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Everything posted by SilverShadow

  1. Why do teachers take issue with CATS but their association - KEA consistently fights changes to it? When will teachers stand up to their own organization and say enough and stop. KEA is against Senate Bill 1. Virtually all teachers who speak out are for Senate Bill 1. Go figure.
  2. I know of many examples in private industry where the services have improved and with fewer people. Why can't that happen in state employment. The number 1 reason why is managment rank is determined in large part by how many employees report to them. It is in their vested interest to increase or hold on to their staff to maintain their own rank that impacts their own salary.
  3. The government spending/management model that will never see the light of day but would allow effectiveness in our state. #1 - Kill, destroy and never allow the Legislative Resource (Research) Commission to exist. This one entity has enabled so much growth and created so many unjustified acts. #2 - The executive branch is run by the executive branch, the legislative branch passes the laws, the judicial checks and balances the laws to precedent and constitution. Best serve to return to that. To many committee matters in legislative that was and is supported by LRC. #3 - Allow a payroll system that would create fantastic pay for great managers. Kill the merit system. I would rather have the one or two executives who could deliver services and pay them 100 of thouands vs. the 100 who get tens of thousands. But, in the meantime anything that eliminates smoking I am all for it.
  4. This site provides a great place to fish.... Lay out a line with some bait and it is easy to get a catch.
  5. This is a charter school. Set up in style to emulate certain private school practices. Conformity is not wanted by the parent, good....leave. Listened to her interview this morning. She had a nice diamond stud just below her lower lip and her son was on national TV without the MOHAWK spiked UP!! Don't want to make the kid look like a fool to a national audience.
  6. This was a great chain of stores founded by the Hancock family. Sold out to a group of investors who mismanaged it from day one. The franchise owners are getting hit hard. Just another example of corporate accounting takeover for short term gain and walking away when it hits hard. The day they put up the headquarters for sale and could not close because they could not get liens removed spoke of the prediction this was a company going nowhere fast.
  7. Stinson, Williamson and the Board must be spineless!:lol:
  8. All well and good, but at what cost? Do you have any idea what the cost in an alternative setting is vs. a regular classroom? Should our best and most motivated students not get the same amount of money spent on them? If you don't know the cost in the alternative setting is probably 3 times as much as a regular setting. What is fair about that?
  9. I can go along with this so long as compensation rates for teachers are left to the marketplace the school district is in and not a fixed rank and experience schedule.
  10. You are misunderstanding my accountability expectation. What you describe is set forth where the effort is made and then, yes an alternative setting is and should be the next step. Plato, my accountability rests with the student who is in the 6th grade, is below the radar screen and not any real issue to the school but reads at a 3rd grade level.
  11. I am just tired of the tenured industry fighting accountability for years. Now that it became a mandated effort and yes with many flaws, it still significantly improved the work product in the classroom and continues to do so, Accountability by a kid?! No you motivate the kid, you focus the kid. I reject the expectation of kids even in middle school hold a responsiblity to their own education. You don't give them a choice and it does not become a reason why it is not done. As for parent"s", sure if your worst 25% had 2 parentS to deal with, why not. Bet the issues with two parent households don't compare to the single parent.
  12. The best thing that is happening today is better school leadership is not accepting the excuses from the classroom instructors. Accountability has entered the industry for the first time in its entire existence and significant progress is made. Worst thing to hear from many teachers is comparative comentary they take about students as to who the parents may be, who the siblings were and make judgements accordingly. Teachers are becoming upset and really, there is no excitement to come to their defense. I close with this, I am pleased to know that if a student is in a certain grade level and not performing, particularly reading to that grade level, there is major accountability coming down on this student's teachers. About time! These are very recent actions and the benefits will come in the next handful of years.
  13. Having not heard a reply if 60 years ago was the 50's I will simply challenge the frame of reference. Mr. Fundamental are you suggesting during the 50's was a better education outcome than today? Make sure I have it right, segregated schools, female denied opportunities, sort and select educational thinking, 50% to 60% drop out rate, certain kids simply denied educational opportunities, extremely low rate to college from high school, etc. If you really think it was better back then, only thing I can say is
  14. 60 years ago, I will assume you mean around the 1950's?
  15. Oh my.... well, if you really want me to I can. But I do need to remind you of just a few facts. Most noted, it was Gov. Patton who disolved the University of Kentucky community college system. He maintained and demonstrated the system was being shortchanged by UK. It was fought very hard by UK to the point the President did eventually leave. It was Patton who took one of the most established political entities on and the net result created, started and funded the system as we see it today. That was huge. Without that effort, I do not think Dr. Hughes would even have a job today. And, to remind further of facts in history, it was the NorKY caucus who fought among themselves, led by one another GEX! that failed to form a consensus for NKU funding on many projects and again, Frankfort simply ignored the area. While I am asking some of these educators, should I also include most of the school system superintendents how they feel about support from Fletcher during his term? Do I really need to do that? Should I include the mayors of our many towns? I have yet to hear from one who feels satisfied with their current pension and health care obligations, particular the pension. Add all this together and to hear the NorKY Chamber spokesman Stan Lampe talk about how we need more revenue in the state (taxes?? and maybe gaming;) ) and I have to question where is this all going. The answer, the status quo just with more money. That is not good. When I do ask the judges, please understand I will probably ask if they have maintained the percentages of taxes returned vs. sent to Frankfort under Flecther as compared to Patton. I think that is the true measurement. Net dollars in government consideration is never a good measure.
  16. LN you are correct in the summation but the application is successful with future growth. We are borrowing on the expansion of the future to pay for the operation today. All well and good, but all of this is dollars out of the economy today and will be for quite some time. The issue with your point I will continue to have is this only takes into account what is going on in our country only. Worldwide issues take our economic policies in directions never before. Who would have thought a couple of decades ago China would be buying our debt? Your not concerned about the repayment plans in how they actually see it? Sorry, I rest with comments from Warren Buffet who clearly states it will not hurt the economy if the top 1% happen to have to pay more. In principle I agree with your point. In application, given our current state of affairs with the federal spending I am offended by it. I am simply holding them accountable.
  17. But, the majority of the American public is and therein sits the poor approval ratings and the mental pull back right now by the consuming public. I do not share your economic forecasting of no real consequences going forward. Particular to our current dollar value to the world currency. Our macro economy wealth is being traded abroad and our society is about at the point where we cannot play the game. Yet, as we now know business as usual is not going on. As for emotions, I prefer to stict to facts. Unfortunately, he will be cast with the leftovers of his remaining time. As the Speaker of the House said today, he will not be president a year from now, we don't have to worry what he says. Now, will the Republican Party get its backbone back and pound this speaker or will they play strategy for position and hold out because McCain is not exactly what they want or McCain is not on board with a specific agenda point???? Paybacks are heck and the agenda driven strategy of late, not our spending is what will lose the white house.
  18. The shot is only provided because they claimed the title of fiscal conservative. Do you not feel people should be held accountable for their actions and statements? Like a youth league coach who takes kids off a team without telling them... should the coach be held accountable for his actions? And while LN makes a point, it fails to acknowledge the debt was seriously growing BEFORE the conflict began and before 911. As for war engagement, why is there not an automatic tax to supplement the war effort? The greatest generation provided us with many examples - one of which was cleaning the store up before giving it to their children. What are we doing? Passing it on to our kids and still failing to address things like social security. Please.......
  19. Who controlled the Congress during the time of the debt build up?:sssh: The Republican Party is not the party of fiscal conservative it is now the party of financial planning for certain lobby interests!:thumb: Has Bush ever, just once, veto a Congressional spending bill prior to the Democratic take over? Answer - Not Once!:lol: How can the Democratic leadership do worse? I personally do not trust them, but how could they have done worse?
  20. When an area stays city based, neighborhood based in its administrations and operations therein is the self interests. Instead of a larger "good for the area" meaning a region it will remain for the town, city motives only. That is why the toll tax will not see the light of day. I be willing to debate the merits of a lot better under Fletcher as well. One simple case in point, during his term in office tuition at Kentucky public universities have gone up over 60%. I consider this a displaced tax on the citizens of this state. His claimed "surplus" in the budget was short changed payments to pensions which all the cities up here are now having hard times with. I do wonder if the local governments be willing to give up the road projects STARTED by Fletcher and other programs STARTED by Flecther be willingly traded off for pension obligations back to what it was. Just one example. As for Mrs. Stine. That could well be another post and may well be the case for another day.:thumb:
  21. Easy enough.... make sure to consider this self interest when our judge executive tries to achieve support for a toll road, which I will not support. Yet we continue as the step child to the state, even during the best of the Fletcher years and even having a so called #2 in the Senate. Once you spend time around the statehouse you can easily see where we stand and how we are taken and that is not seriously.
  22. You can do it! You have posted over 22,000 times on this site so you have the capacity to transcribe filler material!:lol:
  23. Give it a few years and the tenured teacher will have a g(lock) on how the class will be taught.
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