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Everything posted by bballfamily

  1. You do not evolve on issue like this, you base your findings on facts. Just because you feel empathy for these individuals and their psychological problems, does not make it fact.
  2. Evolving. Does that mean they are changing their opinion due to political correction? I'll answer my own question, yes.
  3. In one article I read, it said it would take year to recover from this type of surgery. Sorry, do not remember which of several articles I read,
  4. It is not just the cost of the operations, but those who have surgery are not available for duty. If they want the surgery, have it done, recover and then join.
  5. From another article I read the prescriptions go to retirees and active duty personnel. They did not break it down as to which group received what % of the dollars. Cannot help to think that the bulk went to the veterans.
  6. All this has to do with money. Trump Jr was there looking for info, not money. It does look bad going to someone looking for dirt on your dad's opponent, but is not punishable by law.
  7. Name a law that he could, would be charged with. What depending law could he have potentially broken.
  8. When an American citizen goes looking for dirt on their opponent, it looks sinester and traitous. Beyond that, has a law been broken? If so, please name the law that has been broken and what charges would be brought against Trump Jr?
  9. Please note that the thread I quoted said those who hate God. Lenin's statement was to get people to give up their beliefs. The leadership of this group then will do whatever they can to get people to follow them, even if it is is incremental steps. With or without their faith intact.
  10. I believe there are many out there who would support your statement. Lenin believed that belief in God had to be destroyed, so that the citizenry would have to put their faith in government.
  11. I know that people on both sides would like to find something to implicate their opponent, but a number of people have stated their is nothing to make a charge against Clinton or Trump.
  12. I read those as well, but they as seem to be in relation to business. The one exception is were one may be attempting to overthrow the government. Plus, from what read and heard is that the collusion that both Trump and Clinton are being accused of, digging up dirt, is not a federal crime.
  13. While both side have had accusations thrown at them, collusion is not a crime. What it is, is an unseemly effort by an individual or group to collect dirt on their opponent. What I want is a candidate to stick to issues. A candidate can say that they support point A and point B and show how their opponent is weak on these points without name calling or finding dirt on them. The dirt will likely show up on its on.
  14. What is collusion? According to definitions I read, it deals mainly with business and illegal agreements. Politico states that collusion is not a federal crime, the type that is being used to try to get dirt on Trump. According to some guests on the talk shows I listen to, collusion is not a punishable offense. How does this article implicate Manafort colluding? He was a paid advisor. The article just alludes to a sinister relationship. There is no firm evidence shown.
  15. Trump is an abrasive individual, telling you bluntly what he thinks. I believe that is in part what got him elected. The difference between Trump and Obama is that Trump will shake your hand and tell you what he is thinking. You know where he stands. Obama will shake your hand, smile and stab you in the back with his other hand. With Trump, as tactless as he is, you know where he stands. Obama talks to whatever crowd he is with, but is most telling is when he is with his supporters and dissing gun owners and Christians. I do not believe Christians were fooled by Trump. I believe many held their nose and voted for him. He is seen on the surface as a guy who does not talk down to Christians, but he has a lot to learn about Christianity. Obama claimed to be a Christian, yet when you look at his church and pastor in Chicago, you see a church that does not seem very Christian or supportive of America. As I stated in another post, Trump seems to be more supportive of those things that many want, less government, efficient government, support of law enforcement, the military, individual liberty, America projecting its power to defend freedom and capitalism, standing up to and not bowing to foreign leaders and showing a love for America, warts and all. As an add on, I believe Trump could learn to get his points across with being less abrasive.
  16. Trump's opponents have been looking for months to find evidence of collusion and are still hoping to come up with something. What about Obama being caught on tape saying he would have more "flexibility after the election"? Did that not sound like a sellout of American interests? He was held accountable since that comment in that Congress, the White House, most governorships and most state legislatures are now controlled by the Republicans. I would say that Trump haters need to look as to why this has happened. In the end, the result was Trump being elected and it was not the because of Russian interference.
  17. Couple things I found on The Hill, I must have missed those. The lady that had her nose broken, I forgot. Wrong on both sides. I am still seeing far more from the Trump haters, still does not make clear either side of wrong doing.
  18. Anti-government. I honestly believe the debate right now is big government vs small government.
  19. Being referred to as _______, is far different than destroying property, as some anti-Trump protesters have done or beating up Trump supporters. I 'll admit some of the name calling was overboard. I do not recall any destruction of property or beatings by those who opposed Obama.
  20. I did not see demonstrations during Obama's 8 years like I have seen the last 5 months. I did not see property destroyed or Obama's supporters beaten up for wearing a hat that made a reference to Obama. If Trump truly did something that violated the law, then he should be held accountable. So far his supporters have seen him support the military, law enforcement, stand up for America and not kow-tow to foreign leaders, he has gotten rid of EPA regulations, gotten our NATO allies to uphold their commitment to pay their share of NATO's expenses, fire VA workers not doing their jobs to aid our veterans and shows respect and love for America. He has not gotten everything he said he would do, but he is only 5 months into his term and Congress has to do their job as well. McConnell and Ryan need to get their act together. A good start for Trump, but there is much left to accomplish.
  21. You are correct. If she were to speak out in a Middle Eastern country she would be severely punished. She should take a long look her beliefs and give them some deep thought.
  22. By trying to make this is an issue is saying anyone with a business should never run for office, because they get free publicity. On a much smaller scale, did anyone complain when Obama's books where mentioned? Some just look for something to complain about when the opposition is in office and they cannot find strong defenses for the issues they support.
  23. June 19, 1865 is when the slaves in Texas found out that were free. Some celebrate this day of freedom from slavery. I believe that it is more of localized celebration. I am not sure if it is an official holiday in any state.
  24. Maybe it is more hope than anything. I would think that since China borders NK, they would want to do something to avoid anything spilling over into their country. Whether it would be a flood of refuges from a conventional attack or radiation from a nuclear strike.
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