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Everything posted by dallaslaredo

  1. A few years ago, this game would have generated at least 4 pages.... now 3 days later, nothing but crickets. My how the basketball spotlight has moved on to other schools.
  2. Conference? Anyone ever see a conference schedule? Conference standings throughout the season? A conference website? I think they are divided up by enrollment size, which I am not a fan of. You wanna pick an all-state team, pick the best players regardless of school size. The competition to even make the Volleyball team at the bigger schools is fierce, and the talent pool is deep. The All-State selections do not equally reflect that. No classes in volleyball, no classes in this.
  3. This just doesn't tell the whole story. A stud RB could be listed on the HS track team...even though he goes to 2 meets all year and never goes to practice...and be called a "multi-sport athlete". Does a TE who was on the Freshmen basketball team, and then quit to focus on football for the next 3 years still count as a "multi-sport athlete" in HS? Comparing the recruiting process vs HS sports vs club-travel-select-AAU between all the different sports is an insane exercise. They all are vastly different.
  4. Different thread, but as I stated...extremely gifted athletes are naturals at any sport, can play multiple sports at an A level, recruitment comes. But those athletes are few and far between. For the ones a notch below that gifted level, focusing just on one sport year 'round is the better route. Better to be an A player at 1 sport than to be a B in 2.
  5. No one knew it at the time, but it was the start of what would be a very deadly tornado season around these parts.
  6. All anyone needs to know is the better TEAM won. Refs, big gym, mind games = excuses.
  7. Blowouts happen in NKY in every sport every week. Don't hear too much about coaches getting suspended for it. Would anyone be happier if it would have been 40-5, or 80-8? Does anyone really think the losing team players will now suddenly all become mass-murderers because they got blown-out? They lost a basketball game. Move on. Losing motivates you and teaches you lessons even more so than winning. Learn from it.
  8. I will add that I would no longer consider HC a 9th Region favorite. Not because of this directly...but to me it points to a more general feeling about the program- that they aren't "all-in" on the team concept, and that's it's not about building a program. I think you need that to win in the post-season. I already posted the rest of my thoughts earlier.
  9. Here's one fact - If this cancellation was due to a water main break, power outage, blizzard, entire school shut-down due to illness, or any number of legit reasons, there would be a tweet/email/internet/facebook/press release from the school explaining the circumstances. The silence is speaking volumes.
  10. I would like to have all of the coaches out there in any sport list all of the times they went into a game when their teams were 100% healthy, every player was playing at 100% of their ability, and the game plan was executed 100% perfect. Getting through hardships is what makes a team great. Overcoming losses is what makes a team great. You have to learn how to deal with adversity, not avoid it. I don't have the time to list all of the different local HS sports where I've seen an underclassmen player come off the bench, start in a big game, and shine - something that pays big dividends later in the year for the whole team. I'll also add that Silver Grove used to show up for Varsity games with mostly 7th & 8th graders, and a roster that often didn't make it to double-digits. They gave it all they had and weren't cancelling games.
  11. Would HC been able to pull this if game was away? ring-ring Home team: Hello HC: We're all sick and a dog ate our homework. Can we reschedule? Home team: No can do. We paid for the good refs and turned the heat on in the gym. HC: but our tummies hurt after that Brossart loss Home team: Your choice - show up or forfeit HC: is there a 3rd choice? Home team: only if you're honestly out of players HC: you're breaking up... I'm in a tunnel... gotta go.
  12. I was wondering - do u also love tournaments for only the large schools?
  13. umm...that would imply they previously had a big win, which I frankly don't see. Do you mean "big" as in point spread? Or "big" as in quality of team beaten?
  14. Ah yes - the mythical NKAC. The conference that doesn't play a conference schedule, and doesn't have standings. Sure - go ahead and claim/predict anything you want in the NKAC - there's no way to tell who's won what.
  15. If that were true, Wal-Mart would have sponsored the whole thing years ago.
  16. It's not how much, it's bang for your buck - and NASCAR doesn't have it.
  17. Let's see.. who's got $75 million a year to spend on a shrinking "sport" who's best days are behind it? Oh yea, no one.
  18. How many is "a ton?" Seems to me if you play football, Highlands is a better choice.
  19. Hopefully the plug will get pulled on the school next. If it's really about the kids, they would be going to CC, and getting a better education with more resources. I don't know what there is to be proud of - the school district test scores are at 56%, some of the lowest in the State, vs 74% for CC. This isn't 1903 and the railyard is long gone. Move on.
  20. yea, I have a lot of problems with this list too - and why I continue to say these types of votes are quite incomplete, in not flawed. The KVCA membership selects these teams. Problem #1 is only 50% of all KY volleyball coaches are in the KVCA, and probably less than that even bother to vote. #2 is of the coaches who are in the KVCA and/or bother to vote, it's an uneven geographical distribution across the state. So to use the Raceland example, how many eligible coaches even saw her play this year? Did Louisville area coaches get to see her in the regular season to compare her with Louisville area talent? I think it's easy to get the high end players right on a list like this in any sport, the players everyone knows about. It's filling out the roster, the last players in, that's the tricky part.
  21. Couldn't agree more. If we are including all of NKY and not just 9th, I would rank them as: 1. ND 2. Scott 3. St. Henry 4. Ryle 5. Cooper, or NCC, or Beechwood Would also like to see Scott, Cooper, and Beechwwod play ND best 3/5. Would also like to see NCC and ND just play.
  22. Cooper's incoming class was mentioned before by the same person who hearts Cooper all day long and told us all year that Kaity Smith was the 9th Region POTY and Coach Isaac was it's COTY. And gheez, here we are now already anointing Cooper as the favorite to unseed ND in 2015. At least you are consistent. The question was for 2015. In 2015, I will take ND's 8 Seniors over any incoming "phenom" freshmen at Cooper, or anyone else in the region. Yes, ND loses a lot and will have to re-load, but I believe that's what "they" said about this year's team after last season's big names left. Mercy had 2 years of losing before they finally won it all this year, I can see ND following that same formula. ND and SHA will be the favorites, so it will all come down to that insulting blind draw of the State bracket. As for Beechwood - 8th graders playing Varsity sports have left Beechwood before for other schools.
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