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Everything posted by 75center

  1. Disagree strongly. Too many variables to get past for access and networking to get you to a billion dollars net worth from the closet of a bar.
  2. He's obviously smart. He made a mediocre pizza into a personal net worth of a billion dollars. Now he should just go away. We've had more than enough of him.
  3. I could care less if he makes the big leagues, I really don't think he will. What I'm talking about is how impressive what he's already accomplished is.
  4. Say what you will about his chances of making the big time. You have to be impressed by someone away from the game for 12 years with no instruction past High School being able to get to the double a level and bat 270.
  5. I still doubt that he can become a serviceable major league player but I am ultra impressed by what he's done after not playing baseball for 12 years. I too believe he may have had a chance at a decent career if he had played out of high school.
  6. I tried to get into it last year but after a few episodes I lost interest. May be time to try it again.
  7. Young men tend to think they're invincible and do stupid things. I expect he'll learn his lesson, at least I hope so. I don't think this calls for a severe punishment.
  8. Ate at Grace of India in Cincinnati last week. Very good food and lots of it for the price.
  9. Glad to hear that UC's Evans was drafted by the Warriors, wish him the best.
  10. Nice to see all the interest in the KY boys!
  11. Wishing you the best of luck, lots of BGP people are keeping you in their prayers.
  12. It's really cool to hear about all this history, keep them coming.
  13. Great Great Grandfather served with the Ohio 21st in Civil War. Also had relatives serve for the south but not sure what the relationship is. Not sure after that until my father and uncles served in WWII, father spent his time in the pacific, mainly on Guam. Several cousins served in late 50's to early 60's somewhere overseas but not sure where. Brother served in Vietnam and Japan in late 60's early 70's. Nephew served in first Iraq war where he lost a supply truck in the desert, not his finest hour. Another nephew served in Iraq in mid 2000's.
  14. For business people I would have Carl Lindner before Lambrinides.
  15. You can probably add any large grocery or walmart type chains that may be there.
  16. Congratulations X, very impressive. Also congratulations to the Birds who also have built an impressive program, keep swinging and your time will come.
  17. Albert Sabin Henry Heimlich Steven Spielberg Doris Day
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