first places to ever have professional football. It was not at the Bengals normal practice facility, which is where the rest of training camp is at. The Bengals practice facility is perfectly fine, zero reason to go back to Georgetown.
  22. I'm just glad it was his other foot, and not the one that he hurt his toe on last year. While it sucks him being hurt. As long as he comes back healthy by the start of the season, then it's no big deal. Maybe even a blessing in disguise. It gives John Ross a chance to really get a lot of reps and prove himself in this system.
  23. The Bengals keep the majority of their talented young players. Yet anytime a player does leave, which happens to every single NFL team people like to say they are cheap. Imo they also at the time did the smart thing not offering big Whit the contract he wanted. Whitworth at the time if you look at his ratings was coming off one of his worst years in his career in 2016 according to PFF. If the Bengals had given a 35 year old a big extension, and he continued to be on the decline fans would have talked about how dumb the Bengals were to keep him. Him going to the Rams reenergized him, he probably would have not performed the same as he has out there if he stayed here with Marvin still here. The Bengals for the most part in terms of how they spend their money haven't been that bad in a long time and definitely not cheap.
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