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Everything posted by SilverShadow

  1. How neat many celebrate "meet me at the pole" on prayer days at public schools and that is OK. Cool when we celebrate Christmas under the right understanding of current law and what is allowed vs. what is claimed or made up.:sleep: Freak out if it involves another religion besides Christianity.:thumb: Worse is maybe some Christian faith students may learn about the largest practiced religion in the world. Oh my, can you imagine if one or two joined them as an exercise of friendship and understanding?:lol:
  2. If you listened to any of his comments lately is his statements that disagreement should find middle ground, compromise and COMMON SENSE. That we are a country of people who have common sense and that is why we are frustrated in this country. The bashing fury of extremists on both sides is burning too close to the middle. As for his experience or lack. Please recall one prior election, Kennedy. I was in Chicago when he won the senate primary and watched his speech with quite a few business executive (republican) and to a person, this man will be president. People stopped and listened.
  3. Have you ever been to Campbell county field?
  4. Davis on top of his game. The veteran and person who knows the military issues. Runs ads how he has saved lives in Iraq. Then, when asked how many killed this past month, his answer is 17. Lucas thinks the budget is $250,000 in the red. Frankly, until otherwise noted Campbell County Judge Steve Pendery should be on the stage right now.
  5. word is the announcer is now doing the national anthem, running traffic after the games, pizza orders now instead of special orders, along with half time adjustment work with the coaches.:lol: :lol: :lol: Never seen so many petty comments about someone actually making things better. Opps, scratch that last comment, actually I have seen petty comments about things being better. Hope the announcer is real overboard tonight. That way the people of Dixie will not be focused for the task at hand! Hope they get wrapped up on the Camel version of Fox News.... just facts!!:ylsuper: By the way to all the drum beaters against the Camel world. All year long we have been ignored. Now, things are different - Camel Wins and now it is all about the announcer!? Get a grip, please. By the way, Mr. Guru the all knowing person of law never commented about it being wrong or against the rules.:thumb: Field conditions good, confidence is high, defense is firming up. Only breakdown is kickoff team. If that is better, Camels are very tough. If all is true, Camels 28 - Dixie 7
  6. The better question to settle this silly debate is what is the rule. Plain and simple. Is he breaking the rule or not? If he is, where is the officiating crew? If he is not, what is this all about?
  7. Wait a minute, check old threads and there were complaints about this a couple of years ago, along with the band. Interesting pattern, seems the every other year schedule brings out the same malcontents. Could it be the same belly aching people who have taken a Camel game for granted now find it to be a different story over the past few years? As for being able to hear on the field and play the game, yeah right. PA system is strictly facing the stands and the visitor bench is across the field. Give it up people. Your defense this year needs to be more on the field than on the stands!:thumb:
  8. Ask the private school representatives of the Board of Control who voted for it.
  9. Nobody should have to put up with the stuff Joe Roberts put up with. From literally being called names by one of the high school principals (who does not even have the deceny to say sorry), to being lied, ignored to his face from the very same group he is suppose to work with. If anyone knows Joe well may not even know this is not his first job offer. Lebannon came calling to him. They were not the first, there were many others prior to this. What do these other places see that Campbell County cannot? One of these offers came from a school whose athletic programs exceed the best in NorKY! They wanted Mr. Roberts and he turned it down. After awhile the abuse and rude and unacceptable treatment becomes too much. What can Campbell County not see, looking down that narrow tunnel makes even good and great things hard to know about.
  10. Got to give the nod to Harrison. May have the best lighting conditions in left center to center field for any site in the state. :sleep: Also, the 80 year olds who live for this and their cheering (all positive) at the game. The Beechwood group may get a serving of home cooking.
  11. Play as much and as many the student has a real desire to play for. This is high school. Bottom line, 99% of all kids playing at a sport will NOT be a Division One player. Any high school coach who advocates the exclusive dedication to a sport - summer for basketball, for instance, vs. baseball vs. fall football is simply not a very good coach to begin with, extremely selfish and is doing a terrible injustice to the student/athlete. Add to that is the "miss our open gyms" or travel camps, or workouts and you "could" lose your spot. This has to end. You want your child to be a better basketball player, skip AAU stupid tournaments and work on the summer on his shooting, leaping ability and physical development and he will be much better off. IF he comes into this fall with 6" more on a vertical leap standing at 6' he is better off vs. having played 35 games that do not mean a thing.
  12. Nope, I mean the high school coaches who felt it their right to treat the colleges and universities who had an interest in their high school student/athletes and acted like they (high school coach) were doing them (college coach) a favor. Just a few mind you. My understanding is Morris had zero time for these clowns.
  13. Could it be because they were forced into contact during practices vs. Club Mumme practices?
  14. My understanding he was very well received by most of the team. Just as important, he had an outstanding relationship with many high school head coaches, except maybe, the divas.
  15. Having kids running the bases at a young age is bad? At what age do you expect them to start? Kids running bases during the game and having fun is a pet peeve? Perhaps you should have stuck around and see that within just a few years they "develop" and stealing is not as easy. You can say the same thing about any sport with kids at the age of 6 and 7.
  16. Got to do "what is best for the student (athlete, that is)".:thumb: :sleep: :rolleyes:
  17. Mark this down. You are now seeing the beginning of the end of the last hold of the good old boys. The KHSAA will undergo a major restructuring in a few years. The entire KHSAA structure will be redone. The fat and happy athletic directors will be the way of dino's and replaced with business and administrative development/service managers. This event signals the end. How? Simple: They could not resolve their recommendations from their membership vote, their attempts at satisfaction faced legislative action, their attempts to fix were totally rebuffed. That is a totally ineffective leadership. I look for the superintendents of the state to make a recommendation to overtake the KHSAA. Thankfully, the end will be near and the benefits of the hospitality rooms, trips, retreats, etc. will not be the driver why so many stick around way to long and in its place a focused, service oriented association to emerge.
  18. Why not the private schools? Regardless of your personal observation, any coach will want, what I call the three "C" continuity, community and chemistry. Program pride, school spirit, common goal of a SCHOOL - to be a success! How could it help the school and those at the school is the better question.
  19. cshs81 should be allowed to counter your assumption to his position. Which he did a great job in making on the above post. You have a tendancy to label positions HHSdad. Allow those who take you to task to clear it up. Good job cshs on a strong and on point post.:thumb:
  20. The end result is very questionable. I am sure the parents really "care", but a real question of teaching/learning has been well documented. HHDad talks about the numbers who take the standards test. Well, what about the rest who do not? That is a huge gap and no one really questions it.
  21. Then you will be very comfortable with the stats that show public education vs. private to be better in math and science, per the Christian Science Monitor.:thumb:
  22. So your life in Covington allows you to prejudge anyone's prior set of circumstances? I doubt it. Try again, as you say. And to your silly suggestions that home schools perform at these various academic events, I am sure you simply left out that many, and there are many, who consistently outperform home school students that come from public schools. Or are the students from Holmes IB program simply not up to the grade?
  23. And if the mean average for those public school students, measured to social-economic standards, would actually find the public school students outperforming that group. Christian Science Monitor. Further, many public school students are participants in the test due to school directive, and actually have no meaning to their outcome - not going to post secondary education. That group removed, further reveals a strong public school performance.
  24. For those who feel home school should be allowed, what about the coach of the program? How do you maintain academic standards? Discipline? Why is this now a conversation vs. 10 years ago? Want to be part of the team, then join that team's world. That is not to much to ask of anyone.
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