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Everything posted by BigVMan23

  1. "What We Do In The Shadows". Think Spinal Tap with vampires. It's pretty funny, with some of the humor being subtle, which is why I think my girlfriend didn't enjoy it as much as I did.
  2. Hummm...couple, maybe 3 weeks ago now, sitting on buddies front porch at sunset, cool breeze blowing, actually felt great outside. He gabbed a couple of Modelo's and we shot the bull as the sun was setting. I'm not much of a drinker and may go months between alcoholic drinks sometimes. If my back or knee is bothering me I will pop a couple of Motrin and chase those down with a beer or two from time to time.
  3. Finally saw it last night. Weakest of the four latest Star War offerings I think. Now I am a SW fan, but not a "fanatic" by any stretch. Fight scenes/stunts involving the main characters just aren't very good in my opinion. I don't like the way the Kylo Ren character is portrayed at all. Not sure if it's Adam Drivers acting, the way he's being directed, the writing, a combo of all of it, but I think it's weak. Who was this Luke Skywalker and what did you do with the real one? Carrie Fisher, God rest her soul, just isn't good, and her "sucked out in space" scene was just awful. I kept looking at the time left on the scroll bar on the Netflix app, just waiting for the movie to be over and it seemed to last forever. Not a good thing for a movie. This is one I won't watch again.
  4. Fact: There are far more drunk drivers every year than the number that is actually caught by law enforcement.
  5. But also equating the number of dui arrests to the number of drunk drivers is nowhere near acurate. Yes we don't know the numbers, but it's very easy to believe the number is extremely high.
  6. The # he spit out is assumption, the FACT is though many more drunk drivers don't get pulled over than do. Now exactly how many that # is is debateable.
  7. Do you think the number of drinkers who drive legally impaired, or "drunk" is .02%? I'd say it's much much much much higher, as would it be people driving high. How did you arrive at that #?
  8. Funny, after reading this thread yesterday I drempt about my high school sweetheart last night.
  9. Got no problem legalizing it for medical purposes so those that can benefit from it's use can use it.
  10. In a utopian society...probably. But then I guess in a utopian society people wouldn't abuse it, so it wouldn't have to be illegal. That's for philosophical debate I guess. Do I think we should legalize something (arguably) bad based on something else bad that's illegal? Absolutely not. Is alcohol going away? No way, too ingrained and huge to do so.
  11. So we should pass law based on something being "hypocritical"? Come on now TBG. That's the exact same as rationalizing bad behavior on other bad behavior. While in certain situations MJ has it's uses and benefits, it also has it's drawbacks and faults and has no need to be available en mass to everyone everywhere. But, alas, this is a whole other topic that's been debated here quite a bit already.
  12. Legal across the board or medically legal? No problem here making it medically legal immediately.
  13. I have to believe it's not anywhere near the norm. I know one couple I went to hs with that dated in HS, married and still is, and I always thought how rare that is today.
  14. Was in Little Rock year ago spring. Actually some good places to eat. Clinton Presidential library is pretty cool, as is the old governor's mansion that is now a museum. Take the free trolly, takes you around downtown little rock and north Little Rock. if you get a good conductor they will give you a good tour.
  15. Me and my HS sweetheart didn't part ways very nicely my Sr. prom night. Haven't seen here in probably 32+ years. Don't reminisce about her.
  16. Guy here in Frankfort, Byron Woodard (passed away several years ago). I didn't know him, but when playing basketball or softball or talking about local athletic Legends, people would always ask me if I knew him and then go into the stories. Evidently the guy could do about anything he wanted athletically, basketball, baseball, softball, run, jump, anything including evidently being an awesome ping pong player.
  17. What the USGA fails to realize, and they should know this better than anyone, that those greens, designed over a hundred years ago are not meant to be stimped at 13 plus. When they were built the mowing technology MIGHT could get them down to about a 9, if that. They become unplayable the way they were set up. How they don't factor this in is beyond me.
  18. I like shot tracer, very much dislike Fox golf coverage...it's just not very good and I don't know that I can give one specific reason why. I don't mind seeing the pros struggle some, but Saturday was brutal. If I want to see play that bad I can go to a number of local muni's within an hour of my house and see that on any given day. You can make any golf course essentially unplayable, there's no talent involved in setting it up that way. The talent comes in in making a tough course SEEM harder than it really is. Fail on the USGA's part.
  19. Man, that's a LOT of places to get pills, especially considering there are only four places in Anderson County to get a prescription filled, a county roughly the same population as Clay County. (does not include the local health department, don't know if they can fill scripts or not)
  20. I'm not familiar enough with people in Cincinnati outside of sports to really have a good bearing on this. However, doesn't WKRP in Cincinnati have to at least get an honorable mention if not be on the list? I know it's not a person, but it's pretty darn iconic.
  21. Stanley was the straw that stirred the WV drink last year. They can be good, but I'll wait to see if they can adequately replace him before crowning them king of the 8th.
  22. Heard there was a fight or some sort of confrontation last week among some players and the rest of their summer season was cancelled? Maybe this is related?
  23. Better tell that to almost every coach, player, parent or fan to ever grace the doors there then. Because almost to a tee, win or lose, the one thing you can always count on is most everyone agreeing on how bad the reffing is there.
  24. I don't know...maybe Cleveland should go under the screens instead of switching and just make GS hit 30 3's to beat you, give nothing up on drives and at the rim. Of course GS just might make 30 of them, but they wouldn't have last night. Gotta try something different, down 3-0, what they are doing isn't working so far.
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