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Everything posted by BredFan

  1. Truely one of the greatest kids I have ever had the privledge to know. I agree with Braves1, watching him bounce up and down on the sidelines was a hoot! You can't duplicate that passion, but you'll be able to take it with you as life moves on. I loved seeing him around the area, he was just the happiest kid. He always had a brother-hug for me, which I'm grateful for now that they're gone. For those who knew Jordan the best, you are the luckiest of us all. For you get to keep the best and longest memories of him. My thoughts are with all of you, and with his family. May the road rise up to meet them.
  2. In my opinion, which doesn't mean much, I think this job is Adam Clary's, if he chooses to apply for it. He's a Ludlow guy, been with the program as their JV coach, and will have the support from the people in the city. For what it's worth, that's who I believe will get it, but I could be wrong. I don't know if Coach Hart is interested, but that could also be a good person to take over the program. I think Aaron Stamm stays with the girls program, but that doesn't mean he won't show interest. He's had success with the girls, and all seems to be well on that end, but he too has coached in the boys program, so who really knows.
  3. I wonder if Tim Sullivan told you that himself? Fact is that he's told people all along that if Carr left Scott he would want that job. His wife works at the school and is the volleyball coach, plus he's already had one tour there as a coach. I think Tim Sullivan would pounce on the Scott job just to get out of Cooper, and away from their administration.
  4. First of all, I've always been a supporter of Coach Highfield, and will continue to be. I'm sure his resignation has more to do with him being Athletics Director than anything else. Second, he's been playing a huge role in the All A Classic administration, which I'm sure contributed to this as well. The best of luck to him. - Magregor
  5. Anyone have information on the Bellevue job? Favorites, contenders? Thanks in advance.
  6. Congrats to Ludlow on the big win! I believe Newcath started their subs, then inserted their normal position players. In my opinion, Ludlow deserved to win the game and to be honest, should boast about it!!!
  7. I heard this tonight and wanted to be sick! David is a super kid and deserves better. The best of luck to him on the 30th and the road ahead. Awful news...
  8. Great story. We need more of this in the world.
  9. Dave Eckstein is a great man. I truly wish Coach the very best in whatever he does. I will miss him greatly.
  10. Dylan Hayes, Josh Cain, Connor Bartels, Pete Collopy. First time freshman have played up in a long time at NCC.
  11. Okay, let's clarify something. I believe I said no freshman were moved up to Newcath's JV last year, for the entire season. Also, they do have 4 that moved up this year, and I never said that was false. Finally, name 1 freshman in "recent years" that was moved up and played JV only? You'll probably have to look back longer that you think.
  12. I don't believe he said anything about freshman being on JV last year. Also, freshman did play JV last year at times. Isn't this the freshman thread anyway? How did JV get in here?
  13. Didn't he play JV at SK last year? He is a pretty good catcher, if he is who I am thinking of. Could he see some varsity innings at BBHS?
  14. I think if Juniors can help you, you keep them. However, if there are Sophomores that are good, and will probably play over those Juniors, you cut the Juniors and develop the Sophomores. Lots of coaches use that philosophy, but not all.
  15. Kellen Smith is the best PG in the region, hands down. Brad Carr is the best coach in the region, hands down. GRC got both of their best yesterday, and it was an exciting game to go and watch. Best of luck to GRC tomorrow night. Should be a great atmosphere.
  16. Maybe you should go and tell him this personally, instead of flexing your internet muscles. I think Coach O'Hearn is a good coach, with a really good staff. I'm sure he had his reasons to sit this player, and I'm sure his race/color had nothing to do with it.
  17. What a sad day. I've been watching the Don Weber shows since 1992! I still love to come home on Friday nights to watch the highlights of the football games. What a shame! I, too, will be getting rid of Insight if this goes down.
  18. Could that be considered a Title IX violation? Conner High School had a T9 lawsuit that won bc the girls softball team had to walk farther to their field than the boys baseball team did.
  19. Where do the Lady Royals play their home games? I always thought they played in the Fieldhouse.
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