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Everything posted by SilverShadow

  1. The one read into this third place finish and her sales pitch so far is as the others drop off, her pick up of those votes will not really improve. At this point, if Edwards dropped how much would go to Hillary, not as much to Obama. Same for Obama to Edwards. The fact is the "experience" claim of Hillary is and has been rejected by nearly 72% of the Democratic voter base who has known the Clinton name and all for 20 years. If that is not a significant read????
  2. How this happened are in the details. The problem right now with all the denials from agents, players and lawyers is the history of these special reports, they are virtually solid in its evidence presentation and documentation. Anyone who would think George Mitchell would advance a position without a complete support of evidence does not know the history of this person at all. Selig was very smart to appoint Sen. Mitchell to investigate and report. I am willing to bet many an exit strategy is already being discussed by players to reduce the damage/impact this will have.
  3. I could swear there have been a number of free rides to many students from outside of the USA. Most noted, India. I seem to recall an athletic benefit to a child of a drug lord from Central America. I am more than happy to keep it all at home but how does it help in our global efforts?
  4. Wonderful advocacy from the industry that has been a great community contributor (coal towns), a wonderful employer w/benefits (black lung), creator of parks and recreation (strip mining), etc. Add in a backstop, pay at the door state rep all it makes is another wonderful example why we look the way we do across the country. Next up, Fletcher will weigh in the Peabody effort will create drinking water.:creepy:
  5. What does this election say about Kentucky. Pat Crowley of the Enquirer pointed it out over a month ago and the results bear it out. Snapshot of the election: Boone County - barely supported Fletcher by just a few hundred votes but significantly supported the rest of the Republican ticket. Why. Simple. Kentucky will tolerate many things but will not stand for a hypocrite. That is exactly what ex-Gov. to be Fletcher was, simply a hypocrite on so many fronts. That is all this election says.
  6. And how many times is this type of behavior encouraged by acts, words or comments from those standing up front talking to the crowd? Christian conduct is based on what you do all the time not the role you claim for an hour or two on Sunday. I still recall the church group at a restaurant right after their worship service and the restaurant was very busy but their treatment to the waitress was extremely rude and borish because "they" were inconvenienced. Interesting too is this group had quite a few church elders and supposed leaders. :sleep:
  7. As opposed to ALL basketball teams, including those who do not win a game that qualify for a tournament spot?:lol: How about a true basketball tournament and class the sport? Have the Sweet Sixteen represent the final four of all four classes? Seems there are twice as many college talent coming out of football now out of the state than basketball. So maybe basketball needs to rethink its declining importance.
  8. You don't think cooperation from Jonathan Miller didn't help quite a bit? I believed they complemented each other on these particular efforts.
  9. Don't fear a thing, just do not think it should be allowed. But, using your thinking, Ohio must fear the world of Kentucky :lol:
  10. A howitzer to address 1/2 of one percent?! and to be silly to boot. Who is playing the drama here? Only KY high schools participate in KHSAA sanctioned events so it is OK in your mind that such should have the ability to have other than KY students involved? Interesting thoughts. And how is a simple residency rule a howitzer? Perhaps because it could lay the ground work of other dark boundary concerns?! Wonder how you feel about the immigration issues facing our country.
  11. The larger issue is the alumni network involved. That plays as much as anything.
  12. Then why don't you change the name to the Midwest High School Athletic Association that happens to be located in Kentucky that makes it possible to allow total convenience to its participates without any consideration or care for the programs except as it applys to that specific person's benefit only. Last I checked and heard the name was KENTUCKY HSAA. Seems not to much to ask it represents the same. From Ft. Thomas to Alexandria is not the same from Ohio to Kentucky, vise versa. Most states must have it wrong using your reasoning. Of course, would be curious to where to draw the line should a SCHOOL located in Ohio play in KY Conferences and state tournaments? Using your reasoning, why not?
  13. I guess I am old school enough to think people should support the communities they live in. Also, there have been some rather dramatic examples of kids playing one year in one state, then another, then another and the problems it causes. Besides, the last time it was voted on over 60% agreed, so I am not alone.
  14. Their right to free expression, which probably trumps KY law for one. Two, if they were "married" in a state the acknowledges the same, same deal. Donors are NOT allowed to provide incorrect information, you sign as statement of truth to that effect. Notice the Fletcher spokesman who said the Beasher camp should have changed the form? Think that is not a legal violation? I disagree nobody was attacked for exercising their right. I know of no donor who expects or desires to be profiled for supporting a political candidate. The Flecther camp grabbed a particular donor and highlighted the information they submitted and put it up as illegal. If you gave money to a politician would you want to be called out for the opposition political gain at your expense? It is just not right. I agree with the rest of your comments.
  15. Did not say anything about their rights being violated. Please read posts again. I said they were being called out as private citiznes for exercising their rights. That is a sad and bad trend to follow. As to their filling out the donation card, if they consider themsevles married and write it out accordingly, unless the donation card regulations specifically state otherwise (read: IRS filings, etc.) there is no violation. May not make it right but it is not a violation. The point is all donors now become targets for desperate campaign idiot managers or strategies.
  16. NO endorsement of those idiots at move on either. The difference here is this is a private citizen who has been dragged into the spotlight. Not by name but by description. What did they do wrong except exercise their right. What I would have liked Fletcher to say, or I should say should have done is tell David Williams to hit the road. Become a true leader and engage the legislature as the state leader. Instead of claiming what democrats did for years, prove it could be done and not follow their pattern. IF Beschear does this he will lock up a second term before he has to announce. No one wants the gridlock, it is a wasted chess game. This state is looking for someone to do the right thing. If Beshear does that, the Republicans better regroup because they will lose the Senate next.
  17. I understand your point but the bigger picture for a campaign with the state's highest office contends a possible violation. If the couple were to be caught and asked to change on a recording form, does a violation of free expression come into play as opposed to a KY reporting form if this couple said NO? What is scary is this is the incumbent and I think we are truly seeing how this man really thinks.
  18. http://news.nky.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/AB/20071013/NEWS0103/710130398 Two things stand out to me. The thought it is OK to attack donors who are not in the public eye, committed no crime, etc. is a very scary tactic. Attack the donors to prevent them from giving? All they did was exercise their right to participate. The other is the comment from Fletcher campaign to suggest they should change the donor card information. Would that not constitute something wrong?!:sssh: and if that happened would the Fletcher camp said, OK thing to do instead of cover up?!:lol:
  19. I have found Fletcher to be very considerate and polite. However, his "people" are a whole different story. He does have long odds and I do not think he will be successful, not even close. Hate to say this but what would the margin be with a really strong Democratic challenger? The sad fact is Mr. Fletcher failed to lead on principle. How in the world can the man go into NKU debate and call out the reach of corruption on one hand and pretend a pardon, plea and discounting of mistakes made with the merit system on the other? Pat Crowley had the best point, voters will forgive mistakes but they will not tolerate a hypocrite.
  20. Not going to spend the time on charts and graphs but the following is a very true statement... the states that are considered successful educational systems have an expenditure of about 2 to 1 or better over Kentucky. These particular states also have extensive early childhood programs that are funded and supported quite well. Their college entry costs are reasonable vs. Kentucky and the support systems in the school - guidance, applications, results focused is significantly better than Kentucky. All of which costs more than what we already think is too much.
  21. Feel the same way about social security, federal taxes and general state/sales taxes and county taxes.
  22. Thats ok, you still have split the pot.
  23. I am simply showing the devil in the details and where the true shortcomings are. If you feel a transportation allocation to SEEK has no bearing to total funding when comparing districts, particular to such a large difference between districts, that is your choice not to accept. However, it does have bearing in showing the issues outside of the BGP world. SEEK will not be thrown out. And frankly, should not be thrown out. Accomidations to growth districts is the only change we will see.
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