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Everything posted by RomanEmpire

  1. Just a question.......would you have started this thread had L'ville won today?
  2. I have trouble grasping the reason why anyone would object to free student admission to high school games. Attendance has continued to decline at high school games and something needs to be done. Love the season pass by Ms. Banta. Perhaps restructure it and make it part of an "activity" fee that could be paid at the beginning of the school year. Of course, then you would have other people complaining because they could care less about sports. I dunno??
  3. Need to see Knowles score on the Wonderlic test. Wow...........
  4. He probably would have had an advantage at his own age group if he had ever played with his own age group, but he never did/has. His AAU team was even playing in older divisions 90% of the time and they were very successful against them. This kid is just a special talent, period. If he was beating up on freshman while playing freshman ball, then you might have a point, but that has never been the case with Brandon. As far as the rule goes, if you do not turn 19 prior to 8/1 of your senior year you are deemed eligible. Brandon will not even be close to that. Great kid, great player.
  5. I would assume that Dixie does charge for home game in both sports, but you can also get a hot dog for a buck. I just think other schools should follow Dixie's lead and give out free tickets to the students to create best atmosphere possible. These days, they need to realize there are lots of other things for kids to do and these are "competitors" to the games. Give the kids an enticement. As far as the CCH students go, well c'mon OG, we both know they are a bad example to use. They are simply the best. Kudos to the Dixie administration for the kind gesture.
  6. Why?? To encourage attendance, that's why. Why did Dixie give out free tickets? One reason, I'm sure. Think there is any correlation between Dixie's student attendance and the free admission? Any other schools give out free tickets? Once they get in, the concessions are also sticker shock for these kids. Should this really be a money maker on the students backs? I don't think so. 6 bucks is not an issue for me, but for some of these kids, it is.
  7. Suggestion. Let ALL students in free when their team plays. I am hearing that lots of students are staying away due to cost. I know that an official from Dixie (maybe the principal) was handing out free tickets to Dixie students when they played on Thursday night. Let them show their student ID's and get em in the building. This really needs to change.
  8. Big shout out goes to the Lady Bearcats. Way to go. Good luck the rest of the way.
  9. Once again, Greg McQueary shows why he is one of the best coaches in the 9th Region. Here he is in the Final 4 once again. This guy is a great game planner imo, and his players play their tails off for him. Good luck to all of the teams tomorrow night.
  10. It was unfortunate that they were making the announcement last night while the band was playing and you couldn't hear a thing. Terrible timing.
  11. Can someone please provide the schedule for tomorrow night?
  12. My group would go there prior to the home football games and "Ma" would come around and take a look at your plate stuffed with homemade meatloaf, mashed potatoes, corn, etc.........and just throw out a price based on how much food you had on your plate. Place has great memories for me.
  13. Now we're talking about one of my favorite players to watch. Q is a great player and had a great first half last night. Unfortunately, his second half dropped off a bit. Love to watch all of the Tarheels.
  14. RomanEmpire


    In case you're really bored. http://www.livethesheendream.com/
  15. Sad story. Brought back memories of UK recruit John Stewart. http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20471075,00.html
  16. Glad to see Pittman doing so well. I really enjoyed watching this kid play ball during his high school career and the Sweet 16 when they won it all was awesome to watch. Looking forward to seeing Elijah on ESPN in the near future.
  17. In late December you had Hayes ranked "1B" behind Brown from Boone in your top player rankings, right? Are you saying that Trammel has now passed Hayes on that list? Who won the Hayes/Downs battle last night?
  18. Walter, not sure why you are so reluctant to give credit to Downs for an outstanding game last night. He put on the best performance of the tournament thus far. I just get the feeling you are trying to bring his game last night down to a "good" game and he will never play like that again. Jefferson's triple double was also another great performance, not sure what the relevance is here though. I am not getting ahead of myself at all, just giving praise to a kid who put his team on his back and played his tail off. What's wrong with giving praise instead of trying to minimize a great performance? Nothing, absolutely nothing.
  19. Solid list no doubt. Let's take it down to the point guard position, I should have clarified that in my post. I recall sitting there last night watching Downs play thinking wow and wow again, over and over. The kid I saw last night was extremely tough and full of grit and had a refuse to lose mentality..........warrioresqe imo. Holmes is the only local team to take down Dixie and Boone took Holmes down twice now. Why wouldn't Downs have another game like he did last night? Was it a fluke? The kid can flat out play. Downs did not play in the first Dixie/Boone game. Tomorrow night will be one for the ages. Get your popcorn ready.
  20. Not taking anything away from those guys, they are both great players, but I would put Downs right there with them. I have not been this excited to see a game (Boone vs. Dixie) in a long time. His performance last night was one for the ages and second to none. This will be Dixie's first look at Downs and they will be in for a surprise.
  21. I believe King Kelly Coleman got to 1K points when he was also 15 in his sophomore year. Just don't know when he got there as it relates to his birthday. Would be nice if there was a website that housed all of these records with dates.
  22. Is this rule the same for boys bb? How does the 9th Region count their points? is it just high school or do they count pre high school as well? Just curious.
  23. I could NOT disagree any more with you. It was a thing of beauty and NO WAY was it a travel. it did make some Holmes defenders look silly and perhaps that's where your opinion comes from, but please don't take away a great moment and try to minimize it with a bogus non call. Cooper Downs was THE MAN tonight and there is nothing you can say to change my mind. You would not even give him his proper due as you referred to him as #4. You seem to know everyone else's name Walter. This kid played his heart out and it's sad to see you trying to detract from that. Give credit where credit is due. Holmes had no answer for #4 tonight.
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