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Everything posted by SilverShadow

  1. How does a team have a blowout game BEFORE the opening kickoff?
  2. Not even sure where to begin. Teachers make recommendations to Frankfort?! OK, what in the world have they been doing for the past decade through site base councils? There is great independence granted at that level and the council make up guarantees a teacher majority. So what gives? Oh, I forgot. They can be measured per school so the measurement must be challenged. As for being removed from legislature control that is so scary but sound strategy for the NEA. Why do you want this? If you got it then who would you be accountable to? Answer that. The bottom line and the future hold and as unaccepting as you want it to be, the accountability demand will continue to expand and this will most certainly apply pressure to the teacher. To expect by your commentary to not have oversight but funding is such a scary consideration and will not produce any better product.
  3. Do you deny my premise though? Parents, sure its a problem. But that has always been the case and no generation was better than any other. In relation to this thread, why was Title 9 created? Because schools failed or would not provide opportunities for all all students. Why did Brown vs. Board of Education become law, because schools failed to provide opportunities for all students. Why did IDEA become law? What drove the efforts to NCLB? My posts clearly point me out to public school advocacy. However, that does not preclude me from ignoring the failures by education left to their own management devices. On Title 9, you hear about the costs all the time from schools. What you do not hear is the efforts to make it promotional for their schools, acknowledged as a good thing, etc. What you will hear is coaches complain how they lose gym time, schedule conflicts, etc. Title 9 is an excellent law. I conclude that perhaps the private schools do it because it may be as much the right thing to do as the moral thing to do.
  4. I hear this all the time. Teach what instead of what the community wishes to be measured? The ability to assume a teacher is king of their classroom is from a bygone era. There is an expectation and accountability measure. There are other test measurements that could be more effective than what you describe above but such measurements would provide effective detail as to who is getting it done in the classroom compared to who is not. There is not a resounding call from the educational community to embrace it. As is evidenced by this thread on Title 9. It took a legal precedent to change by force what should have been provided without challenge. As late as a few years ago, Boone County Schools had to cough up a few million due to their belief of Title 9 instead of the courts/jury. Title 9 exists in schools. Left to their own efforts, schools failed it, ignored it or pretend it did not exist. Legal action had to occur. Same for special education. Same for segregated schools. etc. The simple point is your profession has never really demonstrated leadership to advance or expand unless forced by outside influences and the outside influences today are accepting nothing less than significant improvement in the classrooms.
  5. Why not? Teachers in Kentucky do not hesitate to compare their pay scale to surrounding states in asking for more money. It is not unreasonable for the taxpaying public to expect test results to be measured the same.
  6. Tar? You mean crumb rubber, which is still very much part of the base in the material on the field. Vacuum it out? With what? A jet engine? The material was 8" into the soil amended to the soil. You are not correct. Crumb rubber first and then bermuda was added the next year with 2 years minimum to assure full growth. Matter of fact, it is believed by the soil experts the crumb rubber may actually extend the growth time of the bermuda due to temperature advantage. You stand corrected.
  7. Time of possession and ball control is not important against an opponent that hangs its hat on speed?! Uh, OK?! But I hope your score is right.
  8. For those so opposed to gaming expansion (we already have gambling in this state, by the way) please tell how the finances of this state can be improved particular for education? We do not have the backbone to tax smoking. We have a horrible imbalance on road tax distribution (same goes for education). And the sad fact is about 35% of the property in this state is considered only to be worth $200 per acre on tax rolls. No gaming is fine with me and we have Mr. Fletcher who removed all the waste, fraud and abuse he could find. So what is actually left that will provide any real opportunity to advance and invest this state? I give Beshear credit for having the courage to say, allow a vote, if it happens it could result in money for the state. Fletcher is saying no to allow for a vote, a year ago he was not going to stand in the way. So what is the answer?
  9. Understanding the qb for Tates is very athletic but has not played for a few years means the first Friday night might be a little challenge. This game may well come down to ball control/time of possession, which means the most disciplined team will prevail. If the Camels have the focus to win, they win. Control the ball, limit the turnovers the Camels will prevail 20 - 7.
  10. I believe the deja vu (heard it before) word is "OVERREATION" and "TO CLOSE TO HOME". Thanks for the help in proving a point.
  11. This is too easy. I hear all day long how colleges are failing to graduate a quality hire for business. So who is failing who? The college level has admission standards, so what is this group of ivory tower residents doing with their day? Students come in meeting your very own guidelines and when they graduate they are unprepared for the workforce. Who sits in judgement of who? Overreation? and you question the standards of English grammer? How about fictional writing? Seems to be strength for you.
  12. We people????? Good grief. And, your points are valid,:sleep: Beechwood has a horrible problem, so does Highlands, Bardstown - time to shut it down. Of course, there is absolutely no such thing that occurs out of the line of moral and ethical behavior within the private school community. Not a chance. Their established track record speaks for itself and why the voucher debate never advances is just so strange?
  13. I know some very specific cases where the oranges were accepted because of the dollar payments into private schools.
  14. Oh, I was confused at the title of the thread. Dating outside of your race, I thought it had to do with the human race. My bad! Although some people do not act or seem to be part of our race.
  15. Students have a right to an education under each state constitution without interference or restrictions. This is the current legal standard, however wrong it may be. Participation in extra activities can come with testing procedures. The better "testing" policy is to have drug dogs at a high school sports event, such as a football game and see how many cars get "hit" and then search the cars. The problem is though, are we really ready to fight drugs with who we may find out who is involved? I am talking about the adults, per se, not the students. PS: A test run was done at an undisclosed NorKY high school game and 5% of the cars were hit on. If you know drug hits, much can be explained why a dog hit, but the fact is, hits occured. Under the same study, 75% of the 5% cars were driven by adults, not students.
  16. old teacher, you must have a part time gig to still be hanging at CCHS or you have a lot of free time to think about things (didn't have enough planning periods?)
  17. Is there not a firm commitment to support from all parties in Frankfort? How is that not good enough for Peabody? And why cannot this be the only issue to deal with instead of quite a bit of silly agenda/political items?
  18. Whatever. I believe the call was Waste, Fraud and Abuse. If you wish to accept substantial REDUCTIONS in contributions to the funding levels as good government go right ahead. If you wish to think it is a profitable answer to force increases on local governments to cover the current gaps, go right ahead. BUT, it was the great REPUBLICAN Senator Williams who tried for a billion dollar loan on money owed already. When Fletcher started the unfunded portion was somewhere around 150 million. It has ballooned to over 1 billion. Prior Kentucky budgets accounted for the unfunded as an expense to show surplus and/or debt to state operations. Under Fletcher, the unfunded portion is ignored and now claims a surplus. Smoke and mirrors or perhaps some who wish to think of this as improved fraud. Besides, making your arguement Fletcher was stuck with 150 million, who do you give credit for the 1 billion more added? Want to blame the Congress, fine, then give them credit for the supposed surplus. No matter how it cuts, it has and continues to be ignored. The citizens of 25 years from now, just like Social Security will have a huge debt to handle. I bet they cut it out or off and say to heck with us arrogant baby boomers who have financially failed our society and not hold anyone and particular those who passed it along and made it worse. By the way, I feel pretty strong on my information.
  19. As you suggested from debt to huge surplus. The pensions went from underfunded to triple in unfunded amount. I believe it was Senator Williams who wanted to borrow 1 billion to make up the obligation. That difference is directly related in the time of the Fletcher Administration that all local entities will have to make up. So please do not suggest a surplus in the budget.
  20. Is this before or after the unfunded pension obligations not paid by Fletcher added in or subtracted out.
  21. What is it called when lawyers don't hang out together? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :eek: :creepy: :thumb: :ylsuper: Please feel free to add your own: 1) A legal holiday 2) Very good idea 3) Productive 4) ???????????????????
  22. First we went to annual sessions to AVOID all the special sessions and it was suppose to save the state money in the long run. THEN we have annual sessions with a streak of not passing any state budgets. THEN a special session to pass something that is mandated to be done in regular session, a budget. The history of prior special sessions is clear. In the past the need was cleared and agreed upon by all parties before the session was called. This time, without prior notice or agreeement, the Fletcher administration rolls out over 60 agenda items without agreement. One of the items on the agenda to PASS is an item that passed both sides of Congress and VETOED by Fletcher, himself. That is the zoo funding in Louisville. NOW it is a priority when it was vetoed a few months ago?! Senator David Williams, the one who looks for any fight against Democrats has already conceeded by quote to cancel the session if the house does not return. This tells me there is legal footing of the house actions. One question regarding all these financial items in this special session. Where did all the money come from, all of the sudden? Or should it not have been vetoed first time around? So in best Republican leadership, we will spend more money to be in special session instead of doing the job for the exact same items in a regular session? The other item that bothers me is this could be a horrible slope to start on with such a loaded agenda and that is the advent of a full time legislature and that is the last thing we need or can afford.
  23. The end result most of the time! Public education is not as horrible as some make it to be. Why the pot shots from some makes you think there is more to the issue because the facts are never referenced.
  24. So the streets, the water lines, the sewer lines, the sidewalks, the police protection, fire protection, etc., etc., etc. is of NO benefit or help to this absolutely ZERO recevied place? Where is it located? Somewhere over the rainbow?:lol: Your example pays absolutely no taxes whatsoever but receives significant value from it. How is that not being public supported? Probably a large portion of their revenue is an allowed tax deduction for someone or some organization. How is that not being public supported? Never ceases to surprise. As for support of private schooled captain to a boat or a private schooled army general, I would probably cast my support in another area. Sorry to hear you have real issues with education and educators.
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