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Everything posted by 4chs

  1. Bipartisan reformation would require Politicians who care about the people who are affected instead of about their next election, so I agree, it's probably not going to happen. Both Parties should be embarrassed and ashamed.
  2. Paul pretty much controls 6 or 7 of them, maybe they will surprise me tonight and vote Josh off, but I don't believe that anyone wants to make any game moves besides the 4 you mentioned, plus possibly Christmas. Jessica should have followed her intuition and not listened to Cody. She is going to be really upset with herself if Josh doesn't go home tonight. Well actually, she will be angry with the entire house if that happens.
  3. Has there ever been more contestants on Big Brother who were just coasting along doing nothing than this year's group? What percentage of the contests have been won by either Cody or Jessica? Surely someone will step up and challenge Paul eventually.
  4. The reviews from critics that I have read on this movie have been overwhelmingly good, with several saying it's the best picture of the year. I haven't seen it yet, so I'm not sure what to think after reading the opinions on here.:idunno:
  5. I held out hope that he might change(even just a little) and realize how petty and self-serving he comes across as, after he took office, but it's becoming pretty clear that's not going to happen.
  6. I had a very similar experience with a parent whose child transferred to Corbin to start their freshman year. He said that the family's experience could not have been any more opposite than what the general perception from the outside looking in. I have always said that Corbin's geographical and political situation is similar to Israel's, obviously though in a less serious way.
  7. I'm fed up with both sides........and hoping for another option. Off the subject somewhat, but how about some term limits? I'm fed up with Career Politicians as well.
  8. Politicians and their families should be banned from doing business with the government.:walk:
  9. I watched the Webster Co. vs Corbin game and Corbin was fortunate to get the win. I believe that Webster Co. committed a crucial turnover late that led to Corbin's winning TD, but my memory may be a little foggy. Also, they just like every team Corbin faced leading up to the title game had poor passing attacks, which benefited Corbin because they were strong against the run and not very good at all against the pass, which reared it's ugly head against the Justin Haddix led Breathitt Co. team. They had a good solid, fundamental football team and would have been more of a challenge to the Bobcats than the Redhounds were.
  10. Didn't she mention last week that the other house guests would have a say on whether the person could come back into the game? I doubt many would vote for Cody.
  11. Good hire for Whitley County. The 50th District just got even more competitive.
  12. I believe you hit the nail on the head concerning Belfry and Central.:sssh:
  13. Basketball legend Jerry Bird dies at 83 | News | thetimestribune.com
  14. Knicks sign an offer sheet paying Tim Hardaway, Jr 71 million over 4 years.:eek: Am I wrong or does seem like way too much money for him?
  15. The smartest thing the media could do is just shut up and quit talking about Trump so much. I guess they do not realize it, but they do more to rally his base than he could ever possibly do himself. Democrats are continuing to show that they are clueless and out of touch with the much of the American public.
  16. Seeing that atmosphere last night on TV makes me want to take a road trip to Cinci or Louisville to catch a match in person.:thumb:
  17. I'm in the same boat as most of the politicians...........I don't really have a clue, but at least I am willing to admit it.:sssh:
  18. I saw where Lynn Camp has over 40 kids out this year, so that is a good sign that the football program may be heading in the right direction.
  19. Where are the people who are suppose to be running the league? It sounds like they need to be replaced.
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