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Everything posted by se7ens

  1. There seems to be two questions here - Is baseball the worst American professional sport to watch? and Is MLB the worst American professional league/association in garnering fan support? The first question is totally subjective, the 2nd is pretty objective. I personally like watching baseball and actually prefer it to watching any sport besides UK basketball to which I have a rooting interest. In regard to the second question, the NFL has by far surpassed any of the other professional associations in gathering fan support, and I put that success squarely on the actual league - they have done a great job, especially post-Tagliabue. I would put the MLB and NBA neck in neck and I think to some degree they just attract different fans. I think you can see a person be a fan of the NFL and the NBA or the NFL and the MLB, but its more rare to see someone be a fan of the MLB and the NBA. Anyone support that statement? I could be reaching but I think it's a pretty solid claim.
  2. Exactly the same way I feel. Obama could be doing better, I would still vote for him over Romney or a 2008 McCain.
  3. The game doesn't stink, Mr. Wheeler. It's a great game.
  4. Sandra Bullock, with that movie, became the only actress ever to win the Best Actress Oscar and the Worst Actress Razzie in the same year. She accepted both in person.
  5. Yes, because no one on the right has ever passed the blame during a scandal. Radar Online | Larry Craig Blames the Cops
  6. I think you nailed it. A week ago I would have had Anderson over Shelby. Holland gives them a bump up.
  7. I've see Anderson Co. play this summer multiple times. They are going to be regional contenders. They may be inconsistent at times, especially early on, but they can flat out get after it. Simon Kenton lost alot but gains one of the best freshmen in the state. Shelby Co. hopes to gain consistency this year and adds a home run hire of a coach. WV may have a better season than last, but they haven't completed the rebuilding process yet.
  8. Can you present an argument for Walton Verona #1 overall. I can make an argument for Simon Kenton, Shelby Co., and Anderson Co. all for #1. I just don't see Walton Verona being past those teams.
  9. Agreed, it is not likely, but it is plausible and it is the first thing I thought of knowing that there is a former principal (only 2 years out of the role) in current administration. It definitely falls under conspiracy theory though, and I would like to hear some other reasons why he would be pushed out. If anything, having Noll there makes the move easier, even if it's not the motivation.
  10. What reasons would they have for forcing him out? And does this in any way open the road up for Bob Noll, who left NCC very suddenly two years ago? A power play to get Noll into the seat might be the intitial logical choice, agree or am I way off base?
  11. Can someone on here go in to detail about the Mercer Co. - Harrodsburg rivalry before they consolidated? I didn't get the chance to witness it for myself but I've heard a few stories. Sounds like it was pretty intense. And I think the last season they existed both of their matchups were 1 point wins by Mercer.
  12. And I would argue that inconsistency plagues every non-elite team in girls basketball. One of your main things as a coach in this game is to limit that inconsistency and have your team firing on all cylinders by the end of the year. I could be absolutely wrong about SK. They may slump a little longer than they should later in the year than they should, but I think that's doubtful. They may lose a game here and there early on by deficits that make it look like they are going to epically struggle. But when it's all said and done I would be shocked if it wasn't them and Anderson Co. in the finals if the draw works out that way.
  13. I respectfully but firmly disagree with you. The amount of young talent SK will have will be extraordinary. The only team I can see challenging them is Anderson Co. Everyone else is distantly behind those 2. Sort of like last year, but for different reasons obviously. SK replaces a very talented group with a group that may eventually develop into a core that's even better but is already able to win the region. Anderson loses its core but with them it will be all about style. Very excited what the new coach can accomplish with that team. Just not enough in the tank yet from WV or Shelby to challenge these two and the Oldhams will remain pretty quiet.
  14. Thoughts so far - GRC should win the 10th running away. IMO the new point guard at SK makes them the favorite in the 8th just because its depleted of its top talent although would not be surprised if Anderson Co. makes noise because of its style. The 9th has a lot of unanswered questions but I think we can agree HC and Highlands are neck in neck at the top with some of the usual suspects (NCC, NDA, Boone Co. w/Schweitzer) waiting in the wings. We also have power struggles in the 4th with Glasgow and Allen Co.-Scottsville and the 6th with North Bullitt and Bullitt East trying to unseat Butler. And what I love about this whole thing is that we will always have the Meade Countys of the world who upend one or more of these teams in the regional tourney.
  15. My logic: Although HC returns their core group and adds a talented guard, Highlands returns their entire starting lineup plus some, only graduating Blanton who is a terrific athlete but not one of their defining players. That means Highlands will be starting the exact same group it started when they lost in the regional tourney. HC can't say the same. I understand the argument for HC incredibly well, and like I said, it's really, really close. Also, the point I was making with versatility points at the fact I don't expect HC to win many games against teams that can get out and run. Highlands has the ability to win both slug fests and track meets.
  16. 1) Marshall County 2) Henderson Co. 3) Owensboro Catholic 4) Allen Co. Scottsville 5) E-Town 6) Butler 7) One of the tougher ones - could go either way between Sacred Heart and Ballard, I'll give the edge to Sacred Heart 8) Simon Kenton 9) Again, tough, but I'd have to go Highlands over Holy Cross as of today. Highlands has more experience and better versatility and HC has to work a new player into the system that the whole thing will hinge on. 10) GRC 11) Lafayette 12) Mercer Co 13) Bell Co. 14) Powell Co. 15) Shelby Valley 16) Toss up between East Carter and Ashland. I'll give the edge to returning champ Ashland.
  17. The primary problem with the issue of gay rights is we as a people continue to cross back and forth between secular law and religious beliefs. As stated before, government had no right to claim authority over the institution of marriage. I echo the sentiment that the government should issue civil unions to any adult, consentual couple that requests one, heterosexual or homesexual. Definition of equal rights and pretty much common sense. I have heard the alcoholism-homosexuality comparison argument before. One of the items I took away from it was although it is biblically wrong to act on homosexual or drunken tendencies, government shouldn't be in the business of enacting law based on religion. Prohibition was wrong, so is disallowing one group of consenting adults from what another group of consenting adults has access to. The alcoholism-homosexuality comparison argument goes much better as a religious argument, not as a polticial one. But then again, that's the problem: separating the issue into two separate arenas. Just like the government cannot tell me what religion to subscribe to, it cannot dictate my sexual preference. The freedom to make these fundamental human choices, even choices another individual makes that I don't religiously subscribe to, is something that we say we hold dear but sometimes don't really show it.
  18. Splitting hairs. When a coach loses their teaching position but is technically allowed to stay on as coach, knowing full well that won't because they can't pay the bills, we would all call that a "push out," correct?
  19. Depends on the class - you have so many that leave St. Catherine and St. Thomas to enter middle school at Highlands and then you have that second wave after 8th grade. I'd say all told, an average somewhere between 20 and 30 per class. Best guess. St. Catherine and St. Thomas just have less to give anymore. A portion of that number every year also comes from St. Therese. These kids that go from Catholic grade school to Highlands really don't have a large impact on enrollment, I would think, but from time to time can impact athletics (Zach Harris from St. Joe's, Brendan Buten from St. Thomas as examples).
  20. I've heard it both "not retained" and "released" aka as "fired." AD was also pushed out as well. Principal replaced by Dan Ridder and AD replaced by Adam Franzen.
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