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Everything posted by 4chs

  1. UK's defense is bad, so the offense needs to score virtually every possession.
  2. I saw punches thrown by both teams, but no one ejected.
  3. Williams is a hard man to bring down for Central.
  4. Corbin looks tired, plus playing a little timid. Not a good combination. Corbin needs to make something happen offensively to give the D a little rest.
  5. Central brings a player in from the sideline as the ball is snapped, no penalty called, TD Central.
  6. The keys for Corbin to win: 1. They cannot turn the ball over. 2. They need to put 2 good halves together, something they haven't really been able to do in some of these big games in the recent past. 3. Limit their penalties. 4. Make Central sustain long drives. 5. Keep playing aggressively on both sides of the ball if they build a lead.
  7. From what I heard yesterday, it wasn't really a coaching decision to bench Taylor, but that the decision came from higher up the chain of command. It is baffling to say the least.:confused:
  8. UK's defense is worse than UL's defense, plus Louisville has Jackson. Cards win 38 -30.
  9. Corbin fans are happy as well. It feels good to play in the semifinals. maybe you will make it some day. The competition definitely gets stronger, but that's why Haddix scheduled teams like Alcoa, Beechwood and Mayfield in the portion of the schedule he has control of.
  10. Corbin got the running clock going on the last play of the 1Q, but Powell Co. doesn't quit and scored twice before the half was over. Corbin now ahead 43-14 with 2 minutes to go in the 3Q.
  11. This game should be a slobber knocker, hope both teams come out of it injury free.
  12. They played the same QB against Corbin as they did against Rock, and he was the starting QB beginning with the 5th game of the season. They played the same amount of freshman against Corbin as they did against Rockcastle Co. as well. Maybe you can find another excuse to rationalize it in your mind, something like the officials cheated, someone was bought off, etc.:ohbrother:
  13. How about Knox Central, who put a beat down on one of your favorite teams?:sssh: Bell Co. and Casey Co. are not bad 3A teams either.
  14. Simms will be a huge loss. He is the heart of the defense and special teams, having scored TD's by blocking punts, returning an INT, by fumble recovery and returning kicks. Will Mitchell be back this week? If both he and Simms are out, things could get interesting. Could we possibly see Sizemore or Estep make their defensive debuts?
  15. I understand that he took offense to getting punched in a certain area of his anatomy and retaliated, leading to ejections for both players. He should have known better and maybe should have been out of the game at that point anyway.
  16. I believe that North Laurel's weak non-district schedule hurts them come playoff time. Congrats to Harlan Co. on the big win and to North Laurel for a good season.
  17. Does Powell Co. run a balanced offense or does it lean more one way?
  18. I would have thought that Casey's biggest weakness would have been their pass defense, which seemed suspect the one time I saw them play. They scored a lot of points, so did they rack up a lot of yardage on the ground?
  19. Powell County. Seems as though everyone assumed Casey Co. was going to win and that the Hounds would be playing at home next week.
  20. Didn't that appear to be an obvious pass interference when Bell Co. intercepted the Corbin pass?
  21. UK needs to make some changes in their secondary, and also make sure the Love is not in on passing downs if they expect to win. It will probably come down to turnovers and special teams play though.
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