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Everything posted by bballfamily

  1. While what he has done has not had time to have any effect, I am happy with 90% of what he has done.
  2. The fence will make a major dent in illegal immigration, but it will never stop it 100%. Laws never stop something 100%, we have had laws against bank robberies, identity theft and consumer fraud,. Yet we have all these crimes to take place. A fence, a wall and more agents on the border will cut down the flow of illegals.
  3. I never thought that Mexico would pay for the wall. What I do like is that the 2006 law that was passed to build a wall, but only a small portion was actually built, will be implemented. He has also instructed the Border Patrol to enforce the laws already on the books to control illegal immigration. If you want to call breaking a campaign promise a lie, I'm OK on this one. Hate politicians not following through, but getting what I want here, the southern border is being secured.
  4. The Feds come in only when requested or federal laws are broken, not just waltz in like big brother is here.
  5. Trump sending the Feds into Chicago would be an abuse of power. What should happen here is a combined effort by the leaders of Chicago, Illinois and D.C. to work on a solution. A good place to show how gov on all levels could work together. Maybe Trump's bluster is a way of getting everyone to do this.
  6. While both are about life, they are two different topics. One is about an individual making a choice for their self and the other the individual has no say in the decision. I choose life in both situations.
  7. While no religion is to be chosen over all the others, it never says that faith is to remain outside of government.
  8. Read up on Andrew Jackson. He did not have modern media to convey his words and actions, but I believe he made some outlandish statements. Plus he beat up an assassin with his cane, when the assassin's gun failed to fire. Need to add that he killed a man in a duel over a comment about Jackson's wife.
  9. Thank you. It is difficult to cover all bases when we try to be brief in our posts.
  10. Many that voted for Trump did not do so blindly. We voted for someone other HRC in the hope, I repeat hope, that he would not be as bad as her and maybe even be better. I would rather have voted for someone, than to voted against someone. Yet this is what I felt I had to do, because HRC is a self centered elitist with a liberal mind set.
  11. Let us start with immigration laws, but that has been a weak point for awhile. Just got worse under Obamacare.
  12. I would like to see McConnell go, but I was not about to vote for Grimes. I am sure there are Democrats who do the same thing. Would like to see a change, but will not vote for a Republican.
  13. The last couple amendments had a 7 year limitation to be ratified. The failed amendment that dealt with equality for women died due to not being ratified within 7 years.
  14. Enjoy your fictional story-movie. The article was about deaths that were caused by governments officials who allowed US laws to be broken, when they had the chance to stop them. Learn to separate fiction from fact. If you like the movie so much, start another thread.
  15. Here are people trying to deflect the seriousness of a botched government program that led to the deaths a number of people, by trying to be funny. Hope you feel good about yourselves.
  16. Tell that to those who were 22 and younger who stormed the beaches in Europe and the Pacific in WWII and climbed out the trenches in WWI.
  17. When you look at the history of the ups and downs of our economy, you will see there is a roller coaster in our nation's economy. Two of the slowest recoveries occurred when the government attempted to regulate the recovery. These occurred under FDR and Obama. One of the strongest recoveries started under Reagan and continued under Clinton, because they cut taxes and brought about some government reforms. Unfortunately, government still grew, but the economy grew faster. The economy has shown growth in the last 8 years, but due to high government spending, regulations and government growth, the economic growth has been slow. The leveling out would have happened anyway.
  18. My US History teacher in high school was ahead of the game.
  19. If you have a problem with it, don't take the class. Bingo. As I have already stated, this class just fosters division.
  20. What if you substituted one of the following: Muslim, Jew, female, gay, Hispanic or Asian? The PC crowd would go berserk. All these type of classes do is to foster division and is a waste of a student's money.
  21. I find it interesting and amusing, that after all the effort by some HRC backers, that more Democrat Electors switched their votes than Republicans. Only about 8 or 9 total switched their votes. A couple where replaced by their state delegations and their replacements voted for the actual winner.
  22. Still her fault. Should be smart enough not to make such a move. Jury felt sorry. Just another effort to relieve people of their own actions.
  23. I guess this does prove an occasional liberal can have a sense of humor.
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