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Everything posted by dallaslaredo

  1. No matter how feel about the coach, isn't playing club volleyball mostly, if not completely, responsible for getting these?
  2. They already have that - it's called the "All-A" - and it's a joke, with the winner begin called the... (asterisk, disclaimer)****** """"state champion """"********(more asterisk, additional disclaimer)
  3. This is a bad loss for Brossart. They were ranked 2nd in all of Region 10 in the latest coaches poll and had just gone to 5 sets vs Camels in regular season. Were they over-rated all year? Exhibit A for All-A success being misleading.
  4. In 2007, NCC won in reg season 1-0 (PK's?) but NDA won in playoffs. Longer than '07 for a playoff win.
  5. Cov Cath a top 10 team? Is 4A that weak? Cov Cath doesn't pass the eye test.
  6. On a side note, I'm not a fan of the voted-on post season coaches association awards in any sport - especially the All-Region teams and Region POTY. The coaches can't see everyone play, so they often turn to stats for guidance - stats that get over-inflated and padded for players who play a weaker schedule. There's no accounting for strength of opponents in the voting.
  7. FastForward has predicted Cooper's greatness all year, so don't expect that to change now.
  8. This is not official, but District 33 should be at Conner if the previous 4 school rotation is followed. 9th Region is confirmed at Ryle.
  9. Best match-up in any NKY District. Both teams will advance to Region, but winner avoids ND, Newport Catholic, or St. Henry in first round of Region. Cooper 2-0 vs Ryle this year, but according to previous posts, Ryle wasn't at full strength, and now is.
  10. Thats a very thorough in-depth synopsis, but it didn't answer the original question from what you posted - what's been holding these 3 teams back all season long from showing the talent they have?
  11. What are the reasons they haven't shown it?
  12. Because last night was yet another District Championship for Highlands? Because if they had lost last night it would have "only" been 7 titles in 9 years - and still impressive. Am I missing anything?
  13. I've seen/heard these 2 ideas talked about and posted before . . 1. Stop taking both District winners to Regionals and instead take both Regional winners to State. Have State over 2 weekends, or have Regional winners host 1st round matches against runners-up during week like Soccer does. 2. Have 16 Regional winners plus 6 at large bids - 24 teams. Everyone knows where those other 6 teams should come from. Stop running volleyball like it's basketball. Soccer and Softball do it differently.
  14. I think, but not sure - each District (or it could go by Region) has a person who is a referee scheduler. I also believe it's a paid position. It's up to the scheduler to get the refs there. It's up to the schools to make sure the scheduler has the proper schedule and location.
  15. I was gonna use Highlands football as my example, but they're loved too much.
  16. To use your example, since UK is often a #1 or #2 seed, and often opens the tourney with College of Charleston or the like, I can wholeheartedly tell you that I (and I'm guessing many others) are NOT cheering for Cinderella. Most people I know root for specific teams, not random upsets to make things "interesting". Most are more than satisfied when the favorite, UK for example, wins and advances in said tournament.
  17. Not a prediction but an observation from the KHSAA scoreboard - NC is 0-5 in matches vs Ryle the last 2 years. NC lost this year to both Scott and St. Henry, teams Ryle beat. But NC beat Cooper, a team Ryle has lost to twice.
  18. Isn't that what the regular season was for? Everyone had their shot in the 9th and the results were there's ND, and then the rest. Sustained success at a high level is something to admire, not hate on.
  19. The individual stats mean so little. Lopsided games, weak opponents, how quickly a coach goes to the bench, and the caliber of own teammates - it all helps pad stats for some players, and take away from others. The only team stat I think is somewhat reliable is goals allowed.
  20. So Bellevue and Dayton basically said the heck with it, we'll take #3 and #4
  21. What? The State Championship isn't at Frankfort in the All-A? How can this be?
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