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Everything posted by Dixiefan1

  1. Highlands did play a good game all around . Very solid team. I saw both this one and the SK game and Grant looked tired and appeared at times to be going thru the motions in this one. I think it had a lot to do with coming off a hard fought and emotional game with their district rival the night before. I'm kind of surprised at the 3pt total for HHS because it seemed like every other shot they were draining a 3..
  2. This was a fun game to watch. No secret I'm a Lady Braves fan, and I think that they proved to themselves and to others they will be competitive. However, I have to say this; the officiating this year is horrible. They need to let the players play! I am not saying this because Grant lost tonight. It has nothing to do with who wins or loses at all. This was the 4th game I have been to this year and I have seen a approximately 50-60 fouls called every game.. really? We pay to come watch the kids play Not To Have A REF Call A foul every few seconds. My daughter has fouled out of a grand total of 4 times out in her middle school and high school career and 2 of those games are 2 of the first 4 games this season. The other 2 games she has finished with 4. The refs need to back off and let them play!! When both teams are in the double bonus almost the whole first half, and then almost the same way in the 2nd half there's a problem. And I have heard this from A lot of people watching these games.
  3. Congrats to coach Klette and the team! Guess it goes to show that 1 player doesn't always make a team...
  4. Hmm, well if you consider Dixie's scheduling philosophy like that of an SEC team like, oh I don't know. ..ALABAMA, I guess I'll take my chances with them.. These boys are the hungry, the program has endured living with the stigma of being the redheaded stepchild in the NKAC seeing the Beechwoods, Cov. Cath's and Highlands win title after title and this is their 1st Title game. This state title game is 70 some odd years in coming and these boys and these coaches know it. Not saying they'll win but I think Trinity is going to have one of the toughest games they've had in awhile on Saturday. .GO COLONELS!!
  5. Is the score correct..41-39? Because when you look at the stats on the khsaa scoreboard it looks like Dixie scored 61. It says Tibbs had 36
  6. Grant Co. won it's season opener against Pendleton Co. 72-63. The thing that makes this especially satisfying is due to 5 players (including 3 of the 5 starters) for the Lady Braves suspended for the game for violating team rules. The starting lineup consisted of 1 senior, 1 sophomore, 2 freshmen, and a 7th grader. Freshman Shelby Harmeyer led all scorers with 28 pts. Senior Macy Wright added 14. Harmeyer also had a double-double with 11 boards. Grant JV also won paced by 11 pts. by 7th grader Abby West.
  7. Again I was NOT bashing the team in any way. I'm sorry if you or anyone else took it like that.
  8. Some folks on this thread that know me and know what I do asked me if I would share some info on the recruiting process.. so here goes... YOU'RE NOT being recruited if.. ◾ You have received information from college's admissions office. This information has nothing to do with being recruited to be an athlete for the college. Actually, you are being enticed through a highly-effective direct marketing program by the colleges to consider them your freshman year. Colleges purchase mailing lists of prospective students from several sources, but most likely they got your name and address from the companies which administered the standardized tests you took such as the PSAT, the ACT or the SAT. Taking these tests means you are serious about attending college. That's all most colleges need to send you a general info letter. ◾ You have received a letter and questionnaire from a college coach. The good news is that you are in the first stage of the process which is called "recognition." Getting recognized is the initial and most crucial stage of the process. If this doesn't occur, the process cannot begin in earnest. The number of questionnaires which you receive nearly always tells you how many coaches know about you, but it does not mean these coaches are recruiting you. Upon receiving and reviewing your returned questionnaire, a coach will determine if you basically meet the program's endothecia, speed, ranking, strength, grades. All these are important determinants. If so, then you will advance to Stage 2, "evaluation." ◾ A college coach watches you at a tournament, a travel or club team event or meet. While it is rare for college coaches to discover talent at these events (they usually enter the gates with a list of players they have already evaluated on paper and on tape), keep your fingers crossed that they see you make a great play, hit a double off the wall, come from behind in a race or shoot the round of your life. But, unless you are already on their "list," it's doubtful things will go much farther. Even if a college coach asks someone, perhaps your coach, about you, until you receive a questionnaire, note, email or phone call from the coach, you are not being recruited. ◾ You receive a letter or email from a coach saying that he or she will keep up with you. Coaches have a long list of prospects and they keep all their options open until they decide on the top few athletes they will decide to invite to their campus for official visits. For this reason, they keep a number of athletes interested with the "we will keep up with you" statement. Recruiting is a business. It is a hard, but true fact and prospects are too often paralyzed by these letters into doing nothing or waiting day after day for the coach to make an offer which in all likelihood will not come. Coaches must simultaneously woo their top recruits as they keep second tier prospects on a string. This is the way they accomplish their goal. While not entirely fair, it is nonetheless the nature of recruiting. ◾ A college coach calls your high school or travel team coach to ask for information about you. Again, the good news is that if a coach has gotten to the stage of calling others about your abilities, you are at the very least on their list of players to seriously evaluate. College coaches must be time management pros. So, there are a number of reasons they might call your coach. They may not know your address or phone number. They may have heard about you, but have not seen you perform in person. Maybe they want to know your upcoming schedule. A call of this sort means one thing - you are somewhere in the evaluation process, but not necessarily being recruited. YOU ARE being recruited if... ◾A college coach calls you at home twice. Once is not enough. It must be twice. Why? If a coach did not "click" with you or if your parents obstructed the process in some way, you may not hear from that particular coach again. But, if the coach calls and talks to you twice, he or she is interested and wants you to know that you are on his or her list of recruits. ◾ A college coach comes to your home field, court or course to specifically see you play. Time is precious for coaches and budgets are tight. When they spend time and money to specifically see you play in person, they are interested in evaluating you in person and learning more about you as an athlete and person . ◾A college coach invites you on an official visit. Official visits are not handed out like candy to everyone who walks by. Not to be confused with unofficial visits, when a coach invites you to spend time with the coaching staff and the team, you have made it to the final recruiting stage. Make the most of it because this is serious stuff. YOU'RE IN TROUBLE when... ◾ You have only a few questionnaires (or none at all) from college coaches. There are nearly 3,000 colleges carrying most sports across the nation. How many know about you? Count your questionnaires. That's how many. It's time to find help. ◾ You believe it when somebody tells you that if you are good enough college coaches will find you. That old saying no longer applies. With competition fierce for scholarships and roster spots, if your profile and videotape are not made available to a wide range of coaches, there is a good chance you will not be noticed, evaluated and recruited. ◾ You believe that a friend or relative's "connections" will get you a scholarship offer. That's old school thinking which seldom works out for prospects. College coaches are notorious for not seriously following up on kids brought to them by co-workers, old friends and program supporters. Yes, they will send letters, but it is unlikely anything will come of it. Coaches have their own processes which they trust and rely heavily upon. ◾ You do not have good statistics and videotape to give college coaches upon their request. Most college coaches make their first evaluation of prospects based on the substantiated numbers the kids make available. While many high school and travel coaches will say they don't want their players to "focus too much on stats," the reality exists that prospects need good stats if they expect to get recruited. Otherwise, they are at a distinct disadvantage. And, the kids need to have ready access to these numbers so that they can relay them to college coaches. Videotape is another essential part of the evaluation process. Prospects must have good game footage, in most cases, to enable college coaches to properly and fairly evaluate them. ◾ You have narrowed your choice of colleges down to less than five you will consider attending BEFORE the recruiting process starts. The chances of you fitting those five specific coaches' needs (athletically, position, size, speed, strength, statistics and grades) are not in your favor. For this reason, extending your options is a much, much better plan. ◾ You think walking on is a great option. If you are a true competitor, you will want to play in college, not just practice and sit on the sidelines while scholarship athletes are the only ones receiving significant playing time. Colleges love for you to walk on because you will be paying, in most cases, the entire fee to attend that school. You cost a coach nothing. However, walk-ons rarely see much playing time and typically miss out on things like making travel squads and living in the dorms with the scholarship athletes. If you must take this route, do your best to secure the status of "invited walk-on." Most walk-on athletes stay in the program only one or two years.
  9. If she is that's great! But if you talk to the dad again ask him if they are getting letters of interest from programs or actual offers. The most common misconception people have is they think if the kid gets a letter of interest that they are being recruited..they are not... the letter is usually a questionare that coaches send out to compile info on a potential prospect. Until they are asked to come visit the campus or are invited to a "camp" or a "showcase" (evaluation), or are offered either in person or by letter, they are a long way from being recruited. I know this because it's my job to know. KYTNGBB I WOULD LOVE TO TALK TO THESE PEOPLE. I can evaluate her amd find out exactly where she is in the recruiting process. if they are interested have dad respond to this thread and we can go from there!
  10. The Lady Braves played their 1st scrimmage on Saturday vs. Powell Co. At Scott Co. The team shot well and overall played pretty good. They won the 1st half by 8 I think. They started 0-0 in 2nd half and tied that half. I was impressed with their hustle on the court.
  11. Grant County basketball Blue/Gold Madness- Fri. Nov. 14th 7pm at Grant County High School.
  12. please don't take this the wrong way.. did the girls you spoke of above play all season with the team? Because my daughter's team played them in late Jan.- early Feb. And beat them by like 23 or 24. I didn't see anyone that night on that team that remotely looked like a D1 prospect. Not bashing just curious
  13. Another player from your org..on Grant
  14. Very much agree with everything you said. i think you will be pleasantly surprised when you see another player that you know playing on this team too Budman!
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