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Everything posted by BredFan

  1. I wish this game didn't end the way it did, but it did. I'm glad I was able to see it bc it was a classic Newcath/Beechwood prize fight. Time to move on to bigger and better things though. Newcath and Beechwood both have solid opportunities to win state championships this year, and I truly hope that the lessons they learned and the heartache they felt during the 4th quarter and OT's help propel them on their run for state titles. Best of luck to both going forward.
  2. I agree with you on this. Let's hope the new district (Conner, Cooper, Grant County, Scott, South Oldham), plus the confidence they're building, can pay dividends toward winning ways. Personally, I think it would be outstanding to create some success and hopefully allow them to translate that success into the playoffs, the community, etc. I was really impressed with their facility last night. What a place! Again, great season to both teams.
  3. Congrats to Scott and to Newcath on great seasons and a great game. I don't think it's fair to bring out the "closer to their enrollment" card. I don't know if the Scott freshman program has won 10 games in the last 8 years, where as Newcath has been dominate for a long time, with the exception of a bad season 5 or 6 years ago. I have no problems with Scott playing down this year, and apparently the coaches association had no problems with it either. If it's cool with them, it should be cool with all of us. It's nice to see a program, that's trying to establish winning ways, have some success.
  4. I wish that Campbell and Cov Cath would have played this year, so there could be a clear cut 2nd seed. I heard they may have to do a coin toss to determine who plays Highlands. I hope that was false information, but I really don't know when they'd find the time to play due to next week being the end of the varsity regular seasons. I assume this has to be locked down before the varsity teams head to the playoffs, but I could be wrong in my assumption. Anyone?
  5. I'm not trying to stir the pot, but Trevor Stellman is by far the better QB to come out of Conner High. This could obviously be talked about until the start of baseball season, but I think the new Conner regime may feel Nick was better due to his maturing in front of their eyes. I, too, saw both up close and if I would take Trevor any day of the week as well. Both are super kids, both were good leaders, both are great QB's, but sometimes one kid just "get's it" over the other.
  6. So much for Beechwood not being able to stop Walton's offense. I miss the days when 1A had really good Dayton teams, Bellevue teams, Beechwood teams, Newcath teams, and Holy Cross teams. Good luck to both teams the rest of the season.
  7. I can imagine Zach Deaton will catch all sorts of heat for this, but I'm really surprised by it. To me, he's always seemed to be calm, even if things weren't going well. I hope this ends up being a positive lesson for him, especially since he's a younger head coach. I'll assume he'll be in coaching for a long time, so hopefully this was an isolated incident during a weak moment. We've all been there! I throw things at the TV while watching my teams not do well! Best of luck to the Greendevils, and to Coach Deaton.
  8. Newcath does have a freshman team. They've got around 25 kids, give or take a couple.
  9. Immediately after they've had a physical, they can participate.
  10. Funny how the invites cease when you're scheduled to play in it, and you cancel once the tournament begins. I don't believe being a "doormat" had/has anything to do with it.
  11. There's a lot of truth to this post. Dixie has always had a successful football program, but they also have had the players. Winning is a big part of getting kids to come to your school, but we all know that a new facility is a nice selling point. Scott has a great man leading their football program and I do believe it's only a matter of time before they begin to see results from the foundation he is laying. Couple the new program with a new facility and kids will come. The trick now will be keeping them in the football program and hopefully not having them come in to play as freshman, then decide not to play after that. I don't know how you do that, but if anyone can do it, Dave Campbell can. If there was anyone who I wanted my son to play for, it would be him.
  12. Should be a tough district to advance from, once again. I think as long as Scott has Kellen Smith, they will be the favorites. Brossart and CC could possibly have a 1st round district game to see who gets to go to The Fieldhouse. Should be interesting.
  13. I'll give you Holy Cross, that's a pretty solid opponent. I didn't see them on the schedule, but i'm sure I overlooked them. While Eminence may have been a playoff team last year, they did graduate a bunch of their players. Don't know the last time you've been to Henry County to watch football, but when you graduate more than five players at Eminence, you're in a bad shape. With that said, I can't see Eminence being a more "difficult" opponent, but I've never seen Jenkins or Bracken County play.
  14. I don't know how anyone can say the schedule Brossart is playing this year, is any harder than last year. Their non-conference schedule is full of teams that aren't state powerhouses, which I can understand. Obviously the teams in their district lost a lot to graduation, but they're still the same teams minus key players. So, how is it harder?
  15. Arkansas was as talented a kid that I had ever see play. However, he was a major cancer.
  16. I believe that with Scott Code you got discipline. My fear is that now he is gone, and Aric Russell possibly moving in, that discipline will desolve some.
  17. I don't want to start a fight, but I think Aric Russell would be a bad hire for Campbell. I know he's an alum, but I'm not sold on his coaching abilities, nor does he command any discipline from his players. Maybe I'm wrong, but I've watched him coach since he got the Newport job and have never been impressed with him.
  18. Bob Bieger is a darn fine baseball coach and person. Knowing Cooper's Administration, it doesn't sound good for him if he has been suspended.
  19. Where is Old Soda while all this is going on? I was hopeful to get his two cents on this topic...
  20. What a shame. Scott Code is a darn fine coach, and could coach my son anyday. He will land on his feet, and prosper where ever that may be. Anthony Strong better hope he doesn't head down the road and return twice a year to seek victory. The best of luck to Scott, his players, and staff. I hope that those in the school district, whom aren't happy about Mr. Strong's decision, make it known to him.
  21. Does he want to get out of Dixie? I've seen his name on here a few times for other jobs, but didn't know if that meant he was the one leading that charge.
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