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Everything posted by dallaslaredo

  1. You sure about that? Every time - exactly that? I can send you the links, the Tweets, the pictures of rings... Then the teams in the All-A will not be participating in the State Tournament at the end of the season since they are in a different class, right? Makes sense. Except you forgot one thing. We don't have classes in basketball. Who the All-A includes is up to them - they could make it schools sized 200 and below - or 1000 and below. Or only schools in Region 1,5,14, and 16. It's a regular season tournament, not a playoff.
  2. Agree with all bolded. Do the All-A fans out there realize the tournament organizers just selected an arbitrary enrollment number for inclusion in the tournament? They could change it tomorrow to schools under 200....or under 1000. And still call it the All-A. Or the All-AAA. Big, medium, or small - it's a private regular season tournament.
  3. It's both. And why would you get a banner for winning a regular season invitational tournament? There's a reason this thing is in the middle of the season, it's because..wait for it... it's actually not THE state tournament.
  4. "Everybody gets a trophy", or in this case, a "State Championship" ring.
  5. Probably not the tournament itself, but the way it is perceived/portrayed by fans, parents, boosters, media, and sometimes, but not always, by the schools.
  6. Agree. Agree again. Scoreboard, social media, newspaper - suddenly, we have classes and 2 champs. Since when?
  7. Let me be straight forward - my one and only issue with the All-A is with semantics. It's the word "State" I'll paraphrase what is saw posted awhile back somewhere on here that I agree with . . . to you, and I, and people in the know, we all know there's only 1 KHSAA State Champ in almost all sports (football classes are a separate discussion). But to the broader population, and to some extent the media, there is no difference in perception between the All-A winner calling themselves, or being called "State Champs" and the KHSAA State Champs. And call me petty, call me whatever, but I love the fact that there's only 1 official State Champ in KY in almost every sport, determined in a true statewide tourney. And whoever wins it is going to have to go through a gauntlet to do so. And that team deserves, in the minds of the general public, to be the sole owner of that title. So when a different team wins a regular season tournament (one that frankly excludes the top teams in the state) and fans, parents, and sometimes (but not always) the schools themselves hail it as a "State Championship" I have a problem with that. Because it does happen..we've all seen it. It gets inflated. Banners, T-Shirts, etc. Celebrate the win? Sure. But does the winner of the LIT or the Traditional Bank Holiday Classic hang a banner and call it a "State Championship"? I don't get caught up in the "Hoosiers" romantic feelings towards small school sports. You can't tell me that the level of play at the All-A is better than the LIT. The girls at E-Town, Ashland Blazer, Henderson County, Holmes, and Highlands work just as hard and earn every accolade they get. So have fun, celebrate the tourney, hand out the scholarships, and crown the champs - just call them the "All-A Champs" or "All-A Tournament Champs"
  8. What does that mean -"A" in quotes? Equal footing with KHSAA State Champ? I get it. It's a fun, creative way to say you are "State Champs" even though you really aren't.
  9. In your opinion. Some might say re-working the format would be a positive for their school. Some might say some answers are neither positive or negative, but a fact.
  10. There's your problem right there... the soccer team is infiltrating the basketball team to stay in shape for the next soccer season!
  11. I read it. Sounds like a first class tournament all the way around and will be around for years to come. Congrats to the tournament organizers, teams, and tournament champions for winning a regular in-season tournament that only small schools are invited to play in. It's good preparation for the post-season KHSAA State Tournament and Championship, which occurs Feb-March and includes every school regardless of size, concluding with only one school being crowned State Champion.
  12. Whoa. I said congrats. And it was exciting. A nice win in one of the biggest (from a participation standpoint) invitational tournaments around. Some like to call it a "State Championship". It's not.
  13. Congrats on winning an exciting mid-season invitational basketball tournament, one of many conducted throughout the year.
  14. Apparently this thread is "self-beating". I had my answer to my original question in post #10, and acknowledged such in post #22. Anything after that has not been on my watch.
  15. Thanks. Any other taboo posts I can bring up? Catholic grade school recruiting? Kids claiming "hostile environment" and transferring? Referees officiating games that relatives are coaching in?
  16. My guess is it's very low, like 2 or 3 like someone posted earlier. I know it's at least 1 because he lives in my neighborhood and I'm nowhere close to Ft. Thomas. Was wondering if there were any more like him.
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