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Everything posted by justsayin

  1. I only saw the Lady Bears play one game this season, and that was the All A Regional Final. It was a team effort, and Cummins is the real deal, but Kinley Ruf won that game for the Bears.
  2. Totally agree. I'm sure the coaching staff at CovCath will not allow the team to look past the Camels, despite the general consensus of fans (I heard several fans leaving BOKC last night saying "who do we play after Campbell Co?"). Campbell will be a very difficult hurdle. That said, if the Colonels get by Campbell, a deep run could be in store. Confidence and experience are two understated qualities.
  3. Great article about the Kid. Put me in the camp of those who always loved him, despite the injuries. A Pro's pro. Life After Trade: 15 Years Later, Fatherhood Trumps Fame for Ken Griffey Jr. | Bleacher Report
  4. That is ridiculously nice! At first blush, I'm surprised there isn't recognition on the walls of the multitude of State Championships, similar to what UK did in the Craft Center: Perhaps it was a concession to the community that this was not a football-only facility, but imagine how cool that would look.
  5. I've said it over and over .. killing time to get the last shot, especially with young players, is the dumbest move. The number of ill-advised, bad shots that results makes me cringe. Happens .. all .. the .. time. Run your offense, and shoot the first good shot you get. Worry about the other guy getting a last second shot later (because in all likelihood, he's going to take an ill-advised, bad shot).
  6. I witnessed the 37th District Final debacle. If Scott pulls off the upset tonight, it will be the greatest story since Lazurus. justsayin
  7. Same situation tonight in the 10th: Campbell Co & Scott (37th District) versus Pendleton Co & Harrison Co (38th District)
  8. Maybe the hoops gods thought the call was suspect as well. As they say, "ball don't lie". Tough pill for Mr. Price to swallow. I believe if a FT is short, nerves got the best of you. If you miss long, you just missed it. That last one looked good...just got too much back iron. Keep your head up..."Man in the Arena".
  9. I wasn't at the game, but congratulations to all of you posters .. 60 comments in, and not one about the refs!! Congrats to the Dawgs, and Congrats to the NCC seniors on a fabulous career.
  10. This thread is comical, and further proves why those with thin skin and who wear their feelings on their sleeves are generally advised to stay out of message boards where OPINIONS are stated (like mine ... see what I did there?! :sneaky:). High school fast-pitch softball (and baseball, for that matter), is largely about the quality of pitching. If you have a stud in the circle, you can effectively put 7 folding chairs in the field and be a winning team. Probably why Ms. Smith was listed first. I don't think LB was discounting any player, nor ranking which players will compete collegiately. Best of luck to all teams and their players (especially the seniors). It's over in the blink of the eye.
  11. Been to Paris (fantastic); Sevilla, Grenada (loved it), Rondo in Spain ... all were wonderful. Would love to go to Barcelona. Bucket list: a few days in Dublin, Ireland. Then, a golf trip to Scotland. 10am tee time each day at (name the course .. does it matter?), then pub crawl from 4pm til the wee hours. Next day ... lather, rinse, repeat. 7-10 days total, maybe visit a castle or two after a few pints one day. Then you can put me in a pine box. That simple.
  12. It's about the name on the front of the jersey. That said, I'd love to see Wilson (healthy) against Henry at some point in the Fieldhouse. Could be epic.
  13. I paid $5 to get in. At halftime, I asked for a rebate. They said I had to PAY $3 to leave early. I'm $8 poorer. Campbell was that good tonight.
  14. Congrats on a NICE CAREER for the group of Big Train Seniors who have FOUR 1000-point scorers in their class. Who knows what the immediate future holds for Silver Grove. The cupboard is getting bare ....
  15. As a casual fan, the price of parking, the fact I can sit in a seat-back chair, and the fact I know I will actually gain admittance, far out-weigh any other "costs" I may incur. Please do NOT return this event to a gymnasium where a limited number of fans can attend. As stated .. all interested parties, including BOKC .. need to iron out the wrinkles and continue to make this event work. Hopefully, common sense, and the fact that everyone benefits, will win out.
  16. I have the utmost, profound respect for the men and women who are asked to serve our country. My "thanks" to them is always heartfelt. Read a book like "Fearless", and you will feel the same, whether you agree with the mission or not. I can't help but think of the following. It has relevance: Colonel Jessep: "Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinburg? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago, and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to."
  17. I see Kramer in the box score. Last I read, she was out for the season with a broken hand. What is the current situation? Glad to see she is able to play. Best of luck to both teams in the post-season.
  18. Very interesting indeed .. I believe Gorgui Dieng and Russ Smith are the only UofL players currently in the NBA, while there are approximately 18 players who donned the UK jersey, going all the way back to the Pitino era (Nazr Mohammed) and the Tubby era (Tayshaun Prince, Chuck Hayes, Jodie Meeks, Rajon Rondo). There's even one from the Dark Ages..aka Billy Clyde era (Patrick Patterson). No wonder Pitino looks about 94 years old these days ....
  19. Asinine comments. Decisions on why kids should not be on the road at 7am are completely different than decisions on why kids can be participating in extracurricular activities at 7pm. The inverse is often true as well .. school in session, but prudent minds cancel evening extracurricular activities when a late afternoon storm renders roads unsafe. Common sense prevails.
  20. We should have started here ... Oh, the insanity! Perhaps that was tongue-in-cheek. Let's hope so. If not, it wouldn't surprise me.
  21. Jason Frakes (C-J) is always a reliable source. KABC names top players in each region | USA Today High School Sports | USA Today High School Sports
  22. I watched that game, and immediately thought it was a travel. I stayed with the broadcast, and ensuing SportsCenter, to see if it was discussed. NO ONE EVER MENTIONED IT.
  23. 105 points is hard to do, especially with a running clock. Does anyone know at what point the 35 point differential occurred, and the score at that time?
  24. Why would they not give him at least 3 years? I would agree .. he exhibits all the qualities you mention, and is a home-town legend. I would say he's there for as long as he likes.
  25. 97 points, and only one 3-ball? That's unheard of in today's game.
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