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Everything posted by Dixiefan1

  1. The point I'm making is most teams that have a player that scores 90% of the points and basically is the only offense that team has usually doesn't fair too well against a balanced TEAM.. (Emphasis on TEAM)..again, not taking anything away from this young lady's talent or accomplishments, heck I'd love to see my daughter score 60 pts in a game, I'd be doing cartwheels in the stands!! Look at MJ...and before anyone spouts off about me comparing HS girls basketball to the NBA I'm not...before the Bulls went on the impressive run of championships, Jordan was scoring 50-60 a game..and when he dropped down to 30 and got the rest of the team involved is when the run started..
  2. Jeez.... When are these polls gonna face the fact that maybe HC isn't quite as good as last season? How about HHS, Conner or Ryle from the 9th? This poll has some southern flavor to it..
  3. That's what bothers me the most...either call it tight or let them play THEWHOLE GAME! I hate it when they let them beat each other to death in 1 half and call every touch foul in the 2nd. One way or the other...
  4. Thing is who cares...let her score her 50 a game..as long as your team out scores her in most cases they win. Not taking anything away from her, very admirable numbers, but when the other 6 or 7 players only average about 16 to 18 points a game combined..I'd take my chances
  5. JJ, were you there? I heard the officiating was a little suspect
  6. Got a report that Niece picked up her 4th foul right after Meier picked up hers a couple minutes into the 3rd Qtr.
  7. Wasn't able to make the trip, but getting updates via text. SK trailed by 6 after 1 Qtr. Meier got in foul trouble early, spent most of 1st half on the bench. Harmeyer still out for SK. SK rallied and ended the 1st half down 1. Meier picked up foul # 4 1 minute into the 3rd Qtr. Last update I have is Mercer up 46-39 end of 3rd Qtr.
  8. What I would like to know is are the officials evaluated on their performance as I'm sure 99% of people are on their jobs. They do get paid to do what they do so they should be accountable to somebody, or only when there is a complaint? I do appreciate the people that do this, but like RC said, some of them seem to repeat themselves the next time you see them. And God love them, there are a few that really need to hang it up. Some have been officiating since I played in junior high and I'm 51! No disrespect meant but I watched one game where one ref could barely make it from half court to the baseline, and if he did manage to get to the baseline if there was a break the other way the whole set was over by the time he made it back to half court! That scenario also could lead to missed calls or bad ones by the other 2 officials trying to make up for the lack of help from the third..just my opinion
  9. Showin' them some Ky. String music down south! Way to go Beacats!
  10. Maybe games like this will start to put the talk of 8th being down to bed.
  11. Awesome! Great to hear the youngsters stepped up! Stamper on all tournament team.. Nice accomplishment for an 8th grader
  12. I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year! Thanks to Guru and crew for taking the time to maintain the forum. It brings me a lot of insight and information and also some comic relief at times! Lol. We sometimes do get into deep conversations and some bickering at times, but I am confident that every poster feels the way I do in that we wish nothing but success for our young ladies. Many of the posters are parents of these fine young women, and many of them, good or bad, read these threads. I just ask that we keep that in mind when we post or respond to the threads. I will now take leave of my soap box and again wish everyone a most joyous holiday season (trying to be politically correct lol), and much success and a prayer for good health to all of our athletes in the New Year!
  13. They lose 2 of last 3 since the last poll and move up 2 spots?????? Wish UK got love like that in the polls!
  14. I totally agree with your comments. As far as my districts and regionals comment..I person can hope!! LOL. As far as Niece's situation, that was just my opinion.. I know she has a great support environment from home with an awesome family. I think with the way the college coaches are actively pursuing these kids at younger ages these days has some to do with the pressure they feel. It's a 2 edged sword because I think it gives incentive to know someone is interested but also a lot of pressure depending on the player. And yes, I think you're right sometimes there is pressure to perform for acceptance ( my kid). We have told our daughter many, many times as I'm sure you have yours too that we didn't care if she scores 1 pt or 100 in a game, how much we love her and how proud we are of her.
  15. H Totally agree with the last comments. This team (SK) is still in that "getting used to" part of their development. One also could attribute some of the rough patches this team seems to go thru at times to their youth. There is 3 sophomores and 2 juniors starting, and lately the 1st two off the bench are 8th graders.Harmeyer is learning a new coaching philosophy, Meier played only her 4th regular season game Saturday after rehabbing all spring and summer from 2 surgeries, Buckner is in her 2nd varsity season 1st as a full time starter (for SK), and IMO with all due respect and admiration Niece I think at times puts a lot of pressure on herself to perform at the level she is capable of playing up to. I also wouldn't want to be the team Ms. Niece plays next. As I stated at the beginning of the season, when this team starts firing on all cylinders it's going to be ugly...for their opponents. All that being said, I have nothing but the upmost respect for Walton. Ison and Simpson are 2 of the best in the region, and also great kids from wonderful families. I fully expect this to be the matchup in the district finals and possibly the regional finals. As you and I spoke about before the game 7's, I hoped the game would be decided by the players and coaches and not the refs..but as is the case in a lot of 8th region games sometimes..... But it is what it is and we all move on..
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