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Everything posted by goaheadandjump

  1. Seeding is always voted upon to begin the following year. It must be done in a 5 year cycle. If you vote to seed you are doing it for 5 years not just one.
  2. What is Seven Hills record? Are they not a small school?
  3. If I am not mistaken the 1996-97 season was the first for Brossart and Campbell in the 10th region...............
  4. Walrus no changes.............................DIII no scholarship ability.............Just Div I Div II and NAIA
  5. Honestly I think it comes down to about 8 teams: Kansas Ohio St. Duke Pitt Villonova UK Texas UConn
  6. Which is coached by two of the best high school coaches in the area..........Bob Myerhoff and Dave Baioni......................
  7. History to answer your question..........................No they cannot come close to them. This is a bad district..........Dayton is one of the worst teams in the region....................Bellevue slightly better than that........................Newport slightly better than Bellevue...........................
  8. That makes a strong five for sure....................
  9. Good point about Dave. His son playing at Brossart obviously would make rejoining the coaching ranks at Bellevue hard to do. However............he would be a good choice in my opinion.
  10. Yes unless it is written in invisible ink the last thread disappeared.........................................Anyway Dave Pelgen had coached for several years and is also still in the building.
  11. I still am looking for that schedule..................................
  12. Beechwood and NCC are quality games even though they are in a lower class........Not exactly playing Highlands but Highlands played beechwood and I am sure would play NCC if they would play..............Holmes is iffy...................
  13. I guess that is what you resort to thinking it is funny when your arguement runs out????????????
  14. All In I am not in disagreement that having to pay for parking is something that non of us really do for high school events. And quite frankly we should not have to. I am wondering how the other school officials feel about this or is it a non issue for them. But I still stand by my statement that others should be looking to host at alternative sites if that opportunity is available. It is a long week and it really is not fair to make the same group of people host so often.
  15. Folks when Brossart, Calvary, and Silver Grove were first placed in the 10th region and they attended their very first 10th Region All A meeting it was made very clear by the current schools in the 10th region that "hosting" was not the problem.....but rather the size of the gymnasium was. Just because other schools choose to pass does not mean Brossart should not. In fact the other schools should put more time and effort into hosting at an alternative venue rather than passing on it IF they have such an option. In fact Silver Grove hosted the baseball districts this past season at NCC's field when they traditionally pass on it. The problem is that it takes a boat load of work to pull something of the magnitude of hosting a tournament when you have your own facility. Add on the fact that you are using somebody else's facilties and it becomes extremely difficult to organize and do. I am sure Brossart will have all of their bases covered and trust me why would Brossart ask about a parking fee? If it was not brought up one woudl assume their is not one. And it does not surprise me in the least that NKU did not mention this until late.
  16. here is the breakdown to the best of my knowledge Div I Boone Campbell Conner Cooper Dixie Holmes Scott Div II Brossart, CovCath, Notre Dame, Highlands, Holy Cross, NCC, Newport, Lloyd, St. Henry DIV III Beechwood, Bellevue, Calvary, dayton, Heritage, Ludlow, Silver Grove
  17. Ok in every sport there is an NKAC champion in each division. For football it is not as clear cut because you do not play everybody in your division like you do in all other sports. So yes if you look in schools hallways and see the picture plaques those are NKAC championships. So in volleyball, football, basketball, softball, baseball, etc you have three NKAC championships based on regular season performance. Again football is an oddity due to not scheduling everybody in your division. Oh and I also left Lloyd out of the Div II. In track, golf, cross country, swimming, and I believe tennis you have a conference meet to determine conference championships.
  18. Again it does not matter.......................He was a professional player.............That is it end of story.........i am not bashing Uk for trying to help him become eligible not do I necessarily agree with the decision but he IS NOT in the some boat as the others yo ukeep comparing him to.
  19. Look you are making bad comparisons........................The only comparison that can be made is Enes was considered a "professional" and received money to play. John Wall and Selby did not receive payments for playing.................and neither was considered a professional.........
  20. Yes they would have been the Division II champions. Boone is in Division I and beechwood Division III. Division II would have been NCC Newport Highlands Scott. The other Division II schools did not have football at the time or do not have it at all (St. Henry Brossart). Do not confuse football class with NKAC Divisions.
  21. Les by that logic then anyone who wins a state chamionship in football at lower classifications is just being "sugarcoated"? Who says you are not playing against the best when you classify you are still playing the best at the level of your school's enrollment..........and as far as leaving the KHSAA that is an inappropriate line. Again it is meant for ALL schools and ALL schools pay the dues.
  22. The KHSAA is meant for all schools not just those that are large................................Seriously those of you that constantly say "if you can't compete with the big boys......................" such a crock of a line. High schools and colleges classify schools into levels for a reason.......................Just because the KHSAA chooses not to in several sports does not make it right...........it is wrong. By your statements then you think Thomas More and UK should be in the same level of athletics.
  23. Well.........if the principal's husband is qualified then why not? Is he???????????
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