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Hoptown b-ball fan

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Everything posted by Hoptown b-ball fan

  1. Does the rule book address the difference between the two?
  2. I agree. No consistency in how they apply the rule.
  3. On the ertz play, if it had been ruled in complete it should have been overturned to "complete". On the Clemente play, whatever was called on the field should have stood. There was no debate on the ertz catch. None. On the Clemente play there was some debate but not enough to overturn whatever the call on the field was. It was "that" close.
  4. Surprising that this game was competitive. (Double it) It took T-Ware’s 45 to beat an average Henderson County team. A massive week ahead for County as we have UHA on Tuesday and Hoptown on Saturday night. If we beat UHA we win the district,&( not there are a ton of scenarios that come into play, including the dreaded “triple coin flip” If we don’t play better against Heights we could easily lose to Them.
  5. Perhaps the Blazers most impressive performance of the season. At one point in the 3rd quarter they led by 25. Four Blazers reached 15 points with Tandy pacing them with 28. Bowling Green turned around and destroyed Zion Harmon and Adair County on Sunday.
  6. I hope this helped with the healing process in Marshall County... If Livingston gets the right draw I think they win a game in regional. And by "right draw" I mean, don't draw the 8th district runner-up. I think they beat the second place team from the other two districts in the region.
  7. 7 - Webster 5 - Warren Central 3 - Bowling Green 2 - Calloway County 1 - Breckenridge County TB - Breckenridge County
  8. Their best player was out when they played all of the games you are referencing. They stuck with the top teams in the state without him. The great news is that they will play a bunch of really good teams over The next 4 weeks and will have a chance to prove it.
  9. I think they are top 20... Their best player was out the first half of this season. Rode... They've got size and they proved today they have athleticism. They are rated in the top 10 in both computer rankings. I'm not sure why you would say it's hyperbole to say they are top 20.
  10. That's not entirely fair. McGowan and Hollowell are nice players as well as Crump as a freshman. They are much improved on defense. In watching the game this morning, their issues on defense were because they overplayed too much and LCA abused them on backdoors and pulled them out for lobs over the top. That's something UHA is much better at this year. LCA was just an awful awful matchup for them. They killed them on the boards. That's where the margin of victory came from. When LCA did miss UHA couldn't get boards. This LCA team may completely roll through the entire tournament. With WV losing their big man there isn't anybody with CLOSE to the size they have. LCA is a top 10 team in the state. They're REALLY good. By the way. Hats off to "prepspin" for broadcasting games. Very nice to be able to watch.
  11. Thorough butt whipping going on right now. UHA may have a run in them but it sure seems like they have no answer for LCA's size and half court offense.
  12. Shew... That top half of the bracket is pretty weak compared to the lower bracket. Especially after this UHA vs. LCA game. Whoever wins this one looks to have a fairly easy path to Sunday. No disrespect to anybody intended. Just an observation.
  13. I'd rank the teams this way. 1. LCA 2. Mayfield 3. UHA 4. Walton Verona 5. Pikeville 6.Sommerset 7. Beechwood 8. O Cath 9. Knott 10. Collegiate 11. Robertson 12. Holy Cross But 10-12 is a big tossup in my opinion.
  14. Fun Fact, Collegiate's head of school is UHA basketball legend and Harvard Graduate James White. James is an amazing human being... Great guy. And was a heck of a ball player back in the day.
  15. Burks is a great idea. I think his issue is fouling. I think he might be better playing langhi and letting him roam...
  16. Mayfield is REALLY good. They probably have the most impressive wins of anybody in the tournament. It seems LCA's ratings are boosted by losses to really good teams. But in reality, they don't have the wins that Mayfield Has. When we beat Mayfield earlier in the year they were without one of their best players and so were we (Trice). So it's hard to gauge that game. Mayfield has beaten UHA (albeit without their second best player) and John Hardin. Walton Verona is a tough team to gauge as well as they are playing without their big guy. I think Mayfield definitely makes the final. Then I think the winner of UHA and LCA makes the final. The talk among folks I know at UHA say that they think the game boils down to LCA making 3's and UHA rebounding. If UHA can't close out on their shooters and can't draw even on the boards they will struggle to win. But if they can defend the 3 point line and hold their own in rebounding they think they have a very good shot.
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