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Everything posted by se7ens

  1. So what are the options - there's Eaton, Jv Coach Lucas, or that clown freshmen coach Owens? Think that they would be safe with either of the first two options.
  2. RCC, spoken like a person who witnessed what a struggling NDA team with a close to .500 record and no quality wins did to Highlands this past January in Ft. Thomas. I think that Highlands - NDA game is going to be a great one and might be the coming out party for a revitalized Panda group. That being said, may be a rough December. Also, NCC doesn't stay in the top 4 for long.
  3. It is also not a "kick" unless the ball is actually intentionally deflected by the foot. If a ball simply hits a stationary foot, it's live.
  4. West Jessamine, who has a former 11th region coach, faces Franklin County, LCA, Madison Central, Madison Southern, and Woodford County. West has produced some great games against 11th region opponents in recent history.
  5. Ha not as drastic as "The Natural," but the movie adds on a whole lot more detail to the ending.
  6. I am both a huge reader and a huge movie lover. Movies are great for a lot of things and can sometimes provide some great improvements on the source material, but for the most part the book is better for the shere fact it can tell more of the story and let us in on things movies really just can't in a reasonable manner. With that said, there are a few movies that I think surpass the books they came from, my biggest two examples being "For Love of the Game" and "The Natural." Do you all have any?
  7. Definitely a shot at the All A. With Campbell having the most talent in the district but growing into a new system and the uncertainties at Scott, I definitely see a chance for Brossart to win the district and make some noise in the region if the draw is right. Backcourt has a long way to go and a short time to get there.
  8. It has to be said that one of the unique things about TWD is how it plays off it's fans. Hate Lori? Ok, we'll kill her off. Hate Andrea? Ok We'll kill her off. Didn't get enough of the Governor vs the prison? Ok, we'll do it again. Want more Hershel? Ok, here's some flashbacks.
  9. I agree. But my point is his case is a familiar one. A person that could have been a solid contributor who does not come out because of success in football.
  10. Well let's do two case studies of players that would have helped Highlands basketball. 1) Ben Weyer - non-football player who, after being in Ft. Thomas schools his whole life, went to high school for the greener pastures at NCC. Chalk that up to the state of affairs with the program at the time and the success of NCC. 2) Jac Collinsworth - Kid could have been a great contributor on the hardwood. But why give up that time and effort when you can be a football standout at one of the most prestigious programs in Kentucky football. I think both these cases sum up why talent doesn't end up in the gym at Highlands. If you are a pure basketball player, you have better options. If you're better at football, the success of the football program and it's track record of producing college-level players deters one from giving up time that could be spent trying to win state titles and scholarships. Both are cases of just losing out to fierce competition. It's going to take a great middle school program and a bit of luck to change this.
  11. Who is more likely to get a roster spot - Holmberg or Axelrod or Cingrani?
  12. I was thinking last night if these students weren't football players, or even standout football players, they would be facing possible expultion.
  13. Will they send out the alert on campus when Stoops let's those guys have it? That's not gonna be pleasant.
  14. Chris Antley pulling up Charismactic. The replays to this day still get me everytime. Even thinking about it gives me chills.
  15. So far y'all have gotten 9 of the 10 correct. Last one remaining: 9) You know what we get to do today, Brooks? We get to play baseball.
  16. 1) I'm rapidly becoming an overnight success in this town. 2) May I take your trident, sir? 3) I was in the path of the tornado... I just didn't expect the storm would last as long as it has. 4) Nice fish, Ken. You know what Nietzsche said about animals? "They were God's second blunder." 5) I don't think I want to know a six-year-old who isn't a dreamer, or a sillyheart. And I sure don't want to know one who takes their student career seriously. 6) Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead. 7) Ernest Hemingway once wrote, "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." I agree with the second part. 8) Bush told the people to rise up against Saddam. They thought they'd have our support. They don't. Now they're getting slaughtered. 9) You know what we get to do today, Brooks? We get to play baseball. 10) Let that be a lesson to you, boys and girls. Don't ever argue with the big dog, because the big dog is always right.
  17. Why not a fan of the UC - Clermont and Ohio Mid-Western games? Wouldn't you say that those are comprable to a power conference team playing a small D1 or large D2?
  18. 1) French Kiss. By far and away my favorite movie with Meg Ryan in it. And Kevin Kline's best as well IMO.
  19. Bingo, JD. Now repost your list, I didn't get to see it the first time and I'd like a whirl.
  20. Bingo on 4 and 5. Hint on #3 - spoken by Steve Martin.
  21. Bingo, Bluto. Down to the last 3. #3 and #4 are going to be tough. Someone should get #5.
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