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Everything posted by Playtowin29

  1. Other than those still playing on the hardwood, any pleasant surprises so far after tryouts? Just over two weeks til we hear "Play Ball".... Can't get here soon enough!!!
  2. I was going to mention Baseball. but you beat me to it. Softball ought to pack it in as well. Region runner up last year.
  3. Speaking of the Pete Knoll... Any details out yet? Dates, place, teams? Also hearing a good turnout for the Birds tryouts. Seems a couple younger Birds have hooked up with Graybill and Dutchers hitting coach and are knocking the tar out of the ball. Awesome program they are building!
  4. Congrats "Mac" on the opportunity. Well earned! Great seeing another girl with the opportunity to get an education with help by playing the game.
  5. Gym looks nice but was what seemed like 100 degrees in there tonight. And I haven't figured out why the video board? I think it was on for the National Anthem then black the rest of the game. Cain was on fire tonight! Not sure what happened in the third but I think he had a couple touches. This was only my second game but do the Birds ever set picks? Haven't seen any in either game.
  6. Great write LB!!! Amazing how well you know NKY Softball. I think you are a little tough on your Breds though. Haley gives the Birds nothing but fits. I know this is a tough write when you list players to watch. Even though you are associated with the "Dark Side" on the Hill, I wanted to send a thanks. Except for the big target you planted squarely on the Birds backs!!!
  7. I agree on Daughtery passing. He has always had good passing skills. Would be interesting at the PG some. Actually was a pretty good first game for the Birds. They seemed to have their BBall legs already. I don't think it cost the Birds the game, but the officiating was suspect at best. Poor for both teams. Must have been their first game too.
  8. Have the Lady Birds not played since this game? Or has a gag order been put in place? Just checking as I like to follow the progress of Haley aka "DB Cooper" Coffey in her return to the hardwood.
  9. What's the big deal with people criticizing the coach? It comes with the job. Had the Birds held the Marroons off, the praise for the coaches would have been all over this board. Pulaski made great adjustments to slow the running game and the play calling for the Birds didn't change much. Heregot loosened up the run defense in the Cov Cath game by making some key passes. I realize this wasn't CCH but except for the last drive, did the Birds attempt any passes on first down?
  10. On to a few of the Seniors I have had the pleasure to be around a little over the last couple years. Not only some pretty good players but even better kids. Mitchell Cain, Jared Dohrerty, Nick Kendell and Austin Beal. Proud of how you represented the "H" over the past 4 years. You didn't hear of these kids out doing things that were way out of line or embarrassing. Throwing pies at cars, drinking and the like. Instead they were doing things like helping Mitchell's grandmother put up her Christmas tree on Thanksgiving. Just good kids. Maybe not perfect but pretty close. Hate that their season and high school career has come to an end but bright things ly ahead for these gentlemen. The hurt will take a while to heal but the preserverence shown this season will carry you to much bigger accomplishments in the future. I'm sure there are plenty of others that could be mentioned here but I wanted to give those kids a shout out. It has been a crazy ride this year and in the midst of what could have been a dismal season, you rose to the occasion and wrapped it up as one of the best four 5A teams in the state. Pretty proud Alumn here. Thanks for all the effort!!!
  11. Sorry for the double bingo but in hind sight they both were right. I think three series in a row two runs to the same hole then have to try and pass third and long. Got way too predictable and as many said out coached in the second half. Congrats Pulaski and best wishes on a win next week. Awesome games by 16, 7, 2 and 44. I'm sure others as well but those stood out to me.
  12. Come on now LB. You're just happy there is something other than an "All A" t-shirt to hang in the dugout. Actually glad the Lady Birds weren't mentioned. I'm sure it will be used as a motivator. After a month or so off, workouts start shortly. And yes we have two commits and two weighing options right now. Nice to have all four seniors with the opportunity to continue playing after this year since they won't have a chance this year... JK
  13. H Close but actually the chartered jets land at 2 and we wanted to make sure they made it to the game. Sometimes the limos get hung up in the airport traffic. Good thing we got Hebel, Dorherty, Cain, Beal and Kendall's visa renewed in time. The hardest part though was getting their accents to sound American. But the fine folks at Cincinnati Bell call center trainers helped with that,
  14. I too must give Austin some props and I know I for one have been critical of him this year. Made some really nice passes and take away some drops and he would have had a monster night. He was able to make some connections early when the middle run game was getting stuffed to keep things alive and loosen the defense a little. Kendell is playing out of his mind lately and even when the going was tough he kept pounding and eventually started wearing the CCH defense out with a lot of help from the line play getting stronger as the game wore down. Would love to see a couple more touches for Cain, yes I'm biased, but the kid touched the ball twice last night and both went for really nice gains, of the ten td plus variety busting tackles along the way. Jared Dorherty led the defense last night and his play was contagious. Played possessed and made some big hits. And you can't say enough about his left foot. Just a great game as usual. I would like to add some non football related notes on last night and the season. The girls who have participated in the singing of the Natuonal Anthem this year have been stellar and I know they change them up some. Whoever they send out there does a wonderful job and always nail it. Kudos to those girls and I'm sure there are more than I that appreciate their performance. Speaking of that, I have never met the young man but I have the utmost respect for Tyler Robinson and his parents. He appears outside the locker room for the National Anthem every game and shows his respect for our flag and country just a note needing mention. Then proceeds to play like a madman on defense. Nice job Tyler. The Birds are rolling and are one of four teams left in 5A. As some have mentioned, "standing on the shoulders of the ones before them". Proud of these guys and the effort!!!
  15. I heard 7-0 birds. Anyone there that can update?
  16. Red Teamer here!!! Or whatever color the North End is now (was white when I coached). FTJFL Red has produced some pretty good QBs. Hoge and Towles... Come to mind....
  17. Coaching staff may have had a little to do with it but the kids could have easily mailed it in. Yes they still have to win against better competition going forward but this season could have really gone south had the kids not bought in. By the way, I love how Beal plays with a chip on his shoulder and gets in the head of the opposition. Just enough not to get flagged. Awesome pick last night!!!
  18. Thanks for the updates. Who scored the touchdowns for HHS. Thanks
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